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ICELAND- On its Whaling policy

pirate | 25.06.2005 14:48 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Globalisation | World

Reply received from Icelandic Embassy on its Whaling policy in response to a Greenpeace campaign.

see also:

From: ''

Re: Stop Iceland's whaling!
Date: Jun 22 2005, 12:57 PM

Dear Mr/Ms.

Thank you for your e-mail concerning Iceland's scientific whaling
program. I believe you may be aware of that the program does not involve
any of the endangered species of whales.
The scientific program was launched in 2003, is designed to establish
a knowledge base on the role of minke whales in the marine ecosystem,
including their interaction with fish stocks. It is based on a research
plan Iceland put forward within the Scientific Committee of the
International Whaling Commission. According to the plan, a total of 100 sei
whales, 200 fin whales and 200 minke whales are to be taken during the
whole research period. In implementing the plan, Icelandic authorities are
exercising utmost restraint.
A total number of 36 minke whales were taken in 2003 and 25 were
caught in 2004 as a part of the program. A final decision has not yet been
taken on the scale this year, but Icelandic scientists are expected to
continue the research.
According to scientific studies presented to the Scientific Committee
of the International Whaling Commission, there are abundant stocks of some
species of whales while some others are still threatened. It is estimated
that there are more than 67 thousand minke whales in the Central North
Atlantic Ocean, 24 thousand fin whales and 10 thousand sei whales.
Icelandic authorities are extremely attentive to the conservation of
marine resources. Iceland's economy depends heavily on the sustainable
utilization of such resources. Thus, marine resources account for more than
two thirds of Iceland's exports.
Disruption of the ecological balance in the sea around Iceland due to
over-fishing or physical degradation of the marine environment would have
catastrophic consequences for the livelihood of Icelanders. This is why the
Government of Iceland has invested substantial expertise and resources in
ensuring that the marine resources in Icelandic waters are appropriately
As you may know, Iceland was among the first countries in the world
to extend its economic zone to 200 nautical miles in the year 1975 to put
an end to the uncontrolled fishing around Iceland by trawlers from other
European countries, endangering the fish stocks. Since then, Iceland has
taken great care in maintaining balanced and sustainable fishing in
Icelandic waters by enforcing a strict quota system for various fish
species, including cod, herring and capelin, based on rigorous scientific
assessment and monitoring.
Iceland takes pride in its pioneering work in this field, which has
been emulated by many other countries wishing to avoid over-fishing. The
quotas for fishing are based on the recommendation of scientists, who
monitor the status of each stock. As whales form an integral part of the
marine ecosystem, they also need to be included as part of a comprehensive
Environmental groups have suggested that Iceland could profit more
from whale watching than whaling. However, the main objective the research
program is intended to serve is long-term sustainable development, not
short-term profit. Besides, whale watching and whaling are not mutually
exclusive, as the healthy conditions of the whale stocks around Iceland
attest to the beneficial effects of sustainable utilisation.
Selective marine resource management, excluding all factors of major
importance, is bound to induce unsustainable imbalances in the ecosystem.
Various species of whales are major factors in the ecosystem of the ocean
and must be taken account of in any policy meant to ensure the sustainable
utilization of marine resources.
The annual consumption of fish, krill and other biomass by whales in
Icelandic waters has been estimated around 6 million metric tons, several
times the total Icelandic fishery landings of 1.5 to 2.0 million metric
tons. This is an indication of the impact that whales are having on the
marine ecosystem.
It would be irresponsible to ignore a factor of such a magnitude. It
has been pointed out that the great number of minke whales can threaten
various species of fish such as cod, consumed by the minke whale in great
quantities. At the same time, it is probable that the more numerous whale
species, such as minke whales, fin whales and sei whales, may actually be
taking over the ecological niche, which some of the endangered whale
species used to fill, making it more difficult for them to recover as a
result. This also is an object of further study.
Iceland's research program on minke whales is a part of a
comprehensive scientific study on the ecological interactions between minke
whales and other marine species. Similarly, it is necessary to carry out
research on various aspects of the biology, feeding ecology and pathology
of fin and sei whales in the Northern Atlantic. This will be considered at
a later stage.
Iceland was one of the first countries in the world to realize the
importance of a conservation approach to whaling. As signs of
overexploitation of whales emerged early in the last century, Iceland
declared a ban on whaling for large whales in Iceland 1915 - 1935. Whaling
was not resumed again until 1948 (except for limited catches from one land
station 1935 - 1939). Strict rules and limitations were applied to whaling
in Iceland and they were restricted to small-scale land based operation
from 1948 to 1985 when all commercial whaling was halted again because of
the so-called international moratorium on whaling. This is an important
reason for the robust condition of the main whale stocks of large whales
Iceland used to utilize, i.e. the fin whales and sei whales in the Central
Northern Atlantic.
Iceland has been a leading advocate for international cooperation in
ensuring sustainable use of natural resources, including whales. This has
been the stance taken by Iceland within the International Whaling
Commission (IWC), based on the International Convention for the Regulation
of Whaling from 1946. The stated role of the IWC is to provide for the
proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly
development of the whaling industry.
The IWC is presently working on a Revised Management Scheme (RMS), to
provide a framework for ensuring the sustainability of commercial whaling
when it resumes. Iceland has committed itself to not authorizing commercial
whaling before 2006 or while progress is being made on the RMS. It has also
made it clear that commercial whaling will not be authorized in Iceland
without a sound scientific basis and an effective management and
enforcement scheme. Iceland has no plans for commercial whaling at this
I hope that this information will be useful to you in understanding
the views of the Icelandic authorities and ally any possible fears
regarding Iceland's position on whaling. You may rest assured, that the
desire to ensure the conservation of the whale stocks around Iceland and
elsewhere is fully shared by my Government.

Sincerely yours,

Sverrir Haukur Gunnlaugsson,

For information on the governance of Icelandic marine living
resources please refer to the Icelandic Web Page, and for
information on various scientific research projects on whales and other
marine mammals in the North Atlantic please refer to the Web site of the
Marine Research Institute: and the North Atlantic Marine
Mammal Commission:
