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Does Theresa May's latest statement on domestic coercion she's fit for Purpose?

ChroniclingCoercion | 23.11.2014 16:40 | Indymedia | Policing | Social Struggles | London | World

Interior Minister (UK Home Secretary) Theresa May got a good outing via SkyNewsPressPreview last night (Saturday 22 November 2014) with the Personal Profile plug via the Mail on Sunday.
That would come in handy when she has to sell the main wares gearing the State up with more powers to exercise control on the lives of the innocent majority!
How does her planned law change on curbing domestic coercion fit in with that Agenda?

Does Theresa May's latest statement on domestic coercion she's fit for Purpose?

Interior Minister (UK Home Secretary) Theresa May got a good outing via SkyNewsPressPreview last night (Saturday 22 November 2014) with the Personal Profile plug via the Mail on Sunday.
That would come in handy when she has to sell the main wares gearing the State up with more powers to exercise control on the lives of the innocent majority!
How does her planned law change on curbing domestic coercion fit in with that Agenda?

The above packages are only a short number among the long lists of the Home Office’s
in and Out trays

The basic thing that the person in the street gets is that only the Big Ones are given any real importance.
Lives of the little folk is as far down the list now under Theresa May at the Home Office as it ever was.

Take for instance the little matter of various Police Forces refusing to take action on crimes that are reported!

What does Theresa May do to make the reported crimes acted on?

It is one thing May getting in first with her PR bytes and texts.
It is another thing when victims of crimes wait for ever
and never get to hear from those in paid post to do the prosecuting.

Theresa May needs to find a way of checking the rising disenfranchisement across Society where peoples' basic rights are being denied.

Which reminds of the Police now admitting that boys were murdered by the Westminster paedo gangs!

Theresa May has so far avoided being sunk by the nasty records.

It is another thing if by habitual failures to get ordinary victims of crime transparently protected she can survive!
