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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Reclaim The Night!

21-11-2006 11:22

On Saturday 25th November – to coincide with International Day to End Violence Against Women – thousands of women of all ages and ethnicities will march together through the centre of London, to Reclaim the Night.

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The Evolution of Morality

19-11-2006 16:07

Scientists who study human evolution have discovered the evolutionary origins of morality. The concept of morality exists in every culture on Earth, but the morals themselves are different, which causes a lot of conflict in the world. Now that the Democrats own the U.S. Congress, I’m sure that conflict is about to get very interesting…

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Letters from Gov' re recent Lebanon/Israel conflict

18-11-2006 15:58

Two letters from Foreign office in reply to an Amnesy Intl letter (sent end Aug) regarding the investigations of war-crimes during the recent conflct...

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Help! Manchester Citizens Advice bureau being shut down

17-11-2006 19:05

manchester central citizens advice bureau is being shut down for lack of funds. closed to the public as from last week and phone lines being stopped from end december.

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IDAHO-to lead gay decrim' campaign at UN

17-11-2006 14:41

Intl Day Agianst Homophobia organization launches major UN campaign today

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Muslim student's victory against leading University

15-11-2006 22:45

Nasser Amin's long-running legal battle with the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London over free speech ends in victory

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Harassment of religious dissidents in Polish school system

12-11-2006 21:02

Polish education minister Roman Giertych in Catholic School in Białystok, Poland
Imagine a country where if You are not a Catholic, you are treated with prejudice. Where You are treated as someone worser. Imagine, that You have to send Your child to a school there. He is automatically enrolled into classes of Catholic religion...

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Birmingham University apologises for religious discrimination

12-11-2006 12:18

We're so sorry, say university
by Lester Holloway

BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY dons apologised to the Muslim students who were elected to the students union but prevented from taking office. The 1990 Trust were among those supporting the campaign.

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New Christian Right group in Scotland

05-11-2006 17:18

A new Christian Right Wing Group are seeking to gain seets in the Scotish Parlament.

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The Evolution of Violence

04-11-2006 17:56

The field of evolutionary psychology offers no end of insights into the origins of social problems, and also into why they’re so hard to solve. Even the U.S. War on Terror and the invasion of Oaxaca follow the same pattern of aggression as any war between street gangs.

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In Iraq, the past comes back to haunt!

03-11-2006 11:29

Below is an article from the BBC on the Iraqi independence revolution of 1958. This revolution not only saw the execution and overthrow of the British installed monarchy but the Iraqi people made history, one year later in 1959 by electing the first ever female cabinet minister to any Arab government.

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NHS'Spine'- threat to privacy of records etc.

01-11-2006 16:44

Guardian Nov 1...
The NHS's centralised and computerised syetem 'Spine' poses a very real threat of breaches of confidentiality of health records and raises the spectre of other agencies getting a view too..

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Mixed Bag

01-11-2006 14:37

War is the Answer (Ode to ‘democracy’)

Give me your poor, your tired, your hungry,
I’ll piss on ‘em, rape, and kill ‘em
That’s what your statutes of bigotry mean
Bomb ‘em back to the stone age
and devastate their lands is really what
your democracy means.

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John Matthews Chair of Crest Nicholson “Please Help Us” – A Family Request

31-10-2006 20:16

New Crest Home Crest House
Stuck in the actuality of the third anniversary of their houseboat and home eviction, the Shalom Family from Wales made a special visit on 30th October, to Crest Nicholson’s brand new ‘Crest House’, in Chertsey, Surrey. The Family delivered a new letter of appeal, in perfect harmony with their cause for Social Justice, to Crest Plc Chairman John Matthews.

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Spirituals Day is on 1/11 – God Day falls on 11/11

31-10-2006 18:34

‘Secular Spiritualists Day’ is on 1/11 – ‘Global God Day’ falls exactly after ten days on 11/11. This day 1/11 is a ‘Global Spiritualists Day’ or say ‘Human Spiritualist Day’. Similarly 11/11 is only a ‘Universal Gods Day’. On this two days devotees or followers of all regions and religions , regardless to any community, cult, class, color creed
are invited to unite , moreover merge-n-mingle understand and enjoy with each other geniusly , generously and genuinely without hating or harming innocent beings.

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"NEW DAY" breaks free from prison. Guards. . . . assist!

31-10-2006 17:18

This month, 2006, despite the vogue for clashing cultures, the UK Prison authorities declare that this October 31 - samhain - it is a "special" day for people in prison that register a voluntary association with local/global spiritual traditions that pre-exist christianity. . . .

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"Two Million Terrorists" for Britain

30-10-2006 17:15

The director of the Muslim Council surveys the size of Britain's fifth column.

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Creationism introduced to Polish schools by the education minister?

29-10-2006 17:11

Poland, after 17 years of illiberal democracy is now entering into the "Church State" period.

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'Coup' Rumours Surround Baghdad

28-10-2006 18:17

Baghdad is rife with the strangest rumours again chiefly as a result of the latest deployment of American troops around major Shi’ite districts in Baghdad, signaling a movement against Shi’ite militias, writes Zeyad of Healing Iraq.
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