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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Appeal For Financial Assistance: UKZN Engineering Students

04-03-2008 12:35

Socialist Student Movement (SSM) has released the following press statement in solidarity with a group of engineering students who are instituting legal action against the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). The Institution has filed opposing papers, and the matter will be coming before the Durban High Court in a few days. The students, who we believe have a very strong case, are in dire need of financial support towards legal fees. And anyone who is in a position to assist with whatever amount can deposit the funds into following account:

Account Number: 62015762322
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Davenport

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Mass Action: Refuse to Pay

03-03-2008 18:36

A mass climate action is taking place on Sunday 20th April in London. People will board trains into central London, refusing to pay the high prices. There will be a convergence in the central London terminals at around 1pm. The action aims to highlight how the current public transport prices are unaffordable and must be radically lowered if we are to get people out of their carbon intensive cars.

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15 Actions to Topple the Fossil Fuel Empire

28-02-2008 11:33

15 Actions
2 new resources from Rising Tide ...

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JSA Rights

26-02-2008 13:54

Here follows a brief analysis of statistics produced by DWP on sanctions imposed on JSA claimants. These confirm what most people already know- that if you appeal to the independent tribunal you will most probably win. And if everybody appeals the sanctions system will collapse.

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Anarchist Flea market in Lisbon - from 23rd to 25th May 2008

25-02-2008 21:37

Create with us a space for debates, libertarian culture and networking in the South of Europe.

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Local Outrage at Manchester's "Deaf and Dumb" Bar

25-02-2008 16:30

Information about a protest taking place in Manchester on Thursday 28th February over new "Deaf and Dumb" bar.

The demonstration will be held on Thursday 28th February at 8:30pm, outside “Deaf and Dumb”, Grovesnor Street, Manchester

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Keith Mann & 'Behind the Mask'

23-02-2008 17:07

The Nottingham University Vegetarian & Vegan Society will be hosting renowned animal rights activist Keith Mann, Saturday, March 1st, for a screening of the acclaimed documentary 'Behind the Mask' and a question/discussion session.

Please see the flyer here:

or the facebook page:

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''Dim ysgol, dim cymuned'' – No School, No Community

22-02-2008 13:21

Plaid Cymru Council carrying out biggest school closure programme in Wales.
small school with sterling record (commended by Ofsted) particularly in special needs provision threatened with closure - as part of cuts across Wales by mainstream parties.

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spoof Labour Club poster available for distribution

21-02-2008 22:19

This is a poster for people to distribute and spread far and wide in order to recruit people into that fair and noble cause that is the Labour Party (heheheheh). Mainly targeted at student Labour Clubs.

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Protestors demand freedom of expression at University

21-02-2008 17:46

Today around 80 protesters marched around the University of Nottingham's campus to demand freedom of expression and an end to the University's repression of student activists. In spite of the University's deployment of undercover spies and a police cameraman, the mood was good and protestors got a generally warm reception from other members of the student body.

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Student Climate Project's plans for London, April 2008

21-02-2008 10:25

At their last tour event in Cambridge The Student Climate Project held a planning gathering where they pieced together plans for their next event in April. As ever, the plans are very open and it is hoped many will find ways to contribute to our work, who share our aims of inspiring students with the radical climate message.

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Pictures from Student Climate Project's launch event in Cambridge

18-02-2008 13:07

Vegan cakes, climate chatter, and an ironing board
As requested here are the pictures from our launch action (see )

Also, just to let you all know that we are stepping up our activities for our London Event, taking place from the 18th to 20th of April all around London. The event is set to include more creative outreach, the launch of our exciting new arts project, workshops, and a collective direct action. More details to follow...

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Student Climate Launch Event Takes Cambridge By Storm

15-02-2008 23:14

The Student Climate Project launched the first event of their Tour of Climate Action in Cambridge today. The flurry of climate activities saw a banner drop, street theatre, a flash mob are more...

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Cambourne School Competition: public meeting

15-02-2008 14:53

Cambridgeshire County Council is proposing to establish a new school in Cambourne. In accordance with the law and related regulations, the council held a competition inviting organisations to make proposals to run this school and a public meeting is being held on 18th February at The Hub, High Street, Cambourne.

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LSE Union Demands Divestment from Israel

15-02-2008 12:50

LSE Students' Union General Meeting
The London School of Economics Students' Union (LSESU) yesterday voted overwhelmingly to call on its university and the National Union of Students (NUS) to divest from companies that provide military and commercial support for the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, condemning the decades of human rights abuses and systematic oppression that has occurred as a result.

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Cuban Students Denounce Manipulation

14-02-2008 23:05

Students whose images were exploited by different foreign media to present them as a sign of rebellion against the Cuban government spoke during a video interview denouncing the manipulations that occurred and denying that they were arrested on Tuesday.

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14-02-2008 14:15

Each country has got its own Berlusconis, Blairs, Bushes or Popes. It is a kind of globalization thing and Blair may seem to have exaggerated recently in France whilst speaking about the current political situation. In reality he was just making another of his speeches on the "third-way" and that which he has really not been able to do; bring peace. Instead he has been able only to open discontent, the consequences of which he has sought to manage with repressive laws.

Has the Blair era been a soft-dictatorship?

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New social centre opening tonite!

14-02-2008 13:51

Having fought off raids by police and landlords, the new occupied social centre in Hackney is flinging open its doors for a great evening of food, films and friends...

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Peaceful Climate Action Greeted With Heavy Handed Approach From Police

14-02-2008 01:40

Activists involved with The Student Climate Project are deeply concerned that the police's Special Branch has being monitoring their operations, and now plans to send over fifty police to a peaceful outreach event in Cambridge this week.

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Please Support the Heathrow No Third Runway Campaign

12-02-2008 17:09

The Kids' Bloc Children's Revolution March at the Camp for Climate Action
Transforming the threatened villages near Heathrow Airport into a giant eco-village could help save them from being demolished for the planned third runway according to environmental campaigners.

Proposals for a variety of different groups to move into the area and help the local residents develop eco-friendly projects have been circulated by the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign.
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