UK Culture Newswire Archive
Bilbao's redevelopment: Another side to the story
15-10-2007 21:31
Response to a Guardian article praising superstar architect Zaha Hadid's Masterplan for the Zorrozaurre peninsula in BilbaoFull article | 2 additions | 9 comments
Anarchist Bookfair after party at rampART
14-10-2007 23:29

Suggested donation £5
proceeds to NoBorders and rampART
12-10-2007 11:55

Full article | 3 additions | 2 comments
Indymedia Exhibition.
11-10-2007 17:24

Opening October 30th.
Text the contact numbers if know of a suitable space that is free and accessible. Or if you wish to organise something. Anywhere in the UK or Europe considered.
Celebrating Peace or Camouflaging Apartheid?
11-10-2007 11:54
Boycott the Jericho-Tel Aviv Public Events on October 18th!Take back the night - deterring assault
10-10-2007 12:12
Helping to deter assaults by using a cameraphoneFree Protest Music & the Music Business
10-10-2007 03:48
David Rovics, Attila the Stockbroker and Tracey Curtis are currently touring the UK in what is probably the best protest tour since the miner's strike. On Thursday the 11th they play Bannerman's in Edinburgh at 8pm for £6. Earlier on at 4pm, they play a shorter free set in Edinburgh at the FREAK / TAA event in Edinburgh. Combining free and paid gigs with free and paid downloads they are helping to cut the music free from the business.Lancaster anti-supermarket protest camp
08-10-2007 17:44

Pictures and press release:
Edinburgh Temporary Autonomous Arts Exhibition
08-10-2007 15:59

40th Anniversary of Che Guevara's execution (by Latuff)
07-10-2007 19:38

Corporate publishing houses
07-10-2007 03:46
For all the bad press that they receive, a lot of people still believe that Western corporations are making some sort of contribution to improving the lot of people in the third world. Let me present a counter-example.Turkish State Terrorism Blocks Peaceful Solution to Turkey's Kurdish Question
05-10-2007 17:30
Turkey is using a political and military onslaught to anihilate anyone who is calling for a political solution to the Kurdish Question in Turkey. All democratic avenues are being shut. Military Generals rule Turkey as they rule Burma. A call for action.April 2008: call for decentralized squat days of action
05-10-2007 11:00
On Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th of April 2008, we call fortwo days of demonstration, direct action, public information,
street-party, squatting… in defence of free spaces and for an
anti-capitalist popular culture.
Danish kids to hold mass squatting action on October 6th in Copenhagen
05-10-2007 10:58
We are going to move into our new house on Grøndalsvænge allé 13, the 6th of October. We´re not hiding that, for this action, we are, amongst others, inspired by this summers succesful protests at the G8 summit in Rostock, Gremany.Respect for Basford 'Recycling' Street Art
04-10-2007 00:15

Film: The tenth castor transport to Gorleben
03-10-2007 19:54
Nowhere on earth has the nuclear industry found a safe way to keep waste that will remain dangerous for at least a million years. In Germany politicians decided 30 years ago that a salt deposit near the village of Gorleben in the north of the country should be the permanent repository, and a prefabricated storage hall next door to it the "interim storage". Scientists almost from the outset ruled the salt dome unsafe.Mining Heritage of Durham builds Nov 3rd Bookfair
02-10-2007 14:34
The first ever Working Class Bookfair is building momentum, as it gets closer to Saturday November 3rd. The latest development involves the Market Tavern public house, in Durhams' Market Place, which was the founding place of the important Durham Miners Association in the 19th century.Liverpool Free Screen This Sunday
01-10-2007 18:53
The latest film night in Liverpool Social Centre (Next To Nowhere) is being held this coming Sunday night, starting a bit earlier this time at 5pm.Germany's Policy towards the Middle East
01-10-2007 16:02
A short abstract about Germany's interest in the Mid-East during the World Wars and presently attachements!A must read!
Last Hours #16 - radical culture magazine
01-10-2007 09:22