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Lush attacked by extremists - where's NETCU?

busybee | 19.10.2009 22:51 | Animal Liberation

Several Lush stores have been vandalised by violent exremists who support fox hunting. In some cases staff have been threatened with physical violence.

Daily Mail reports that many LUSH stores have been attacked by bloodsport extremists including countryside alliance supporters (Countryside alliance stickers have been stuck to shops).

See article here

In some cases staff have been threatened and in one a man repeated came into a store and wrecked the display. AN off duty copper asked him to leave!! (why not arrest him?!)

I wonder what NETCU are doing? If someone knows managers of Lush please can you ask them to contact NETCU and ask them to use their resources to stop these hunting extremists.



Display the following 35 comments

  1. Fucking disgrace! — Mandy in Camden
  2. D.I.Y — v3g4n
  3. hypocrites — foxes are pests
  4. Are foxes responsible for global warming? — Lynn Sawyer
  5. to hunters — Get a Chin
  6. Most violent — NotNetcu either
  7. What's Lush? — outsider
  8. Not the cops! — @non
  9. do you really want to start defending corporations? — foo
  10. Foo — Modern human
  11. Not asking for police — Fair's fair
  12. @ foxes are pests — ARA
  13. Don't confuse animal rights activists with Anarchists.. — @narchist
  14. The CSA threw fireworks at the police in parliament square — not the cops
  15. To @narchist — ARA
  16. My point exactly ARA — @narchist
  17. put it this way — just another bloody V3G(A)N
  18. Missing the bigger picture... — veg@n
  19. To @narchist — ARA
  20. anarchism — silly bollocks
  21. Well said! — @
  22. Silly bollocks indeed... — Paul Vegan Anarchist
  23. oh seems like some feathers were ruffled here — @narchist
  24. ..anarchy is this years thing — poison girl
  25. @ was written by SHACWATCH — Anon
  26. FUNDAMENTALISM FOR ANARCHY — silly bollocks
  27. there's one way for @narchist to prove he's not full of shit — silly bollocks
  28. silly talk — no-noncence
  29. Oh silly bollocks — @narchist
  30. Yawn — @
  31. to "Yawn" — awake
  32. Gets my vote. — Weary
  33. Just to add yet another comment — Hunt sab
  34. nice for them with money to burn — classy
  35. @ classy — Green & Black