Street Party ESF 2008- We are taking it all back!
lotek | 07.09.2008 11:41 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | World
We're sick of working for a ridiculous wage with only tendon-stretching, muscle-ache and early retirement to look forward to. We're sick of women getting a lower wage than men and we are really goddamn sick of the politicians that are supposed to be on ordinary people's side having long since turned into pseudoliberals and sent those of us who can't find a job to Malmö's own daycare center for adults: the employment office.
Politics to us isn't something that mainly happens in dusty buildings of parliament or dull TV-debates. Politics is about power, and now we are going to use our strengths! By taking over the streets and filling them with what we stand for we want to focus on a Malmö that is far from the politicians polished facade. We want to focus on a Malmö of conflict where union activists are peppersprayed by police, where homeless people freeze to death on the streets while politicians pay millions for christmas lights, a Malmö where police force kids up against the wall for hours without reason and then have the nerve to lie about it afterwards. A Malmö where we stand up for one another and realize that only by working together can we ever change society!
This will be a creative action where you aren't relegated to being a spectator but is rather welcomed to take place. Do you want to write out your crappy boss name in pink all over the street? Are you in a band who want to arrange something? Do you want to tear open the asphalt to plant seeds and grow crops? Do you want to bring your couch? Do you want to rap? Do you want to dance to your revolution? Do you want to meet new friends? Do you want to have a political discussion? Do you want to hand out crayons for drawing on the streets? Do you want to shout poetry in a mike? Do you want to sit at home and wait for the politicians to do something for you, or is it time to take back what is ours?
We're going to challenge the power at it's core and the entire world is invited!
Friday night during the European Social Forum
19th of september 2008
check out the promo video:
This will be a creative action where you aren't relegated to being a spectator but is rather welcomed to take place. Do you want to write out your crappy boss name in pink all over the street? Are you in a band who want to arrange something? Do you want to tear open the asphalt to plant seeds and grow crops? Do you want to bring your couch? Do you want to rap? Do you want to dance to your revolution? Do you want to meet new friends? Do you want to have a political discussion? Do you want to hand out crayons for drawing on the streets? Do you want to shout poetry in a mike? Do you want to sit at home and wait for the politicians to do something for you, or is it time to take back what is ours?
We're going to challenge the power at it's core and the entire world is invited!
Friday night during the European Social Forum
19th of september 2008
check out the promo video:

