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John Peel dies in Peru

zcat | 26.10.2004 13:16 | Culture

I just heard on radio 4 that John Peel has died while on holiday in Peru.
He was 65 but could have been 18 cause of the ground breaking music he played on his shows on BBC radio 1
He championed punk, hiphop and lots of relitively unknown music that mite never have made it into popular hearing.

the bbc said this
Veteran BBC broadcaster John Peel has died at the age of 65, while on holiday in Peru.
Peel, whose radio career spanned 40 years, was on a working holiday in the resort of Cuzco with his wife Sheila when he suffered a heart attack.
He was BBC Radio 1's longest-serving DJ and in recent years had also presented Home Truths on Radio 4.
Radio 1 controller Andy Parfitt said Peel's contribution to modern music and culture was "immeasurable".

Bloody right, he was great he turned so many people onto so much music
what the fuck am i going to listen to now, there is no one who even comes close to what he played from 1920s jazz to punk hardcore to acid and the rest.
He even played a record for me and my dog during his festive fifty about 3 years ago which i have on tape still, its treasured.
This is a sad day indeed.
Him and his shows will be sadly missed



Display the following 17 comments

  1. tributes to a great man — zcat
  2. Nice Bloke for a Reactionary — ..
  3. Very sad and all that... — Mr Angry
  4. peelie — Tony Gosling
  5. Oi, fuckwit! — music lover
  6. news! — anarchoteapot
  7. dear Mr Angry — zcat
  8. I shed a tear — captain wardrobe
  9. Yes it does matter — thinking of selling my radio
  10. John was a dude! — Ozymandias
  11. forgetting every thing else about the man... — dasmian
  12. jesus, final proof that IndyMedia newswire is populated by insane trolls — the horror
  13. Cynical bitch — dave
  14. . — dave again
  15. Dave You Must Be Upset. — HH
  16. Demo? — Real Jethro Tull Fan Club
  17. Statement — Official British Jethro Tull Fan Club