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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Heathrow Primary School pays us a visit.

17-08-2007 08:35

Kids from Heathrow Primary playing at the camp.
On Thursday the climate camp was visited by pupils and parents from Heathrow Primary School, which along with two other local schools will be demolished by the proposed third runway. The school is an integral part of the community with former pupils becoming teachers, and the headmaster - Mr Hobbs - serving over 25 years. The school also recieved the boroughs top marks in the last Ofsted report.

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After 'Garry Newlove'- Schools, local councils and Ministers too are to blame

15-08-2007 10:20

The Daily Mirror web site is publishing an item saying this:
“Peter Fahy said adults who turn a blind eye as youngsters roam streets tanked up on drink are as much at fault for the lawlessness blighting towns as the yobs themselves.”

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Public School condemns 'chav-hunt' spoof

14-08-2007 01:58

Public school boys keeping the class war alive

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The ACE bank hoax - the film

09-08-2007 13:54

An production

October 2006. A mysterious bank suddenly appears on the Belgian market. The bank is proud to invest in the arms industry, oil- and gas, nuclear power, agrochemicals and companies violating their workers' rights. ACE bank immediately provokes reactions.

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Help needed to distribute public sector workers pay struggles bulletin

06-08-2007 18:43

We are a group of workers mostly in the public sector, who met via the website who are putting together a bulletin called Dispatch - Public sector pay dispute—information for action. An ad hoc newsletter for the ongoing struggles, mainly in the post office at present, against sub-inflation pay offers. We need your help getting it out to postal workers.

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FREE FELIX, Demo report + Banner drop pictures

06-08-2007 11:19

Banner drop
Gloucestershire animal action FREE FELIX day of solidarity.

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US Presidential Candidate: Free Education is Possible

03-08-2007 19:23

As millions of college students begin preparing to enter college this fall, many have become accustom to increased tuitions year after year. Nationwide college tuitions are climbing and in some states the increase is 10 percent or more going into the fall semester. Stewart A. Alexander, a Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for President, says free education is possible through university level; a position the PFP, Peace and Freedom Party, has supported for 40 years.

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The expression of the subversive love of the Cuban revolution

02-08-2007 21:01

Not only have you graduated as medical doctors, but also as humanists. You have learned what it means to practice international solidarity and have understood the reality of preventive and healing medicine in a socio-political context. This brings to reality the much celebrated phrase of Jose Marti: Homeland is humanity.

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Birmingham parents challenge educational underachievement

02-08-2007 15:33

More than 70 concerned parents, teachers, governors, councillors and local people came together in Digbeth, Birmingham, last week to discuss how to get local schools to do better for their underachieving pupils.

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Nine Arrested in International Teachers Blockade of Faslane Nuclear Base

01-08-2007 10:06

Nine people were arrested early this morning during a Teachers blockade of the Faslane Naval Base in Scotland, home to Britain's Trident Nuclear-Armed Submarines. Six of those arrested had sat down across one of the main accesses to Faslane, to take a peaceful stand against the bullying approach of the nuclear weapons states. Three supporters were also arrested.

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Lady of 83, student of the British Constitution - stands alone against our TREAS

31-07-2007 23:56

When she discovered that her council tax bill was being used as a vehicle to extract money from her for a European Union inspired regional assembly, she went on the offensive.


She launched four legal cases against the government citing erosion of the Constitution, Breach of Contract, Breach of Trust and for Treason and Legal Fraud. Each time her paperwork was sent back marked “No such case known in Law”.

Now she is refusing to pay the local tax on her Old Vicarage house in Alston, Cumbria, and has been the subject of considerable harassment by bailiffs.

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Stop Homophobia in Poland campaign to march at Brighton Pride

30-07-2007 14:11

The British Youth Council are calling on the UK government to denounce human rights abuses in Poland by marching at Brighton Pride on August the 4th, 2007.

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Internationalists doctors graduated in CUBA on the BBC

27-07-2007 09:56

CUBA Graduates 2 470 New Doctors...

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Palestinian Students in a critical condition

25-07-2007 20:01

Several students were injured on Tuesday during clashes between students supportive of Hamas and those loyal to Fatah. The clashes took place on the campus of An Najah University near the West Bank city of Nablus; some of the students are said to be in a critical condition.

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The brain drain

18-07-2007 11:56

Our world order appears to have been designed to foster the egoism, individualism and dehumanization of humanity...

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Bush, health and education

16-07-2007 12:38

I will not refer to Bush's health and education, but to that of his neighbors. It was not an improvised declaration. The AP agency tells us what his opening words were: "Tenemos corazones grandes en este país" (We have big hearts in this country); he said this in Spanish in front of 250 representatives of private and religious groups, foundations and NGOs who had come to Washington with all expenses paid by his government...

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Climate Camp needs Us!

16-07-2007 01:40

Next month the second Camp for Climate Action will take place in the South of England, near to Heathrow, the world’s busiest international airport. It will be a working ecological village using renewable energy, composting waste and sourcing food locally. The camp is for all who share a vision for sustainable living. Its success depends on us, the people who go. Why not get involved now and help shape Nottingham's contribution to this vital grass-roots movement?

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Hand Built Wind Turbine Course 20-22 July, Lincs/Notts

10-07-2007 13:27

Course: Hand Built Wind Turbines
Dates: 20th-22nd July
Location: Hill Holt Wood, Nottinghamshire/Lincolnshire border.
cost: £200, discounts available on request.

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Please Take Climate Camp Flyers to Events and Festivals...

08-07-2007 14:27

Hi again Everyone.

Firstly to remind you about going to events and festivals.
If you are going to ANY of this sort of thing, however big or small - please remember to take flyers.

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Lyme Survey and Cases

07-07-2007 13:58

Please participate in lyme survey