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10-10-2015 22:49
The NWI and their Hitlerite comrades gathered in Preston centre, armed with fireworks and other missiles, ready for confrontation. At one point, they were blatantly lobbing fireworks at shoppers and all passers-by, not just their antifascist opponents, however the most the police did was steer a few horses their way, arresting one man, whilst all the time filming the peaceful antifascist demonstrators. Serious questions need to be asked regards the police's tolerance of a violent, openly neo-nazi gathering in a public place.
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10-10-2015 18:02
SHAME ON YOU: Traitorous drinking establishments in Preston who pretend to be patriotic, knowingly allowed hardcore neo-nazis to gather and drink there, including the 55 club which has a track record of allowing the BNP and other white supremacists to gather there. They openly waved Waffen SS flags, the unit responsible for rounding up Jews and murdering Jews, Poles and Roma people throughout Central Europe in the former Soviet Union. SHAME ON YOU!
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08-10-2015 09:50
The end of Aryan civilisation happened last night when Nadiya Hussain from Leeds won the Great British Bake-Off. White nationalist keyboard bakers everywhere went ape shit over a Muslim woman managing to win a televised baking contest. From the EDL to Britain First, NF and National Action, foamed at Nadiya destroying western culinary civilisation with an act of Halal white flour genocide.
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06-10-2015 23:59
As the far right froth and foam their support for Theresa May's disgusting factually incorrect vitriol, the Daily Express have finally stopped censoring its horrific neo-nazi readers, one of whom tonight has called for immigrants to be shot if they refuse to leave the UK - Very National Socialist, Holocaust death camps fashion... Shame on owner and UKIP donor Richard Desmond, who should not tolerate calls for outsiders to be shot, especially as he is from a Jewish background. Stirring up the British far right with his hate rag, has reinvigorated anti-Semities like National Action and the National Front.
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06-10-2015 17:59
Oddball Anglo-Saxon nazis Pegida are all set to go out with a bang, sorry, whimper, but one helluva whimper, by exposing their nazi brethren to the wrath of street cleansers par excellence Antifa. At 6pm on Monday the 19th of October, Pegida's Anglo-German National Socialist "Low Command" (as scribbled down on the back of a fag packet and shared on social media), have decided to spread its members thin on the ground, exposing them to the wrath of Antifa by organising lots of microdemos to commence on the same day at the same time without police liaison - SITTING DUCKS!
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04-10-2015 22:48
Dozens of hares have been secretly filmed in captivity at the Edenderry coursing venue in County Offaly, Ireland... this in defiance of the ban on "unauthorized photography" that coursing clubs enforce with threats and beatings.
Just have a look at the footage...amazing to see so many of these ordinarily solitary creatures bunched together like this.
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04-10-2015 15:22
Steve Mann AKA Seth Mould, an EDL-supporting Conservative Party activist from Blackburn, based in Bolton, is the marketing director at Accrington's Bakehouse Studios, and used twitter to support acts of arson against mosques, and racially abuse Muslims online. With 34,000 followers including many professional followers within the UK music industry, www.twitter.com/SethMould sickeningly expressed absolute joy and pleasure at the recent devastating criminal attack on the London Ahmadiyya mosque.
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04-10-2015 11:04
Steve Mann AKA Seth Mould, an EDL-supporting Conservative Party activist from Blackburn, based in Bolton, is the marketing director at Accrington's Bakehouse Studios, and used twitter to support acts of arson against mosques, and racially abuse Muslims online. With 34,000 followers including many professional followers within the UK music industry, www.twitter.com/SethMould sickeningly expressed absolute joy and pleasure at the recent devastating criminal attack on the London Ahmadiyya mosque.
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30-09-2015 15:40
If you have ever wondered whether the Daily Express opinion scripters were, and what their actual views are - We have discovered the twitter account of one of their journos who writes their xenophobic pro-UKIP opinion columns, professional Manchester racist journalist "Christian Black" who sickeningly mocks the victims of racial hatred, and posts openly racist remarks about President Obama. Such are the vile opinions of this particular Daily Express staff member.
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27-09-2015 06:55
Numbers ever dwindling as they continue to slither into insignificance on the far right scene, the EDL turned up in Colchester to march against immigration, much like the National Front have done over the last few weeks. They even managed to muster an Uncle Tom oblivious to his own immigrant origins, however nobody can pretend they are not a spent force on the far right, the same tired and weary eccentic old faces dominating as the stalwarts continue to waste bus and train fares to their pointless demos.
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19-09-2015 23:04
The National Front failed to leave Wigan with their heads high after local people and Antifa showed them they were not welcome in the Northern town. It didn't take long before ickle Diddyboy started shitting his pants when the time came to leave the pub they were hiding in. As always, as we always see at far right rallies of any kind, there were open salutes to Adolf Hitler, by someone who appeared to be wearing an ASDA staff coat.
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19-09-2015 22:24
From all superinflated hype posted online, one could be forgiven for thinking the whole country held a soft spot for Pegida UK, even though nobody came out to follow them in Newcastle. 400,000 unicorns apparently supported them according to their online propaganda, however teaming up with the dregs of the EDL for a pointless anti-immigrant march in London, they could muster less than 15 fascist nobodies (described as 150 in a sympathetic article posted on Demotix). The highlight of the day came when a pigeon opened his bowels upon a speaker with a daring, decisive dive-bum-ing manoeuvre.
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19-09-2015 08:36
At 5pm today, what remains of the Pegida UK neo-nazi group will be goosestepping near Downing Street, London, and claim that it "will be the largest march of its kind", promoting it via Facebook, Twitter and the Daily Express website. On the "Daily Kipper" comments section (on an article about Halal in ASDA) they claim that 400,000 British Unicorns support Pegida UK. Fanciful thinking by the braindead Hitler-worshipping fash, but nevertheless, the minibus full of Pegida pricks need to be sent packing by ANTIFA.
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16-09-2015 12:17
FashBook, a haven of racist and homophobic hate speech and far right trolling, has decided to allow racists, fascists and neo-nazis the chance to spend even longer on their computers, spreading their intolerance. The Dislike Button will allow the nazi scum of the net to plague facebook news providers worldwide with hundreds or thousands of dislikes to any post which dares to show sympathy towards refugees or other minorities.
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11-09-2015 14:42
Every case of a paedophile gang abusing children, when the abusers have brown skins and Muslim-sounding names, has been targeted by drunken, racially abusive fascist groups such as the EDL and Britain First, without fail, all across the UK. However, when a Bristol-based gang of white Anglo-Saxon paedos sexually abused babies and filmed their horrific beyond words abuse on the internet, far right groups such as the EDL have refused to blink an eyelid.
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17-08-2015 16:10
With their Hitler-loving brethren taking a pasting in Liverpool last Saturday, it is the turn of Britain's long-time established ageing neo-nazi group the National Front to goosestep around a multicultural city centre, praising their late fuhrer idol Adolf Hitler. Let everybody know who was involved in the astounding effort against the nazi cowards in Liverpool that Manchester needs similar resistance to the Holocaust-denying organisation.
No Pasaran!
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17-08-2015 10:31
Football hooligans a long since dead species in the EDL, numbers declining with every goosestep, the few remaining formidable fascists calling it a day to go and join the National Front, the battle weary so-called "English Defence League" has become the last vestige for the emotionally desperate.
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15-08-2015 23:16
Casuals United / "Pie and Mash" / "Valleys Frontline Squad" continue to issue violent threats against antifascists. Lola Carr, who has been targeted with violence in the past for her opposition to hatred, is the target of Jeff Marsh and friends' obsession. Hitler-loving partner of Lacette Brooks (who sleeps under a swastika duvet) hopes she is viciously assaulted and breaks her neck (see the screenshot).
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