UK Iraq Newswire Archive
Smash EDO wishes Paul Hills a merry Christmas
20-12-2010 13:13
EDO/ITT is a manufacturer of weapon release components to the UK, US and Israel. They are based in Home Farm Road BrightonAnti repression Surprise demo at EDO
13-12-2010 17:13
See and EDO: demo held in support of freedom to protest call to action
13-12-2010 15:12
A loud surprise noise demo was held outside EDO/ITT this morning in response to the freedom to protest call to action ( that had been proposed for the weekend.Anyone interested in nuclear disarmament read this cable #08PARIS245
09-12-2010 21:36
P3 MEETING ON NONPROLIFERATION AND DISARMAMENT (2008) - Google 08PARIS245Particularly note the tone of the cluster munitions section: they do not want to stop using them
"Unfortunately, once cluster munitions are declared to be unacceptable, it is hard to argue that we still need to use them for awhile."
IRAQi war news..
01-12-2010 21:05
Rockets Strongly Hit Kalso Occupation BaseKatyusha Rockets Aim US Base in Kirkuk
Katyusha Rockets Felt in the Green Zone
Roadside Bomb Targets US Oil Tanker
US Occupation Wheel Destroyed in Bakuba
Smash EDO: Noise demo back today!
01-12-2010 11:53
After having taken a week off last week to join the students' demo, we are back outside EDO today as usual.Mounting evidence of British war crimes in Iraq
17-11-2010 13:38
Further allegations of war crimes committed by British troops in Iraq emerged in the High Court in London last week.Prosecute Tony Blair and John Howard over ‘proceeds of crime’
17-11-2010 00:00

Judicial exposure of US Alliance war crimes can be achieved if Australian PM John Howard, who committed Australia to the illegal invasion of Iraq, is prosecuted for “proceeds of crime” over his recently published memoirs.
Death of Dr. David Kelly: Disinformation, censorship and coverup by the UK media
15-11-2010 11:34

US prepares permanent Iraq occupation
10-11-2010 14:05
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates signaled Tuesday that the US is preparing to scrap a 2011 deadline for withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq, setting the stage for a permanent military occupation of the oil-rich country.Medialens: WikiLeaks - The Smear and the Denial - Part 2 - The Denial
09-11-2010 23:17
The UK and US media smears described in Part 1
'US humiliated by wanted Bush'
06-11-2010 10:44

BAe confronted in Oxford
05-11-2010 22:09

Medialens: WikiLeaks - The Smear and the Denial - Part 1 - The Smear
03-11-2010 15:17
“Journalists don't like WikiLeaks”, Hugo Rifkind notes in The Times, but “the people who comment online under articles do... Maybe you've noticed, and been wondering why. I certainly have.” (Hugo Rifkind Notebook, ‘Remind me. It's the red one I mustn't press, right?,’ The Times, October 26, 2010)Rifkind is right. The internet has revealed a chasm separating the corporate media from readers and viewers. Previously, the divide was hidden by the simple fact that Rifkind’s journalists - described accurately by Peter Wilby as the “unskilled middle class” (

General Peace Strike Saturday 20th November
02-11-2010 22:20
A call for non-violent direct action to close down Westminster and Whitehall from 20th November onwards. This peaceful action will take place after the 'Stop The War' demonstration called for that day.Letter from Parliament Square
30-10-2010 18:15

Parliament Square.
Do you have friends in the Forces?
27-10-2010 21:58
Following orders just wont wash - soldiers: Legal Right to object to war
US Activists demonstrate outside Home of ITT CEO
27-10-2010 12:58
A coalition of US activists demonstrated in the home neighbourhood of ITT chief executiveve, Steven Loranger, last week. US campaigners are targetting ITT, the owners of Brighton's EDO MBM, because of their involvement in the design and manufacture of drone technology and their pro-war lobbying activities. One of the participants in the 40 strong demonstration said of Loranger, "We're here today to inform his neighbors about how his personal ambitions impact all of our lives,"WikiLeaks reveals private security contractors killed Iraqis with impunity
27-10-2010 09:39
WikiLeaks’ release of nearly 400,000 US military documents from operations in Iraq between 2003 and 2009 brings to light new evidence that private security contractors killed civilians with impunity.