UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Veggies at W.Mids. Vegan Festival
27-10-2010 16:51
Veggies will be attending West Midlands Vegan Festival!!A few comments on the shac sentencing
27-10-2010 11:36

The SHAC Trial - Political Sentences Are Good for You!
27-10-2010 00:10
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”Home Demo's Hit Beyond Retro's Owners
26-10-2010 17:24

Steven and Helene Bethell (Carter) the owners of Beyond Retro, a fashion
chain with shops in England and Sweden.
SHAC Second Trial sentences - could have been a hell of a lot worse
25-10-2010 17:24
Today 6 activists who had plead guilty to either Conspiricy to Blackmail HLS or Conspiricy to interfere with a contractual relationship of an animal research company (SOCPA 145). Were sentenced25 talks, workshops etc @ Vegan Festival this Saturday
25-10-2010 15:13

See a full list below or on our website.

Amerijet - Flying Primates for Vivisection
24-10-2010 22:51

- Animal technician inside a laboratory, commenting on injecting restrained
SHAC Solidarity demos
24-10-2010 12:41
To show solidarity with those being sentenced tommorrow and to demonstrate our disgust at the most recent infiltration of our movements please read belowBeyond Retro Protests Spread to Brighton
22-10-2010 18:01
Fur trade, death trade!Fur and Foie Gras in the Three Counties area - Take Action!
21-10-2010 14:01

Taunton Benefit Gigs: Hunt Sabs / UK Tek 6 / Stop Hinkley / Womens Refuge
20-10-2010 20:01

Sickwax, King Tuts Revenge, Room 4 1 More & Rat Bandits
Impromptu Demo's Hit London's Remaining Furriers
19-10-2010 21:00
Two in four furriers say "We're taking the day off work!"Action Alert: Contact Beyond Retro Fur Peddlers
18-10-2010 19:39
The coming year is an extremely important one for the fur industry, withreal fur being pushed back onto the high street using the vintage
fashion craze. However, some top furriers have admitted that this is all
a part of the plan to revitalise the fur trade and make their image
appear acceptable.
Solidarity/Scary Science demos
18-10-2010 14:51
Please take note of the following.Furrier Mobile Demo - Tuesday - London
17-10-2010 22:20
Mobile demonstration, targeting London's remaining furriers. These companies and shops exist only to sell real furs from animals used and abused for fashion.Fur Demo's At Beyond Retro London Stores
17-10-2010 20:37
The pressure was kept up on Beyond Retro today due to their continued sale of real fur.Mobile Demo Hits London Fur Shops
17-10-2010 20:27
Activists in London yesterday held a mobile demonstration against the fur trade."Exotic" rotting animal corpses for sale at Three horseshoes pub in Hereford
17-10-2010 12:26