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12-01-2015 02:39
It was supposed to be a bunch of neo-nazis pretending not to be neo-nazis for the cameras, while gathering to hijack the France commemorations, but there were the usual lot of Hitler salutes reported, and guess what, somebody thought it was wise to fly the Golden Dawn flag.
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10-01-2015 10:17
Unite Against Fascism have called a vigil outside of the German Embassy in London to support anti-Pegida campaigners in Germany. Sure enough, the tired, worn thugs from the British fascist scene have declared their intention to turn up to oppose them. Casuals United (Piss and Shit squad), the SEA, the NF, and of course, the stupid old EDL, and members of Britain First are expected to travel across to have a pop at the UAF in small numbers under the banner of "UK Pegida", to follow on from the failure that was "Golden Dawn UK", "New Dawn", "UK Dawn" or whatever they called themselves.
The EDL are almost begging Britain First to attend - Jayda will be well chuffed at all the attention coming her way - usually everyone ignores her.
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09-01-2015 19:14
The complete and utter bellends of the NWI, EDL and the Pie and Mash Squad will be turning up in Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester this Sunday, after getting tanked up on Stella at the local Wetherspoons. Gathering for their wanky "UK Pegida" march lol, these braindead no marks are more than happy to waste their Sunday night to stand around in the pouring rain chanting racist abuse when surely the fools have better things to do.
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09-01-2015 11:14
Jean Dominique Okemba, the newphew of the Congolese president, is involved in shady deals in France together with financial institutions from France and PROPARCO, the French investment agency.
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31-12-2014 03:03
Since the marvelled conception of the world wide web at Oxford Uni by Timothy Berners-Lee, artificial intelligence has sought to emulate the real world intelligence through the creation of the first chatrooms onwards, where real life racist cowards who wouldn't say boo to the proverbial goose when confronted with a six-foot-six non-white male, can rant and rave all morning, day and night long in a fixated fervour of racism, homophobia and sexism until his heart's content. Finally, the tap room bigot propping up the bar of his BNP boozer could open his arms and say "hello world!" while cheaply lambasting Muslims, black people, asylum seekers, lesbian and gay people, migrant workers and immigrants.
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31-12-2014 02:21
Since the marvelled conception of the world wide web at Oxford Uni by Timothy Berners-Lee, artificial intelligence has sought to emulate the real world intelligence through the creation of the first chatrooms onwards, where real life racist cowards who wouldn't say boo to the proverbial goose when confronted with a six-foot-six foot non-white male, can rant and rave all morning, day and night long with in a fixated fervour of racism, homophobia and sexism until his heart's content. Finally, the tap room bigot propping up the bar of his BNP boozer could open his arms and say "hello world!" while cheaply lambasting Muslims, black people, asylum seekers, lesbian and gay people, migrant workers and immigrants of all generations.
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27-12-2014 16:57
UKIP's most popular and prolific tweeter David Jones, who is regularly retweeted by all the UKIP hierarchy including their two MPS and their MEPs, has twelve and a half thousand followers which makes him the most popular member of UKIP on social media. His twitter account is peppered with calls for Islam to be banned and tweets calling for Muslims to be expelled from Britain, but Muslims are not Mr Jones's only pet (race) hate.
He also loathes black people with a vengeance also, and wishes Britain was wholly white (read on).
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14-12-2014 10:43
Officially (on paper at least) UKIP still maintain they refuse to allow members of fascist groups into their party, but a mere cursory glance at UKIPers on Facebook and Twitter reveals hundreds of party publicists who trumpet not just UKIP but a whole host of far right organisations across the board from the EDL to the FN. So much so, that the common retort /excuse of UKIP's senior members is that EDLers, Britain Firsters and BNPers are "pretending to be UKIP to discredit the party", even though many of the aforementioned neo-Nazi UKIPers are regularly liked and retweeted by top ranking UKIP officials, giving them the social media seal of approval.
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14-12-2014 03:55
Officially (on paper at least) UKIP still maintain they refuse to allow members of fascist groups into their party, but a mere cursory glance at UKIPers on Facebook and Twitter reveals hundreds of party publicists who trumpet not just UKIP but a whole host of far right organisations across the board from the EDL to the FN. So much so, that the common retort /excuse of UKIP's senior members is that EDLers, Britain Firsters and BNPers are "pretending to be UKIP to discredit the party", even though many of the aforementioned neo-Nazi UKIPers are regularly liked and retweeted by top ranking UKIP officials, giving them the social media seal of approval.
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01-12-2014 10:28
The Times is running a front page news item today (Monday 01 Dec 2014) headlined Public school confidence 'hurts society' -
This theme is based on a remark by a just CBE-awarded headmaster of a - er - London Public School, Kings College in Wimbledon
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23-11-2014 16:40
Interior Minister (UK Home Secretary) Theresa May got a good outing via SkyNewsPressPreview last night (Saturday 22 November 2014) with the Personal Profile plug via the Mail on Sunday.
That would come in handy when she has to sell the main wares gearing the State up with more powers to exercise control on the lives of the innocent majority!
How does her planned law change on curbing domestic coercion fit in with that Agenda?
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19-11-2014 01:20
Don't be stuck without present ideas for your EDLer / Britain First / NWI friends this Winterval, whether they are dyed in the wool Islamophobes retweeting Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, or are hardcore Hitler fans such as Lacette Brooks...... All will adore the Muslamic Play Rug (real name - not a hoax)...
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17-11-2014 22:43
Veteran BNP stalwart, and troll of the old Lancaster Unity website, Paul Morris, has arrived on Twitter posting toxic racism including Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.
The long-time fascist loser is calling himself Kevin Smith, the creator of the Green Arrow cartoon strip but his twitter URL is a dead giveaway: -
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12-11-2014 17:14
Eric Pickles is featured more than once about the “rotten borough” of Tower Hamlets, London in the next issue of “Private Eye” (Issue 1379) (dated 14 Nov to 27 Nov 2014). Does the "Private Eye" coverage take the "crisis" to any resolution?
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