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UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive

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Piera Ghirardi, "Guardian Angel" of animals.

01-07-2016 08:16

Piera Ghirardi, "Guardian Angel" of animals.
It 's really difficult to summarize in a few words who is Piera Ghirardi and all its merits.

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Piera Ghirardi, "Guardian Angel" of animals.

01-07-2016 08:03

Piera Ghirardi, "Guardian Angel" of animals.
It 's really difficult to summarize in a few words who is Piera Ghirardi and all its merits.

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Onorificenza al merito per Piera Ghirardi, “l'Angelo Custode” degli animali.

30-06-2016 22:53

Piera Ghirardi, “l'Angelo Custode” degli animali.
E' realmente difficile riassumere in poche parole chi è Piera Ghirardi e tutti i suoi meriti.

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Onorificenza al merito per Piera Ghirardi, “l'Angelo Custode” degli animali.

30-06-2016 22:42

Piera Ghirardi, “l'Angelo Custode” degli animali.
E' realmente difficile riassumere in poche parole chi è Piera Ghirardi e tutti i suoi meriti.

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Billionaire Gambling Tycoon JP McManus will no longer sponsor prestigious “Blue

07-06-2016 10:38

Hare coursing cruelty at Irish Cup event
The cruel “sport” of live hare coursing has been dealt a severe blow...One of its top financial sponsors, gambling tycoon and philanthropist JP McManus, will no longer be sponsoring the three-day Irish Cup hare coursing event in County Limerick.

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19-04-2016 09:15

Although a porn have 'Aug&Ohr'-Sitte the Feuerbach dietic, gent.3rd visual.communautism fucking aryans perspectively thereferoar two finger test Maul ain't Pussy p.riot theory wilst supised Frankfurt the theory hideous finger tip, po maltreat po,..steel:'Romanisches Rechtsystem, although sanctioned by one sheed paper pauper 'Anfechtbar, the associate Sexualice:'23who?"

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London's Telegraph Amplifies Cornell's Anti-vegan Disinformation

31-03-2016 21:05

Cornell University, Invested In Slaughterhouses, Is Attacking Veganism
Cornell, an animal torturing university heavily invested in meat and dairy stocks, has, with an eye to its endowment stock portfolio, disseminated disinformation about vegan and vegetarian lifestyle.

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A sentamoust do the Buette as 1st birn son ain't the kids dark eyed blue Lourde

19-02-2016 18:44

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The further resultisn Blaka Water-"₪, now in Amstel new Bruyn that police suposed interest testify, a worldphenomenun bomb, the following postwar countercurrent, only some sexual categorial survivers, and what:'now Clubscene longterm eyeball and closures have only Terminator-||%Primemin.W libertaryanism -||, further filtring moments, sertin safe sex works on perspektives by drug thereferoar:'No!'

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A last stance suposed Radikal 'wanna be, wanna likely" helloffa Bisexual St.Geo

18-02-2016 20:28

Albeit the circumscifyscion to deploy a whole living likely into well known Tertiur Calend the Intl.Tabor first arrival after sendamous, the boys have had to stirn institutions for that living bodyop
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D.I.R.T. the 'Sitte," Q&A of think global, act local

11-02-2016 11:07

イネ激流•〒→Sept.Arc a positiv perspective Crip lmt. the role to prole in Bradforth the Guiolltine. Zet.New York Gangs are real Mr.Shah ain't Mr.Taylor, Charles-Falklandイノ消しロイヲ、いせ!〒イネげにぎろり、倂つ仕入れを湯を沸かし伊瀬。

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Short Index aryans vs. the aryan of porn brutal

08-02-2016 10:08

NPD peggy of Hamburg French Kiss Categore
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Fox Hunt shamed after high profile supporter convicted of brutal assault

27-01-2016 20:22

Mona Ward, Hubert Daniels, Aideen Yourell (Irish Council Against Blood Sports)
The foxhunter was caught redhanded (on camera) assaulting two farmers who had banned all hunting on their lands…

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Herefordshire gets Sett for Badger Cull

02-12-2015 10:56

Photo courtesy of Simon Gardener
Opposition to badger cull in the 'Shire grows

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'World Day for Animals' Campaign to close

12-11-2015 12:07

At last year's animal rights gathering where people normally plan the following year's world day for animals in laboratories, there was a long discussion about why numbers on marches have been dropping over the last few years, and whether people thought it might be more effective to focus on local group actions instead of a national march. It was felt that it would be inspiring for local groups to organise their own events and may enable them to get some new people involved however that has not been successful and we have made the difficult decision to close the campaign.

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Irish Coursing Club reeling as major company pulls ad from its website

05-11-2015 20:09

In the latest blow to Ireland's cruel hare coursing, an Australian company has pulled an advertisement from the Irish Coursing Club website. The move came after the Irish Council Against Blood Sports highlighted the animal cruelty involved in coursing.

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“State of the art” Irish hare coursing venue has no planning permission …

12-10-2015 18:55

Enforcement letter confirming that Glin Coursing Club had no planning permission
A County Limerick, Ireland, based hare coursing club is getting away with an outrageous flouting of planning laws and procedures, and is doing so with the full knowledge of Limerick County Council.

A large complex for the holding, feeding, and “training” of captive hares on a field purchased by Glin Coursing Club for hare coursing purposes has no planning permission, and a letter of enforcement (see attached) was sent by Limerick County Council to the club personnel last year.

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Northern Vegan Festival in Manchester city centre

09-10-2015 14:53

North of England's largest vegan festival next week

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Hares secretly filmed at Irish coursing venue

04-10-2015 22:48

The campaign to ban hare coursing in Ireland continues...
Dozens of hares have been secretly filmed in captivity at the Edenderry coursing venue in County Offaly, Ireland... this in defiance of the ban on "unauthorized photography" that coursing clubs enforce with threats and beatings.

Just have a look at the footage...amazing to see so many of these ordinarily solitary creatures bunched together like this.

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ereland's Hare Coursing fraternity SHAMED!

30-09-2015 15:15

Hares in a tranquil setting...
Coursing Club members plead GUILTY in court to snatching hares from major heritage site!

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The 2015 Northern Vegan Festival in Manchester

20-05-2015 15:38

On Saturday October 17, the Northern Vegan Festival returns to Manchester city centre for a bigger event than last year which this time features 4 venues.

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The 2015 Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival in Leeds

20-05-2015 15:21

One Saturday June 13, the Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival returns to Leeds city centre for a bigger event than last year, which this time will be at the Town Hall.

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Earth First! Summer Gathering 2015 - 19th-24th Aug, Peak District

16-05-2015 14:28

Five days of skill-sharing for grassroots ecological direct action - make links, share ideas, and get involved in the struggles against fracking, new roads and more
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