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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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Roy Bailey Set from the Sheffield University Occupation

06-12-2010 01:16

Following the Sheffield University Occupation Rally Against Cuts,, held on 5th December 2010, the singer Roy Bailey performed a set to a packed room.

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Cardiff Critical Mass

03-12-2010 18:13

Meet at the steps of the National Museum in Cardiff on Saturday at 11am

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Bristol Evening Post Parrot Police Line -Shocker

01-12-2010 21:47

Meanwhile, the torygraph is far more hopeful of a revolution than we are!

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One hundred arts organisations face destruction from UK budget cuts

29-11-2010 13:57

The Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government in the UK proposes slashing 29.9 percent from arts funding over the next four years. As a result, 100 arts organisations are threatened with losing their entire funding.

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The Rise of North Yemeni Islamism in Birmingham, U.K.

28-11-2010 20:13

With Yemen in the news these days, this essay is about how a North Yemeni Islamisation school arrived in Birmingham, UK, in the 1980's. The essay outlines the arrival of this school within the geo-political context of the period, namely when the US/UK were actively courting political Islamism.

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Occupation at the University of Cambridge

26-11-2010 15:47

This morning Old Schools, the nerve centre of the University of Cambridge, has been occupied in protest against fees and cuts.

We have claimed this space to give students a voice in their University; everyone is welcome to join in or support the occupation in any way they can.

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The gang of the Supreme Court of Brazil

26-11-2010 13:50

60 days of vacation, mandatory retirement, "if you get involved with organized crime, even with 30 years of paying social security, gangs of judges retire", the sale of sentence, 70 days of medical leave, agrees Brazil.

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Screening of Reel News No. 25 - Edinburgh 16 Dec.

25-11-2010 02:09

In the global war between rich and poor we need: Reel News – 90 minutes of activist video.

Featuring inspiring community organisation and struggles from North America plus the fightback against the Westminster Government’s plans for schools in England and the historic joint strike by transport unions against cuts in London.

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Benefit for Ian Tomlinson Family Campaign this Saturday (27th).

22-11-2010 18:55


It will be a benefit for the Ian Tomlinson Family Campaign:

As its on a Saturday we'll have Micky Vespre spinning the decks with a couple more bands to be announced.

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Killing a Mockingbird: Letter to my unborn daughter

21-11-2010 09:20

There is something about education that confers dignity and breaks chains. It is the reason, dear daughter, why I cannot wait to read you this book once you are born. What Jem and Scot know at 10 and 6 years of age, many adults do not know at 50 and 60 years of age

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Reimagine the University -24th-26th November - Leeds

20-11-2010 11:04

Are you a skint student? An overworked member of University staff? A Leodian with a vision of a more inclusive University system?

The Really Open University invites you to ‘Re-imagine the University’, a three-day event dedicated to exploring and demonstrating an alternative educational system.

Download the programme here:

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Art of Activism (Oxford)

19-11-2010 18:07

Art of activism are an Oxford based art collective hoping to bring creativity out onto the streets and raise awareness that art can play a role in social change.

Article taken from Issue 1 of The Ox-Fly - Oxford's radical newsletter:

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Threats of violence from a "Buddhist Monk" in the NKT

19-11-2010 13:27

I just spent two months in Brazil volunteering for the New Kadampa Tradion International Temples Project... And was threatened with violence on three occasions by the monk in charge of the project. Others were also singled out for verbal abuse by this nut case. Be carefull before you volunteer for the NKT!!

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16-11-2010 22:20

The conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch is trying to take over British media with his bid for full ownership of BSkyB. We only have 3 days to tell the regulator why this deal is bad news!


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Sussex Uni is in occupation

16-11-2010 10:36

About 200 students went into occupation an hour ago at Sussex

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Police Fitwatch Blog Censorship Attempt Laughed Off By Internet

16-11-2010 00:59

Within just a couple of hours of the news that the police had closed down the fitwatch website (1) the piece which so offended the sensitive flowers has been blooming across the internet.

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Congratulations. You are using Tor.

14-11-2010 19:48

Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It also enables software developers to create new communication tools with built-in privacy features. Tor provides the foundation for a range of applications that allow organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy.

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Social Service Activist Group

11-11-2010 12:14

We are a reform movement against the abuse of government power that is sanctioned in the secret family courts.

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More smashing radion from Dissident Island - 5 Nov show ready to download...

09-11-2010 21:57

Check out the latest Dissident Island Radio show...

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Venue Change for Alternative Vegan Festival

01-11-2010 20:16

Alternative Vegan Festival Update

The Alternative Vegan Festival will be going ahead as planned in a new, amazing venue in Leytonstone, North London.

This event is DIY, and anyone is welcome to get involved.
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