UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
FOI Reports reveal that Minister opted not sanction coursing clubs despite clear
30-04-2015 18:10

World Lab Day comes to Cambridge (pt 2)
28-04-2015 22:19

World Lab Day comes to Cambridge (pt 1)
28-04-2015 21:52

Many Reasons McDoanld's To Shut Down 700 Stores This Year...
24-04-2015 20:37

faces 139 stores closing in Japan and 700 systemwide this year.
Why isn't there daily news about animals suffering in Britain?
10-04-2015 09:44
News of animals suffering is very rare and is still presented as if animals aren’t' being abused, tortured and attacked daily all over the country.Easter2015-Where is “Regulation”, “Accountability”, “Democracy” and “Justice”?
03-04-2015 11:54
Easter2015-Where is
Animal Agony, Union Busting, Deforestation, Human Disease At McDonald's
20-03-2015 18:51

Unionbusting, obesity, strokes, heart attacks, cancer, animal agony, deforestation, rainforest destruction, energy waste, crime, litter continue to be
associated with the Western wrold's biggest restaurant chain
FoI hearing re Huntingdon Life Sciences
02-03-2015 17:32
The fight for transparency over the government's decision to provide banking and insurance services to failing animal testing company Huntingdon Life Science continues on Friday 27th March in Manchester. Rhonda Moorhouse will again be appealing for a positive response to her request for full disclosure regarding this matter. Her last appeal was dismissed by a tribunal last May.Join These Vegan, Vegetarian And Fruitarian Champions
17-02-2015 18:08

Protest against top sponsor of live hare coursing in Ireland
31-01-2015 19:48

Possible US Presidential Candidates In 2016
28-01-2015 21:53

8 of the 22 most commonly mentioned possible Republican candidates for the presidency gathered in Iowa to garner support. Generally the Republican Party supports illegal wars, opposes environmental protection, fights against protection for animals, supports draconian punishment for nonviolent pot smokers etc. Many Democrat candidates have voted for war appropriations. There are many third parties: Green, Socialist, Libertarian, Communist etc.
American TV Networks Promote War, Toxic Food, Deforestation
24-01-2015 15:04
Even public television and radio have been corrupted in the US. National Public Radio owns 200 million dollars in McDonald's stock.8 reasons why meat-eating anarchists need a kick up their anthropocentric arses
01-01-2015 19:19

Greyhounds still suffering on fourth anniversary of Zigzag kennel closure
26-12-2014 09:29

Catholic priest BLESSES venue used for cruel hare coursing event
17-10-2014 17:24

Hare coursing is a horribly cruel “sport” that is a crime in many jurisdictions. It’s bad enough that the Irish government allows it…but this week pictures circulating on social media (twitter and facebook) clearly show a Catholic Priest officially BLESSING a hare coursing venue.
Veggies Happy Birthday to you and Thanks!
17-10-2014 16:41
Veggies will be catering at Anarchist Book Fair On Saturday 18th October.You are invited to Veggies Party at HQ Sumac Centre NG7 6HX from 6pm...also on 18th October
Cakes,Buffet,Music and anything else you'd expect to find...
Veggies offer our thanks to anyone that has ever washed plates, served tea and coffee,cut cake,served burgers...Happy Birthday to us and you...
See you all on the road sometime somewhere...
SHAC ENDS. We made history... The future is ours.
15-10-2014 12:52
SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) has been the biggest and most effective grassroots animal rights campaign the world has ever seen. Since we started, thousands of people across the globe have taken up the fight to close down Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory; HLS (Huntingdon Life Sciences).