UK Culture Newswire Archive
Diverse Communities Explore Climate Change At The Akashi Festival
29-10-2007 15:26

Mathew Street Inquiry: The Coverup Continues
28-10-2007 21:43
THE 'secret' Mathew Street report has been given to two council employees - but denied to Labour councillors.Christian/Jewish Fascism Awareness Week
28-10-2007 12:14

Rising fascist tide sweeps Turkey
27-10-2007 19:48
As the Turkish govt threatens to invade northern Iraq a rising fascist tide seeks to silence dissent.Gagged! #20 - Audio
24-10-2007 12:38
See pdf and text here:
Audio - History of the Anarchist Bookfair
24-10-2007 11:01

Something for the weekend
24-10-2007 02:36

Crash space for the bookfair
23-10-2007 23:20

The Midas-Excess and Pleonexia
23-10-2007 14:14
The Midas-excess, the more-addiction or pleonexia is similar to the grand delusion of self-righteousness. Our narcissist culture, the dance around the golden ego, must be fought on all fronts. The vulgar materialist (cf. Ernst Bloch) thinks the world is only material and dismisses everything inward, spiritual and divine, whatever cannot fit in one's pocket, as irrelevant.Garden City Social - Peterloo Memorial benefit
23-10-2007 09:20
£4 on the door8pm Sat 24th November 2007
Yard Theatre, Old Birley Street, nr Kim By the Sea, Hulme M15 5RF
'Guy Fawkes Had The Right Idea' gig in Liverpool
22-10-2007 06:44

Oaxaca Solidarity Gig in Liverpool
21-10-2007 01:54

Hyson Green / Radford Community Wall Mural
20-10-2007 01:16

Passin' through Hyson Green this afternoon, came across Richard [popx] just finishing a 100' piece on boards in front of the New Arts Exchange in Hyson Green [Gregory Boulevard]. Some local dignataries acknowledged the completion of the work.
Gagged! #20 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
18-10-2007 16:05

See the pdf here:

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rampART news and more
18-10-2007 09:36
Last Friday the rampART was used by locals to celebrate EID which marksthe end of Ramadan. In Islam, believers are called upon to cease all
consumption of food and drink between the hours of daylight for 30
consecutive days.
Standing up for the right to know
17-10-2007 11:56
A protest in the North West against greedy media bosses who don't care about journalism.BBC Complaint
17-10-2007 11:32
Misleading article on BBC TV news this morning (17 Oct) implied that Moseley Road Pools are under threat due to falling swimmer numbers which is not the case. Threat to baths is Birmingham city council seeking to cut back costs of leisure provision and their neglect of the baths over many years has bought about a big repair bill.Crisis of trust in Birmingham City Council
16-10-2007 12:46