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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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You have to laugh!

23-06-2006 12:54

Warmonger backs Arms Control?

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Nerve Magazine Party in Liverpool

22-06-2006 17:57

Catalyst Media - who publish Liverpool's free grassroots art and politics magazine 'Nerve' - are holding a party at Aigburth Cricket Club (opposite St Michael's station) on Friday, 7th July from 8pm.

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International Benefit Concert for Palestine in London

22-06-2006 16:11

On the 29th of June, 2006, the Balata-London Link Benefit Concert will take place at the Rivoli Ballroom in London, the United Kingdom.

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Oxton Festival Banned/British Open Welcomed

22-06-2006 13:25

not for profit fun at Oxton 2005
Wirral Council officials care more about “people who think public spaces are just extensions of their own back yards” than the community as a whole, the organiser of the Oxton Festival has claimed, after the July event was cancelled.

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What is it? That's what we'd like to know!!!

22-06-2006 10:50

See the strange thing!!!

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Defeat the Bigots in Nottingham

22-06-2006 09:31

Christian Voice have been organising protests outside Jerry Springer: The Opera all week. At first we protested on Freedom of Speech. These people are much more dangerous - they are Homophobic Bigots of the worst kind.

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summer solstice: remembering the battle of the beanfield

21-06-2006 23:27

Today is the Summer Solstice, which is the equilivent of Christmas for Pagans. More than 17,000 people were at Stonehenge to celebrate and there was just one arrest. What an improvement on 21 years ago, when nearly 600 people were arrested in the 'Battle of the Beanfield' which took place in Wiltshire near Stonehenge on June 1st 1985.

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Berkely Cinema Workers Vote IWW

20-06-2006 19:38

Union Wins Landslide Victory
Cinema Workers Pull
Through with Vote for The IWW

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Monthly Index "Critical Theory"

20-06-2006 15:08

Index April-May

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London Bridge Contact Improvisation Friday23 june 4-6pm

20-06-2006 12:37

A group of approximately eight dancers will perform Contact Improvisation dressed in office suits, while slowly moving through the bridge, in silence. This will involve passing through the crowd of people that is, in its most part, coming from the City centre on their way home to the suburbs, after a busy office day job.

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19-06-2006 18:57

" THE BACK END OF THAT PANTOMIME HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE IS A MERCHANT BANKER!" shouted the small boy from the back of the procession. . . .
New York Times yesterday broke the first few strands of the USA admin ex-security employees "loophole" racket

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19-06-2006 18:03

Katharine Jefferts Schori was last night elected as a Bishop of the U.S.A s Episcopal church, despite a background as expert in squids, oysters etc inhabiting the sediment of the N.E. Pacific, or the fact that she was raised Roman Catholic.
But she chose to focus on church priorities to the press :

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Refugee benefit gig in Liverpool

19-06-2006 17:39

Thu 20th July 2006
The Magnet, Hardman Street, Liverpool
Doors open 8pm

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17-06-2006 14:04


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Group Work: arts-related groups, collectives and movements

17-06-2006 10:55

Dear enthusiasts of group work and collaboration:
Please help us build a database of people working in arts and arts-related groups, collectives and movements.

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street writings

16-06-2006 16:04

texts and sound works by homeless people produced in a series of workshops which took place at crisis/skylight in London's East End during Mai and June will be presented on Resonance 104.4fm on 22nd june 7pm. the CD will be available via the website of ARTWORDS bookshop.

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2 blairs and england

16-06-2006 15:10

A flag that truly represents England

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Art of War : The Electronic Age

16-06-2006 03:54

Diebold Voting Machines
Diebold Electronic Voting Machines

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Basic Rebel Clown Training (Brighton 24/25 June)

15-06-2006 19:37

The Army Needs You
Calling all Fools - The next Basic Rebel Clown Training will be held over the weekend of June 24th and 25th in Brighton on the south coast of England.

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Bristol Planet Picnic!

15-06-2006 15:05

Pre-Climate Camp Picnic- Bristol Sunday 25th June