Impromptu Demo's Hit London's Remaining Furriers
London Animal Rights | 19.10.2010 21:00 | Animal Liberation
Activists today hit furriers across London with protests, letting them know that we will never forget their sick businesses which thrive from animal abuse.
3 New Burlington Place, London, W1S 2HR // Tel: 020 7734 6394 //
First of all we went to Noble Furs who must have been expecting us due to the meeting place being not too far from their shop. However, when we arrived the front window was covered by flattened cardboard boxes, not allowing anybody to see in from street level and the shop was also closed for the day.
20 Conduit St, London, W1S 2XW // Tel: 020 7493 6362 //
Following the success at Nobles, we headed around the corner to Hockley, the show furriers for the British Fur Trade Association. A loud demo was held outside, with the owner constantly seen pacing back and forth inside. They also covered up the window on the door to hide our message from the staff.
29 Kendal Street, London, W2 2AW // Tel: 020 7262 8730
Here, the owners immediately began panicking at our impromptu arrival and were throwing very concerned looks towards the activists. Chanting echoed around the area and Bianca's were left embarrassed and looking defeated. At the end of the demo, one of the furrier's proprioters decided to try to confront an activist by attempting to hit them with a ruler!
65 Regents Park Road, Primrose Hill, London, NW1 8XD // Tel: 020 7722 5870
Last, but not least, was Gale Furs. This company was raided by the police not long back and their owners prosecuted for selling the furs of endangered animals. Amy Moosah, the joint-proprioter, thought that the activists were customers, so buzzed them in, however got a surprise when megaphones were whisked out. She immediately shut the shutters and closed the business for the afternoon, sitting at the desk at the back of the shop, where she spent two hours cutting up product tags! Fortunately, they had left a table and chairs outside so campaigners simply tied banners and placards across the shop front and spent the afternoon relaxing!
With the biggest concentration of fur in the UK, London is a major focus for campaigning and activism to stop this perverse trade. Demonstrations against furriers and fashion shops are happening on an almost daily basis in the city, leaving the industry worried and knowing we will return time and time again.
3 New Burlington Place, London, W1S 2HR // Tel: 020 7734 6394 //

First of all we went to Noble Furs who must have been expecting us due to the meeting place being not too far from their shop. However, when we arrived the front window was covered by flattened cardboard boxes, not allowing anybody to see in from street level and the shop was also closed for the day.
20 Conduit St, London, W1S 2XW // Tel: 020 7493 6362 //

Following the success at Nobles, we headed around the corner to Hockley, the show furriers for the British Fur Trade Association. A loud demo was held outside, with the owner constantly seen pacing back and forth inside. They also covered up the window on the door to hide our message from the staff.
29 Kendal Street, London, W2 2AW // Tel: 020 7262 8730
Here, the owners immediately began panicking at our impromptu arrival and were throwing very concerned looks towards the activists. Chanting echoed around the area and Bianca's were left embarrassed and looking defeated. At the end of the demo, one of the furrier's proprioters decided to try to confront an activist by attempting to hit them with a ruler!
65 Regents Park Road, Primrose Hill, London, NW1 8XD // Tel: 020 7722 5870
Last, but not least, was Gale Furs. This company was raided by the police not long back and their owners prosecuted for selling the furs of endangered animals. Amy Moosah, the joint-proprioter, thought that the activists were customers, so buzzed them in, however got a surprise when megaphones were whisked out. She immediately shut the shutters and closed the business for the afternoon, sitting at the desk at the back of the shop, where she spent two hours cutting up product tags! Fortunately, they had left a table and chairs outside so campaigners simply tied banners and placards across the shop front and spent the afternoon relaxing!
With the biggest concentration of fur in the UK, London is a major focus for campaigning and activism to stop this perverse trade. Demonstrations against furriers and fashion shops are happening on an almost daily basis in the city, leaving the industry worried and knowing we will return time and time again.
London Animal Rights