UK Culture Newswire Archive
Garden City Social - Saturday, June 28, 2008
16-06-2008 09:33
Garden City SocialHidden Rivers Special
Saturday, June 28, 2008
8:00pm - 11:00pm
Britons Protection
opp Bridgewater Hall, 50 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester
Manchester, United Kingdom
Part of the Loiterer’s Resistance Movement pyschogeographic festival
Tibetan supporters vigil outside Chinese Embassy London June 19th
16-06-2008 07:23
Once again, TCB calls its entire members on Thursday, for an important vigil at the Chinese Embassy 19th June from 15:30 to 19:00 heralding the Olympic Torch's possible arrival in Lhasa. Please make an effort to join the vigil during the Embassy's opening hours so that our voices are heard.Adbusters "World Flag" competition
15-06-2008 17:40

Images from the London naked Bike ride, 14.06.08
15-06-2008 01:03

Spanish Republican ex-political prisoners scolded in Congress for flag
14-06-2008 22:35

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Sheffield Peace in the Park 2008
14-06-2008 21:05

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair goes live
14-06-2008 17:11

St Werburghs Centre, Horley Rd, Bristol BS2 9TJ
Saturday 13 September, from 10am to 5pm
All welcome – free entry
Get involved – stalls, meetings, ideas
LGBT Youth Give Homophobia Its Marching Orders!
14-06-2008 08:12
The Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Trans Youth Community, have challenged all uniformed youth services to take part in this years London Pride! Research shows that LGBT young people are more likely to go to a pub or club despite being underage than go to a youth group or activity due to homophobia.Artist Cleared of all Charges in Precedent-Setting Case
12-06-2008 16:52
Department of Justice Fails to Appeal DismissalKurtz Speaks about Four-Year Ordeal
Buffalo, NY--Dr. Steven Kurtz, a Professor of Visual Studies at SUNY at Buffalo and co-founder of the award-winning art and theater group Critical Art Ensemble, has been cleared of all charges of mail and wire fraud.
Begging for it in Liverpool 2008
11-06-2008 15:32
One of the most influential plays of the 18th century is being brought to stageat Unity Theatre, Liverpool, by local theatre company Keyhole productions.
Singing Up a Storm workshop, London, Saturday June 28th
11-06-2008 13:00
Can singing transform the world?We know that the right song at the right moment can unify, inspire,
educate and galvanise.
We know that it can be brutally silenced.
We know that many voices can be heard where one might be lost.
Fountainhead e-Letter, Berlin Germany
08-06-2008 01:23

Spike Surplus Scheme Under Threat
07-06-2008 18:57

Open Day Sunday 15 June to showcase activities – all welcome
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Squatting in the media, a squatter responds
05-06-2008 02:39
On Monday 2nd June, inaccurate and prejudicial articles about squatting appeared in the Hate Mail and the Torygraph, then not to be out done, the Daily Star. All were regurgitating some bullshit statement from the conservative party made by Eric Pickles (a particularly nasty right-wing pro-hunt homophobic toad from Essex). So clearly lacking any genuine research or analysis and so blatant in their anti squatter bias, I felt compelled to complain...Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns Part 29
04-06-2008 23:37

Press Release: Palestine Lives 2008
04-06-2008 13:25
01-06-2008 17:20

More of a party than a demo, this event attracted thousands of people wanting to stick two fingers up at Boris Johnson's new policy of zero alcohol on the tube.
It got out of hand at the end, a big flock of police turned up, and things got nasty.
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Newsletter Number Two from East Oxford Community Centre Action Group
31-05-2008 18:56
East Oxford Community Centre Action Group21st May 2008
Newsletter Number Two
Threats Documented…
Property development on the site of East Oxford Community Centre,
Property development on the site of East Oxford Games Hall,
Demolition of most of East East Oxford Community Centre site including the Social Club bar
Surviving Powercuts&/or conspiracies to end Gordon Brown - a "Q&A"
28-05-2008 21:43
The UK national grid has taken the blame for power cuts which left hundreds of thousands of Britons (& Scottish people) without electricity yesterday for more substantial reasons than being scared of violating their probation status by leaving their hovels with an electronic tag device around their ankle to stick their charge key in the meter.The tone thus set, a simple "Q&A" for people who'd like to know how to make their own electricity so that dark hidden conspiracies to make Gordon Brown as unpopular as Harold Wilson affect not their households.