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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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if they're poets

04-05-2006 18:58

what's happening to the poet world?

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The first free screening, Bristol

04-05-2006 16:11


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Socially aware art and free booze- what more could you want?

04-05-2006 15:50

In the context of the Low Salt's (Glasgow) 'Rack & Ruin' exhibition, Glaswegian artist Stuart Murray will be showing a new collection entitled “In Pubs” which documents a selection of experiences in Glasgow pubs: Proper pubs. Where smelly old men drink.

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Rhythms of Resistance wants you?

04-05-2006 15:27

YES... Rhythms of Resistance is expanding. We are entering a new unknown realm... a world of radical protest melody! A world of revolutionary horns sections!
We need your help.

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graffiti fun!

04-05-2006 14:57

what the ****** iz that??!!
hers a photo of the latest mural to hit cowley road...

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Immigration Detainee Art Exerbition

04-05-2006 14:39

Very beutifull and intresting ehibition at Woodstock Museum.

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The celebration of berber spring in the calm

04-05-2006 13:29

Since 1980, the 20 the day of April has been celebrated in all Tamazight-speaking regions of Algeria. The symbolic date marks popular discontent that erupted into violent demonstrations against the governmental decision not to recognize their identity. After 26 years, Tamazight language is now recognized as a national language, studied by hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren.

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End Physical Punishment of Children

02-05-2006 22:20

International No Smacking Day
With the evidence we now have, we know better, in that even if force does not cause physical harm it can cause emotional injury that we may not be able to detect or which may not be apparent until much later in a child‘s life. I suggest that in the 21st century we can no longer accept that such harm caused by physical punishment is “reasonable”. Medical, psychological and criminological research (that I will refer to later), published by Margaret McCain and Fraser Mustard, in Canada, David Olds in America and David Farrington in Cambridge England, provide conclusive evidence that such negative and abusive forms of child rearing impact adversely on a child’s future life, and have adverse consequences for society too.

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sumac Centre Nottingham - Posters for May - Download and Display

02-05-2006 21:46

good things on in May - don't miss them - use your very own poster to remind you whats on.

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Mersey May Day 2006

02-05-2006 20:51

This year, Merseyside's May Day celebrations crossed the water to Liverpool.

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'Free Screen' hosted by Liverpool Social Forum

02-05-2006 19:12

In what could be the first instance of a recurring pattern, Liverpool Social Forum ( held a 'Free Screen' night - showing radical films for absolutely zero pence - at the Casa, Hope Street on Sunday, 30th April. An audience of about thirty also enjoyed the radical discussion appropriate for such an occasion.

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Police Victory Party

02-05-2006 14:49

On May Day in London, Space Hijackers staged a 'Police Victory Party' in the centre of the city at Bank.

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Video - Naked Protests 1999

02-05-2006 13:18

'Freedom to be Yourself' campaign from 1999.

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Kicking and Screaming Autonomous Art Show

02-05-2006 12:16

Kicking and screaming from the streets of Leeds into
the forgotten cracks.. discoveries, journeys,
expression, finding and being found...

An exhibition of found, discovered and expressive
art-forms that will be discovered in a found location.
Taking back space from a shinking 'developing'
gentrified city... an exploration and reclaimation of
ourselves, our skills, our city, our art.

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May Day

02-05-2006 10:51

sambistas in the streets
May Day march in Manchester

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War on Terror's Hit Parade: An Islamophobia Retrospective

01-05-2006 18:30

Before we attack another Muslim country, shouldn't we inventory the psyops campaign that creates permission in the public mind for war on Iran? Isnt war the ultimate hate crime?

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May Fayre in Leicester

30-04-2006 13:39

opening procession
Report from the Beltane spring fayre held on Saturday in Leicester at the castle gardens.

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Dario Fo Theatre Workshop

29-04-2006 18:24

Casa May 3rd 7.30pm Workshop on Political Theatre Practitioner Dario Fo.

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open air gathering starting now - 29th april - sharphill woods - west bridgford

29-04-2006 18:05

In July this year, the powers that be will release their decision to build 1200 non-sustainable houses across the field around sharphill woods,

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Sharp Hill Wood Conservation Collective

29-04-2006 14:56

As you look south across Nottinghamshire, you may see a prominent wood on a hill, with an additional ‘lonely tree’. That’s just past west bridgeford. BUT...
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