UK Iraq Newswire Archive
Anti-war protest brought chaos to Hereford – 20th March 2003
20-03-2013 20:09
Iraq, ten years on from an unprovoked assault.
20-03-2013 19:22
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Campaigners lock themselves to the gates of arms factory on 10th anniversary of Iraq invasion
19-03-2013 07:11
A group of activists arrived at the EDO MBM factory at 6am and three of them affixed themselves to the gates using bicycle d-locks and superglue.
The action was held this morning to mark the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war in 2003.
Dissident Island Radio - Iraq War Panel Discussion - Friday 15 March 2013
18-03-2013 20:43
Anti-War Panel on Dissident Island Radio Tonight
15-03-2013 11:36
Bradley Manning explains chronology of leaks and his [exemplary] motivation
01-03-2013 09:05
UPDATE: Verbatim transcript of Bradley Manning's Feb 28 statement now online. Thanks to Alexa O'Brien.
Yesterday in court Bradley Manning read out a long statement explaining the background to the leaks, how and why he had come to send the files to WikiLeaks, what had motivated him, what he hoped would happen as a result. This statement was not initially available, so this article has been compiled from tweets sent from the court and afterwards by Alexa O'Brien, who has been reporting on the case from the beginning.
See also reports from Kevin Gosztola | Nathan Fuller.
There will be a solidarity vigil for Bradley Manning outside the US Embassy in London today, Friday 1 March at 5pm
Turkish warplanes bombers continue attacking Kurdistan regions
27-02-2013 21:22
This brutal attacks happening despite all the media report about peace talk between Ankara and PKK.
A Day in Iraq - One day conference in London
21-02-2013 15:20
Tadhamun تضامن (Iraqi Women Solidarity) has organised a one day conference in London to mark the 10th Anniversary of the illegal war and occupation of Iraq.5th April 2013 (2:00 – 21:00 PM) at Bolivar Hall, 54-56 Grafton Way, London WT1 5LD
The Event will include: Drama & Music Performance, Book Stall & Photo Exhibition showing some aspects of Iraqi daily life since the invasion in 2003.
Transport: Warren Street; Click here for directions; T: 07989861380 / 02073876727
Refreshments will be served - All Welcome
Iraq: Was it Worth It?...Are You Kidding?
15-02-2013 15:56
Iraq Ten Years On: What You Don’t Hear!
10-02-2013 11:22
As 2013 marks the tenth anniversary of the Iraq invasion, I feel there are some points of focus which the media and campaigners need to address, if they wish to provide substance, to any area of serious discussion.Hunger Strike in Parliament Square - day 25
20-01-2013 00:32
Britain's military adventures have cost us all so much
11-01-2013 10:49
This article was first published on Iraq Solidarity News (Al-Thawra)Barbara Tucker now on hunger strike: started Thursday 27th
31-12-2012 16:36
Yuletide in Parliament Square – War and Peace
29-12-2012 06:29
Iraq’s leadership has failed
23-12-2012 00:57
There is an urgent need in Iraq to discuss the direction in which the country is moving.Iraq needs a revolution
20-12-2012 10:02
Iraq missed out on the Arab Spring, but it not late for its youth to rise up against their government and turn Iraq, now a failed state, into a prosperous, functioning democracy, Iraqi veteran politician, Adnan al-Pachachi, has said.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
HIV-Negative AIDS: CFS, ME, or AIDS?
14-12-2012 05:13
Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code.Winter in Parliament Square
12-12-2012 12:45