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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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John Peel - on our wavelengths

27-10-2004 10:45

Tony Hillier, Swindon,UK, has a shot at a mini-tribute to icon Peely – John Peel who died, aged a young 65, on 26 October 2004.

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Halloween Critical Mass London this Friday

26-10-2004 14:51

Yawn... OK time to wake up!

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John Peel dies in Peru

26-10-2004 13:16

I just heard on radio 4 that John Peel has died while on holiday in Peru.
He was 65 but could have been 18 cause of the ground breaking music he played on his shows on BBC radio 1
He championed punk, hiphop and lots of relitively unknown music that mite never have made it into popular hearing.

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eviction alert borehamwood

26-10-2004 09:51

received this email this morning

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Graffiti from around Oxford, pt. 7

23-10-2004 18:01

Photos of graffiti from around Oxford city, part 7 of a series

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Jewel of the East End in peril.

23-10-2004 17:54

Queens Market, Upton Park is one of the most vibrant spaces in East London. Now this remarkable street market is under threat. The London Borough of Newham Council have appointed St Modwens as its preferred developer to "re-develop" the market to include an ASDA supermarket.

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The Zombie State

20-10-2004 23:34

-As the combat continues, maybe it's time to take a
look at ourselves

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Imagen, Filosofía y Creación

20-10-2004 22:49

Creatividad y Creación

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radio rampART call for listeners and audio content

19-10-2004 20:34

we are currently streaming radio rampART and will be happy to broadcast content... send to us in tha usual ways

respect to all

fish boy ai

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Cambridge Immigration and Asylum Forum

18-10-2004 15:27

Below is a report of the Cambridge Immigration and Asylum Forum which took place on Wednesday October 6 2004. This event was organised by the Cambridge Action Network and Cambridge Indymedia.

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When the Dust Finally Settles...

18-10-2004 11:59

Having participated in this year's Social Forum, swapped with others about what else was going on throughout London and reading the Indymedia site, I can only but come to one conclusion.

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video of carnival day for the creative forum and ESF

17-10-2004 22:52

Please go to this site to see footage, cos the FBI messed with our servers!

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Real Transformations at BurMan 2004

17-10-2004 07:13

Listen to this new multi-media piece if you're interested in exploding myths about Burning Man

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nuff radios.. bring a kettle!

16-10-2004 02:57

its cool wi d coffee and t and lovelyness an lots of lovely esf and artist abstract

and we love radio/ radio digitalis

but can we be allowed more than one kettle?

any suggestions email radio rampART

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Graffiti from around Oxford, pt. 6

15-10-2004 19:43

Photos of graffiti from around Oxford city, part 6 of a series

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Bouganville Benfit - second hand sale - Leeds

15-10-2004 13:24

We are putting on a second hand sale as a benfit for SSP (Solidarity South Pacific)'s support for the eco-revolution on Bougainvile. Amongst other things this support will include a shipment of medical aid early next year.

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New Campaign For A Protective Ring Around The Amazon

14-10-2004 17:57

United Tribes: Ring Around The Amazon Campaign Launch @ Bar Loca Sat 23/10


Live: KORU, T23 & The Psychedelic Circus, Clown Warfare

DJs: Pentatonik, Offshore, Mikee, DJ Jens, OW, Spinsta and G*

Saturday 23rd October (8pm-4am)

Bar Loca, 261 Brixton Road, Brixton, London SW9

Tubes: Brixton, Oval; Buses: 3, 59, 159, 133, 333, N3, N159, N333 Entry: £5 (£3 Concessions)


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The truth about "thetruthaboutiraq"

14-10-2004 10:52

Bremer consultant opens fake organisation to "inform" about Iraq

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We convict the Intensifying newspapers banning and journalists arresting in Iran

14-10-2004 01:03

Demo aginst Banning
in Iran,Islamic Republic has intensified to menace and detain Iranian journalists in recent weeks.

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New Peace Not War CD and Free Concert at ESF

13-10-2004 20:28

Peace Not War Fever
The NEW PEACE NOT WAR CD will be released at the European Social Forum in London this weekend, at a FREE CONCERT in Tufnell Park. All the music can be heard for free on the online Peace Jukebox.
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