UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
NOrthants. Activists Demo Bliss Brickwork, Leicester Contractor
07-06-2010 09:43
LOCAL CAMPAIGNERS DEMO BLISS BRICKWORKHunger striker to protest WD Coleshill
06-06-2010 14:06
A hunger strike has been planned against Willmott Dixon to protest the new vivisection laboratory being built at Leicester Univeristy.Pressure continued on Willmott Dixon in Coleshill
06-06-2010 13:55
Regular demos carrying on outside of the Willmott Dixon office in Coleshill, Birmingham in coordination with the nation-wide campaign to stop the new vivisection laboratory at Leicester University.Leicester Lab Contractors Demo'd in Yorkshire
05-06-2010 09:48
ONE DAY, FIVE OFFICES DEMO'DNo Animal Cause Considered by Bulgaria's Top Men
04-06-2010 23:04
Six years after Bulgaria's joining the European Council's Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, government has done nothing to restrict the massive cat and dog breeding and black-market pet trade, pet theft and illegal collecting and transferring of abandoned animals, and supposed money laundering.NG Bailey, Leicester Lab Builders, Appoint New CEO
04-06-2010 01:34
NG Bailey, sub-contractors for the building of the new animal lab at the University of Leicester, have today named their newly appointed CEO as ex-Carillion executive David Hurcomb, who is set to begin at the company full-time in September. He is currently interim CEO at Havelock Europa, but can make decisions about NG Bailey.Animal Rights Events - Nottingham and beyond
03-06-2010 23:02
Vegan Beer, circuses, leicester labs, greyhound action, vegan beer and more..."Cruel" Lincs greyhound breeder exposed again
02-06-2010 18:23
Animal protection campaigners have called on the RSPCA and the local authority to take action against a Lincolnshire greyhound breeder after he was exposed in the media for a second time for illtreating his dogs.NG Bailey Director No Longer Attending Green Breakfast
01-06-2010 21:18
A call out last week asked supporters to contact the organisers of the Green Gateways Business Club due to Cal Bailey, Director at Leicester Lab-condstructors NG Bailey, attending.Bailey Director Has Had His Invite for a Business Breakfast Cancelled
01-06-2010 16:50
Bailey Director Has Had His Invite for a Business Breakfast Cancelled After Animal Rights Activists Contacted The Organisers!Help Stop Wikham Labs Planning Appeal!
31-05-2010 20:13
Wickham Laboratories were refused planning permission unanimously on two occassions by Winchester Council for a huge new complex at Torbay Farm (Sciviers Lane, Lower Upham, SO32 1HB) where dogs, rodents and other animals were set to be used in experiments.Willmott Dixon in Colehill gets noisy demo with activists on the roof!
30-05-2010 10:45

Loughborough Animal Action protest at ‘Peter Jolly’s Traditional Animal Circus’
29-05-2010 19:26

Canada's Bloody Seal Hunt Extended To May 31 By Harper and Shea
29-05-2010 14:52

Canadian suffocated fishes ... until Harper stops the sealhunt
Willmott Dixon Day of Action - Leeds Demo's
28-05-2010 19:09
Activists from West Yorkshire Animal Rights Group today took part in the national day of action against Willmott Dixon and their involvement in the construction of a new animal testing laboratory at the University of Leicester.CNI Expo
27-05-2010 14:52
The security industry, police and government are having a nice conference about "threats" (which appears to include naughty activists) at the Excel centre in London 2nd-3rd June 2010. for more information the conference is titled "security and resilience for the public and private sector".Badger Cull delayed by concerned locals/landowners/farmers
27-05-2010 10:15
The people support the badger cull are going masked up, walking over peoples back garden and are getting th epolice to arrest people who are filming them. The people are being arrested for being on their own land and filming! The actions of these locals to save the badgers has delayed the cull.National Anti-Vivisection Alliance Launched
26-05-2010 14:58
The National Anti-Vivisection Alliance (NAVA) has been formed as a united grassroots coalition of groups fighting to end animal experimentation in the UK. NAVA is made up of groups who campaign against a broad range of animal experimentation, including university and academic facilities, contract research organisations, commercial organisations and cosmetics testing.Rolling back nuLab's anti-freedom agenda?
24-05-2010 15:04
Do a Conservative/ Liberal Democrat Coalition government offer more opportunities for UK freedoms to flourish after a decade of nuLab's bonfire of the liberties?Howard Lyman vs. the pig murder industry's latest Rupert Murdoch funded spokespe
23-05-2010 20:19
Rupert Murdoch's HarperCollins subsidiary William Morrow chooses topromote the wife of a cattle rancher, a profiteer from the blood of innocents.