UK Culture Newswire Archive
Viva Zapatero! media wars tonight!
06-04-2006 15:41
In just a few more days Italy will have what some people are describing as the most important election in the history of the country. For five years the country has suffered plundering intimidation and sadness. Berlusconi, a multi billionaire media tycoon is turning the full force of his media empire to the efforts of winning a second term. Opposing him is the majority of the population and a growing alternative media movement from Indymedia, pirate TV, social centres and bloggers.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
(Fresh!) Manchester Rhythms of Resistance rocked Yorkshire at an Open Workshop
05-04-2006 14:51
Curitiba – Designing a sustainable city
05-04-2006 14:26
Curitiba in southern Brazil recently hosted the UN biodiversity convention COP8 MOP3. Curitiba is also an example of a well-designed city.It is not often we can praise the way our towns and cities are run. They are usually run by people lacking in vision, out for their own self-aggrandizement, mired to their necks in sleaze and corruption. One of the rare exceptions is Curitiba.
Curitiba, a provincial town in Brazil, where sustainable development is not given lip service, but actually practiced, where the people are involved in the planning decisions.
Cross-party support for IDAHO before launch, 7th April
05-04-2006 11:08
Statements of support from UK Political parties have provided a major boost to campaigners for an International Day Against Homophobia, in time for the big launch of IDAHO-UK on April 7th.May Day Minus One
04-04-2006 22:34
Social gathering at Sumac Centre, with informal stalls, light entertainment and food by Veggies from 4pm.(Sumac Cafe also open 11am - 3pm).
Films and live music from 7pm, with Sumac bar open until 10.30.
Info & stalls invited on the theme of action on climate change, as well as ranging associated issues for peace, cooperation and social justice.
Boomchucka circus and Arna's children in the West bank
02-04-2006 20:57
Boomchucka circus *aka circus2iraq* have just finished their tour of the west bank and occupied territories.Words As Weapons - the Poet as Anarchist
01-04-2006 13:38
A talk about anarchism and poetry as part of the Cambridge Conference of Contemporary Poetry 16Sumac Centre Nottingham - Posters for April - Download and Display
30-03-2006 21:10
Reclaim Fool's Day
30-03-2006 16:58
Protestors, performers & police get ready for Condi visit
30-03-2006 14:01
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
29-03-2006 21:18
Did you know the British government is trying to ban 'democracy'?The idea that Parliament - from the French, parler, meaning to speak - should be a place where people can express their political views has been turned upside down by The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA) s132 which bans demonstrations and free speech around Parliament.
Never Fear the Fools are Here!
Suspended Tory councillor turns out to be BNP stalwart
29-03-2006 20:03
Reverend West is a fakeGlastonbury movie uses counterculture archive.
29-03-2006 16:16
A unique archive has been used to make the most anticipated movie of 2006. On April 14 film director Julien Temple will launch "GLASTONBURY" the movie in cinemas across the UK. Swansea based video production company, Undercurrents has supplied both unique images and research facilities for the movie.Download Song Commemorating Rachel Corrie
28-03-2006 17:46
British folk singer Billy Bragg has released a FREE mp3 song dedicated to American hero/peace activist, Rachel Corrie... here's what Bragg said about his song: "Rachel Corrie went to Gaza to draw attention to the plight of the Palestinians, whose voice is seldom heard in her country, the US. That she herself should be silenced - first by an Israeli bulldozer, next by a New York theatre canceling a play created from her words - is a testimony to the power of her message. This song was written on a plane on March 20 and recorded at Big Sky Recordings, Ann Arbor, Michigan on March 22. The tune is borrowed from Bob Dylan."The chosen and the chased (by Latuff)
28-03-2006 05:10
Cross Border Beats: A Social for Asylum Seekers and Refugees
26-03-2006 22:01
Liverpool: The Yuppie Takeover
26-03-2006 16:18
Lord, in a bourgeois town
It's a bourgeois town
I got the bourgeois blues
Gonna spread the news all around
- Leadbelly
The Return of Revolutionary Music
25-03-2006 03:31
The sonic onslaught of BOOMERANG POLITICK lays siege to Los Angeles, and beyond...Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Greenwash detected at the British Museum
24-03-2006 22:33