UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Fur Demo in London, Saturday December 1st!
26-11-2007 19:23
'Unlike the rest of the UK where the fur trade has largely been stopped, London, and in particular the area around where the march will will take place, is still a major centre of the fur trade.'Midsummer House – Fighting Back for the Animals!
24-11-2007 22:43
A low food hygiene rating, supporting cruelty and the site of regular demos, Midsummer House isn’t the sort of place for a nice Christmas meal!16 Reports - 9 Countries - 5 Days - This is Animal Liberation
24-11-2007 21:16

Since October / November 2007, the number of actions have increased to an average of two reports a day, although in the past five days there have been 16 reports - an average of three reports a day.
Somers Town Residents Protest Corporate Land Sell-Off
24-11-2007 19:00

Activists target Boar restaurants and farms - South Lakeland
24-11-2007 18:21

Golf course in Sydney dug in with warning
24-11-2007 17:48

Legal action urged to stop Cheltenham's racecourse carnage
23-11-2007 21:54

"A STARTLING 150 horses will have died on British racecourses in just 12 months by March next year. And urgent moves were being made last night to stop the carnage by enforcing the 2006 Animal Welfare Act following two more deaths at Cheltenham in one afternoon at the weekend."
Court date set for IFAW prosecution for hare-coursing "celebs"
23-11-2007 21:41

Hunters steal monitors video cameras
23-11-2007 20:58
Anti-hunt campaigner Aubrey Burge said: "These two consistently denied doing this, right up until the day they stood in court... if the Avon Vale hunt is doing everything legally, why did they have to steal a video camera?"Benefit Gig for Vegan Prisoners in Birmingham
22-11-2007 21:36

Portsmouth Greyhound Track visited for the 3rd time - ALF
20-11-2007 21:12
"Thinking about buying Portsmouth Greyhound Track? You’ll be buying one heck of a maintenance bill. Enjoy…… we’ll be back time and time and time again until you close down FOR GOOD." Animal Liberation Front210 Hens liberated from battery farm by the ALF
20-11-2007 21:02

Cotswold Hunt served Asbo warning
20-11-2007 00:40
By massive, concerted effort, the residents of my hamlet managed to get an Asbo warning served on the hunt. This was achieved because we are an articulate group of people demanding protection with the support of our MP. Initially the Asbo officer, a retired policeman, was horrified at the thought of giving an Asbo to the master of the hunt, but he found that we had a "compelling" case and went out on a limb for us. The warning was issued to three hunt masters, so this caused a bit of a ripple locally.HLS Shareholders Dropped! Wachovia, Axa & Rathbones
17-11-2007 19:52

Muhammad Haque praying for the– animals and humans - hit by cyclone
16-11-2007 10:51
The cyclone that hit the south western coastal regions in Bangladesh early on Friday 16 November 2007 has claimed nearly 1000 people, according to unofficial reports so far.. They are counting the numbers of humans. Many more animals too have perished. But no one is really counting their toll. One of the world’s must precious natural regions housing animals, including tigers, is under threat.Northern HLS Collaborators - All Listed Here!
13-11-2007 19:19
Every single person has a part to play in closing down Huntingdon Life Sciences. Going on a march or two isn't going to stop the animal abuse. Listed below are the Northern companies dealing with HLS. Politelty contact them and demonstrate outside your local sites.Form a local SHAC division and help bring attention to HLS in your area.
Hand out leaflets in the high street on a saturday afternoon and make everybody aware of Huntingdon and that companies such as GlaxoSmithKline, whomake products they may buy including Lucozade and Ribena, are involved in killing animals every single day inside HLS. As HLS's biggest client, GSK fund an experiment inside the lab 365 days a year - it only makes you wonder how many animals die for this sick company.
During weekdays and Saturday mornings hold demo's outside companies in your area propping up HLS and increase awareness about the 500 animals who die every day.
As Roche, an ex-HLS client and one of the largest pharmaceutical firms in the world, said - It's not a question of if Huntingdon close down, but when. Make it happen - for Greg, Natasha and Heather and for the animals dying inside the labs.
SHAC Yorkshire
Videos of HLS March & Keith Mann's Speech
12-11-2007 22:49
A video filmed by WARN activists of the march around Huntingdon, as well as the demo at the lab itself and Keith Mann's speech before the action.SHAC March Pictures & Report
12-11-2007 22:41

Letter from Heather Nicholson read by friend at HLS National (Video)
12-11-2007 14:58
A video filmed by WARN activists of a letter from Heather Nicholson being read out by a friend.Full article | 4 additions | 32 comments
Now It Is A Criminal Offence To Want Privacy From The Police
11-11-2007 20:07