UK Indymedia Newswire Archive
Photographers 6 year legal battle concludes.
19-11-2009 15:33
He has been supported in his fight by both UK Indymedia and the National Union of Journalists over the past six years.
The Didcot action reminded me of the importance of activist media
27-10-2009 18:46
Why do activist media:Zero tolerance for abusive and slanderous articles and comments
26-09-2009 05:25
A few months ago Indymedia London reported on perceptions of Indymedia from people at the Anarchist Conference. With the increase in personal slander and abuse over this past year, we should take time to heed such a report.Vicious personal attacks on Tamsin Omond
21-09-2009 13:19
Indymedia Server Seizure news
07-09-2009 00:14
Police have dropped their controversial six-month investigation of a Sheffield IT worker who had a minor role administering the activist website Indymedia UK.Dan Glass and two indymedia journalists beaten and arrested
10-08-2009 14:23
During the morning of 10 of August, an indymedia crew left the Scottish Climate camp based at Mainshill and proceeded to visit Danny Meikle in Coalburn (a few miles away).Indymedia DNS restored
07-08-2009 17:11
The problems experienced earlier today with the global Indymedia DNS have now been fixed. The outage was due to poor communication on the part of the registrar, who had received a complaint that the whois information for Indymedia was wrong. This is not correct and the DNS was re-instated as soon as the registrar was informed of this.
You can now access all global Indymedia services as normal at their usual location:
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Isn't it time Newcastle had an Indymedia?
27-07-2009 10:34
The North East needs an Indymedia.Please IndymediaUK/ Features Group! Please give us relevant features!
17-07-2009 18:26
The choice of features, the main part of the IndymediaUK front page, has too narrow a focus. This is a comradely plea for the Features Group to more accurately portray the various struggles in the UK"I am not a Terrorist": 'Not A Crime' photography Campaign
15-07-2009 18:50
Greek state attacks athens & patras indymedia
08-07-2009 22:15
Greek state attacks athens & patras indymediaFull article | 1 addition | 12 comments
"Be The Media!" at Glastonbury
25-06-2009 16:07
Indymedia, Climate Camp, Veggies at Glastonbury
21-06-2009 20:21
should we close down Manchester IMC & go Northern (join new IMC)?
21-06-2009 00:48
Northern IMC starting - should we be realistic and close/merge Mcr IMC?Important information about the closure of imc-leeds mailing list!
19-06-2009 11:52
To all Northern IMCistas,regarding:
Please take the time to read this important announcement about the closure of the imc-leeds and imc-leeds-contact mailing lists and pass on this information to anyone you know. Thanks!
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Anonymous Blogging Guide Updated (re Tor) and Security Links
10-06-2009 12:26
In case you missed it the guide to anonymous browing published by Global Voices was updated in March this year to take account of the changes in TOR.
The simple to understand guide is online as html or downloadable as a pdf.
With all the raids a going on where police seem to increasingly favour taking all computer equipment and the rise of online social networking use, maybe it's time people review their attitudes towards security. See links below...