The Beginning and the End of Life
Marijo Anne Gillis | 23.08.2005 01:12 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Social Struggles
The Beginning of Life in Serbia
The End of Life
No, the photograph above is not representative of garbage being burned at the local city incinerator. The bodies awaiting "cremation" were the "skinned remains" of the city of Belgrade's abandoned, unwanted dogs .
Not unlike other countries of the world, Serbia is occupied with thousands of stray companion animals who roam the streets and back alleyways in search of food or a compassionate caress. They are occupied with the dilemma of how to destroy these innocent victims in preparation for the European Basketball Championships to be held in Belgrade on September 23rd to October 2, 2005.
Ican assure you that the methods of destruction being used as you read this report, are not humane by any stretch of the imagination.
The capitol city of Belgrade is a dumping ground for astronomical numbers of cruelly abused and neglected strays. Furthermore, the Serbian societal mindset dictates an anti sterilization (spay / neuter) philosophy and and of course, adopting mutts is shunned. Serbs that do own companion animals opt for the sorrowful status symbol of the pure bred dog.
Serbian authorities actively ignore the reprehensible animal abuse pervasive throughout the nation, in spite of photographic and film evidence. Out of one side of the government's "collective mouth", officials respond to human protest from more enlightened venues and decry the abuse. They belch out empty words of deep concern for animal welfare. Out of the other side of their "collective mouth" exits the command to pay Serbian hunters "by the tail" to shoot strays and do the job for them. (The Serbian government has ignored formal pleas to stop the barbaric massacre from the Paris based Brigitte Bardot Foundation. (I have been in touch with BB Foundation officials by phone on several occasions.)
Recently, Belgrade's "Association for Citizen Protection – Zemun" placed warning notices on buildings cautioning residents to avoid certain streets on a particular day because the organization was "going to destroy stray dogs" . One can only hope that the luckier pups were poisoned to death. Animal control methods to depopulate include poisoning, shooting, beating to death and other more vicious modalities.
The war in Serbia ( 1990 - 1999) resulted in the mass killing of humans and atrocities too macabre to detail here. Serbia was sanctioned by the global community. In light of the onslaught of tourists to the European Basketball Championships, the Serbian government is now on a mad, fast track to position Belgrade, her capitol city as a cosmopolitan, refined venue. Stray dogs mar the scenery. Heavens, Belgrade can not have untidy environs and be sanctioned once again for being slovenly housekeepers, can they?
We hope that the European Basketball Teams appreciate the sacrificial victims offered by the Serbian government. The wanton massacre of thousands of strays is a high price to pay to win a few hoops in post war Serbia..
We appeal to the members of the basketball teams, their owners and managers, their supporters and families and to the international press to protest in a united deafening voice. The Serbian government must be embarrassed to the degree where they are forced to institute reform and posture in a civilized manner towards the creatures that share their land.
My meetings with the Ambassador from Serbia/Montenegro to the United States are ongoing as are my conversations with Belgrade authorities.
Marijo Anne Gillis - Founder
Welfare for Animals in Greece
Welfare for Animals Global, Inc.
(WAG NY-a non-profit, international advocacy & political lobby force -- reaching the world)
Tel. (212) 427-0587 Fax (212) 427-6381

"Compassion for all life - the only way to a humane and peaceful world"
Marijo Anne Gillis