UK Culture Newswire Archive
Small efforts that aim at contributing to working class resistance in today's Un
25-09-2008 23:53
From the 'Love and Treason' web page, at www.infoshop.orgReview: "FARE STRIKE! San Francisco 2005: First-Hand Accounts"
25-09-2008 21:08
A critical analysis of a not-terribly-accurate version of what took place in the failed transit system fare strike in San Francisco, California three years ago.Arts Show Attacks Shane Meadows
25-09-2008 14:03

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ARK Academies
24-09-2008 18:01
Ark Academies are involved with the charity 'Children Our Ultimate Investment', who work with The Psychosynthesis Education Trust. Ark have not made it clear to the public that it is working so closely with these charities and what these charities are about.Native American Speaker in Manchester
24-09-2008 10:09
Native American Andrew Big Smoke of the Cree People is travelling the world sharing stories and propheciesMystery of Police Informant Posters
22-09-2008 14:13
Police Informant posters went up all over Camden In July. The professionally done posters had the picture of a well known local character. The man's head was pictured on the body of a rat and the posters stated that "this man is paid police grass". They were posted up two at time all over Camden and close to Pentonville prison. This was published in the Islington and Camden Gazettes.London fashion week: Racial diversity event
21-09-2008 00:58

This event aims to promote emerging designers and models from ethnically diverse backgrounds, in what many see as an industry dominated by 'skinny white people' in the UK.
This event took place on Friday 19th + Saturday 20th September, and was held at the Museum of London.
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"With This D-Lock, I Thee Wed" [Shell Blockade Photos]
19-09-2008 13:42

(Images from video frame grabs, expect better quality photos and video later)
Big Wedding vs. Big Oil - Shell Petrol Station Blockaded in Activist 'Wedding'
19-09-2008 12:56
Press Release: 19th September 2008; 12 noonLudlow, Shropshire: At noon today, on the forecourt of a Shropshire Shell petrol station, a Leeds couple will tie the knot, supported by around 100 friends and family forming a blockade of the petrol station. Max Gastone and Cath Muller's ceremony in Ludlow is a protest against the ecological and social damage caused by Shell (and the continued use of fossil fuels) and also a commitment to creating a different world and a celebration of the power of community and resistance. launched with first 3 shows available to watch online
18-09-2008 11:05

Help End The Use of Animals In Swiss Circuses
17-09-2008 17:44
This is an important action alert to demand that the Knie Circus in Switzerland is stopped from using animals as part of their show.You can check out the shameful pictures of the animals here:

Dialect - ACPO and British Police Harassment of Journalists
15-09-2008 22:50

Berlusconi vetoes Oliver Stone "W" movie.
14-09-2008 12:39
"il Festival de Roma" is to be celebrated between the 22nd and 31st of October this year and will include movie premiers as usual. The organisers had they thought pulled off a bit of a "coup de grace" if not "coup d'etat" when they signed up Oliver Stone's "W" a forthcoming global release which tells the story on one young alcoholic's bravery in the face of overwhelming odds to achieve his dream of the presidency of the USA. Alas, festival organisers didn't count on the cinematic interest of Italy's modern day "Duce" who like his forebear realises the power of the silver screen to teach the masses some truth. According to the British distributors of the product Dda it was Mr B. who vetoed the movie arguing it is insulting & misleading - simply "untrue" something the seventh art ought not be. "Mr B knows best." & Roman festival goers aint gonna see the movie.Linguistic and Poetic Rights.
13-09-2008 16:49
'There are nine different words for the colour blue in the Spanish Maya dictionarybut just three Spanish translations exist, leaving six butterflies that can be seen only
by the Maya, proving that when a language dies six butterflies disappear from
the consciuosness of the earth."
Earl Shorris.
Managerial discrection and disciplinary action: a case of disciplinary action
11-09-2008 22:30
A case of disciplinary action against a university academicFree London Listings - new web resource launched
08-09-2008 18:10
Free London Listings is a new website designed to provide the most comprehensive guide to free events on the web.Bristol Anarchist Bookfair - full programme
08-09-2008 16:00

A printed bookfair programme will be available on the day, but you can get all the bookfair details online now at

Thursday - Riseup! Radio @ Sumac
08-09-2008 08:54

Street Party ESF 2008- We are taking it all back!
07-09-2008 11:41