UK Culture Newswire Archive
Slain Activist Theo Van Gogh saluted by friend Kola Boof
30-04-2005 17:14

Alabama-USA,attempts to ban gay authored books..
30-04-2005 14:58
The state of Alabama,may be about the debate the banningof books by gay authors.
Critcal Mass Bike About in Nottingham :: Pictures
29-04-2005 23:13

Geographic Revisionism, as practised by Google.
29-04-2005 19:30
According to an article from website The Register:
George Dubya is now not only rewriting history in his image, but is also having a crack at redrawing the world's map as well.
Projectile 2006: Call for anarchist films
29-04-2005 11:26
PROJECTILE: A festival of anarchist film and cultureAnnouncement and call for submissions for Projectile 2006
Report from Istanbul wıth 7 photos
29-04-2005 05:49

World Naked Bike Ride - 11 June 2005 - various UK locations
28-04-2005 18:34

Odds stacked against Pam.
28-04-2005 18:11
The first daily online British pub talk about The American media by two ex pats in Hollywood.Ashfield: a chink in New Labour's armour?
28-04-2005 16:41

Geoff Hoon architect of our Wars might lose his seat - Ashfield (it's near Mansfield, J27 & J28 M1).
Local apathy and "independentism" could see the back of him
Especially with a little push to the people.
Garden City Social - DISSENT! benefit, Thurs May 5th
27-04-2005 18:48

Kings Arms, Bloom Street, Salford
Digging not voting!
Call for Art- Theme 9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice
27-04-2005 02:24

Down the Bush and Blair
26-04-2005 18:37
Taking an ex pat look at what is wrong with the American media and how a few Pubs would solve all their problems.MAYDAY - Anarchist White Bloc
25-04-2005 16:21

Cucumber sandwiches and tea will be available to all participants and well dressed spectators. As an Anarchist team, the White Bloc has no captain, and therefore all interested, and correctly attired, parties are perfectly entitled to join the match. The only condition is that players act with dignity and play a good clean game.
boaters on the allotments NOT to be evicted!
25-04-2005 16:21
GOOD NEWS today as Oxford City Council votes unanimously not to evict boaters moored illegally on allotments in Port Meadow.Liverpool Mayday Weekend events finalised!!
24-04-2005 08:08
There will be a full three days of events around Mayday in Liverpool this year. Let's make it a bigg'un!'Battle of the Beanfield' Jun85: Film Night & Exhibition: Nottingham
23-04-2005 23:27

David Rovics concert in Cambridge
20-04-2005 23:06
David Rovics will sing at CB2, Norfolk Street, Cambridge on Friday June 10thLiverpool Anarchist Discussion Group
20-04-2005 21:55
The Liverpool Anarchist Discussion Group is restarting. First meeting is on Tuesday May 3rd @ 7pm in the Casa Bistro. Topic is "All societies need social control, an embattled society needs total control".