UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
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SHAC Sentencing - watch this space
19-01-2009 21:59
When the media erupts with the usual expected reactionary backlash against 'animal rights terrorists' remember that they harmed NO-ONE and compare their sentences with the 'caustic soda rape case'.Create as many Facebook /myspace/ bebo profiles as against the Camden Lab
19-01-2009 21:13
Our Facebook profile against the proposed animal testing lab in Camden, which if built will be alongside St Pancras international had it's friend add facility closed for "adding too many friends" ....they did the same to stunning Vegan Bodybuilder Robert cheeke when he got to 2000 friends. In just afew days we had as many suppoters as SHAC. The authorities are scared of this & WANT the lab!UK SHAC 7 Solidarity Action in Southampton
19-01-2009 20:01

Netcu Watch // SHAC : Hypocrisy, Terrorism and Extremism.
18-01-2009 18:59
I have been looking at a few forums regarding the first SHAC trial and would like to respond to some of the main points.HLS client execs, Israel Ambassador get home demos
18-01-2009 17:59

Novartis Protests Continue in Sussex
18-01-2009 15:15

Yesturdays Torygraph frothing at the mouth over SHAC
18-01-2009 12:58
Apparently no animal at HLS is poisoned with anything other than lifesaving medication (none of which ever harms or kills people), anyone who is opposed to HLS is a sponger, hypocrite, anarchist and a coward, no animal is ever abused, blah, blah, blah....Plans for new Pirbright Animal Lab
16-01-2009 21:09
There are plans for a new animal testing lab in Pirbright in Surrey. The blighted lab was the centre of the Foot and Mouth pandemic leaked into the water supply that saw thousands of animals killed by the army. This place should be shut down, not expanded. The £121 million lab is behind schedule and over budget. They are asking that the government bail them out. This can be stopped.SHAC ACTION ALERT: New Supplier Promega Exposed
16-01-2009 18:13
SHAC have caught Promega making money out of the suffering that happens inside
HLS. Let them know that their dealings with such a disgusting company are
completely unacceptable.
SHAC sentencing and festering hypocrisy
16-01-2009 11:59
It is one thing to condemn direct action which may be illegal. It is quite another to cherry pick certain causes, condone direct action whilst condemning others or using the same tactics.National Anti-Vivisection Days of Action next week
16-01-2009 02:24
In solidarity with SHAC campaigners in court for sentencing, starting on Mon 19th Jan. Also in solidarity with Mel Broughton of the SPEAK Campaign, whose re-trial starts on Tuesday. In solidarity with ALL animal rights prisoners of conscience, TAKE ACTION next week!Bath Bomb #18 Out Now!
16-01-2009 00:29
Yet anther issue of Bath's monthly radical tabloid beckons...This week's Nottm Animal Rights campaigns
16-01-2009 00:13
An awesome list of events campaigning came out of tonight's Nottingham Animal Rights meeting at the Sumac Centre...Outrage after greyhounds put to death
14-01-2009 22:54

Direct Action; Canada, Italy, Mexico, USA & Peru
14-01-2009 19:56
SHAC ACTION ALERT: Northern Trust Support Animal Cruelty
13-01-2009 00:01
Over the last few alerts you have been contacting shareholders in HuntingdonLife Sciences. This next one deals with Northern Trust who have 64,181 shares
in LSR (the name HLS trade under). Although this company hold a smaller number
than those in previous alerts, they are still really important, even if you own
one share in HLS you will be put in the spotlight, so please take a few minutes
to contact them.
22 Of The Ways The Wars Against Gaza, Iraq and Afghanistan Harm Animals
12-01-2009 14:20
The Israeli regime has bulldozed a zoo in Gaza, crushing the animals, has shot donkeys and dogs at checkpoints, allowed thousands of animals aboard embargoed ships to die of thirst, has bombed oil facilitiescausing oil pollution which suffocated untold numbers of marine mammals, sea birds, and fishes,
has burned animals with bombs and missiles
Netcu Watch // Demonstrations outside HLS on days of SHAC sentencing. Join us!
11-01-2009 16:44
Call to action on 19th and 20th of January.Some of us will be engaging in legal and peaceful protests in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk on the days on which Greg, Natasha, Heather, Gavin, Dan A, Dan W and Gerrah are sentenced for conspiracy to blackmail.
Netcu Watch // The cult of the killer ape.
11-01-2009 16:28
This is the year in which Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday will be celebrated and the 150th anniversary of his “the Origin of Species” one of the most important books ever written. Evolution, the transmogrification of primordial slime into dogs, cats, humans and everything else is surely proof that we are all interconnected and indeed transient as species adapt and change. In fact if time on Earth (itself one planet among billions) were condensed into one year humans would arrive at 23.45 on New Year’s Eve.