UK Iraq Newswire Archive
Iraq violence could end "within weeks" of foreign troop withdrawal - Al-Kewther
22-02-2007 13:57
Dr Al-Kewther is currently Dean of the Faculty of Media and Journalism at Al-Huraa University in the Netherlands. He has an extensive background as a television presenter and broadcaster. From 2001-2006 he was a news reader and programme presenter at Al-Mustaqillah TV in London.
Dr Al-Kewther spoke with Mahan Abedin
Manchester Critical Mass and Fundraising Gig This Friday
21-02-2007 21:12
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Depleted Uranium: Pernicious Killer Keeps on Killing
21-02-2007 11:35
Funeral Procession to commemorate the victims of the US bombing of Somalia
21-02-2007 11:27
Smash Edo Press ReleaseFor immediate release
Wednesday 21st of February 2007, 4pm.
New Iraq Oil Law To Open Iraq's Oil Reserves to Western Companies
20-02-2007 23:35
US troops terrorize Baghdad in “Operation Law and Order”
20-02-2007 21:36
The Kuala Lumpur Initiative to Criminalise War
20-02-2007 15:21
The Kuala Lumpur Initiative to Criminalise War Petition to Citizens of the World - Petition
Torture at Abu Ghraib: The full sworn testimony of Ali Shalal
20-02-2007 14:34
Ali Shalal, known to the World as the "man behind the hood", is a man of tremendous courage and determination. I heard his testimony, I had the opportunity of speaking to him on several occasions in the course of the war crimes Conference. We established bonds of friendship and solidarity. We shared our determination to bring the war criminals in high office to justice.
Ali Shalal is a professor of theology. He is a tremendous source of inspiration. It is important to understand that what Ali Shalal experienced is part of a routine process of torture, applied systematically to those arrested. Many of his companions in Abu Ghraib died as a result of torture or were executed upon their release so that they would not reveal the gruesome horrors and atrocities committed on the orders of the Bush administration. Also of significance, as confirmed by his testimony, was the fact that Israeli "civilians" were involved in assisting the US prison interrogators.
Ali Shalal survived and provided testimony in the name of all those who were tortured to death. Ali Salal's words will go down in history.
The war criminals in high office will be brought to justice. It is also our determination that they will be given a fair trial.
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 19 February 2007
Demo for the victims of the US bombing of Somalia at EDO MBM tomorrow
20-02-2007 14:11
21st Februray, 4-6 pmmeet at the bottom of Home Farm Road (where Home Farm Rd meets Lewes Road)
Flashpoints: John Pilger - Iran, Iraq, Palestine and Journalism in a Time of War
20-02-2007 12:49
Student Blockade of EDO MBM
19-02-2007 18:55
Smash EDO Press ReleaseContact Andrew Beckett or Sarah Johnson For more Details
Email -, tel 07875708873
Autonomous Bloc on the Anti-Trident Demo in London
19-02-2007 13:49
Bush and Gonzales – Two Terrorists
18-02-2007 14:27
President Bush, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the U.S. Justice Department subject an entire state to civil rights violations reminiscent of 1930s Germany.Second surprise demo at EDO
18-02-2007 12:31
EDO are Brighton's very own bomb makers...Ulster on the Euphrates: The Anglo-American Dirty War in Iraq
16-02-2007 23:53
Sheffield coach info for 24th Feb London demo
16-02-2007 22:02
• No Trident
• Troops out of Iraq
Assemble Hyde Park - March to Trafalgar Square
Tickets for Sheffield coaches are £20 / £15 / £10 and are available by calling 07761-471-441.
And also from Jack's Records, Division Street. Credit Card bookings: 0114-276-7093 (subject to fee)
A look at the bombing of the Golden Dome Mosque in Samarra
15-02-2007 23:54
Information Warfare, Psy-ops and the Power of MythThe bombing of the Golden Dome Mosque in Samarra is the cornerstone of Bush’s psychological operations (psy-ops) in Iraq. That’s why it is critical to have an independent investigation and discover who is really responsible. The bombing has been used as a "Pearl Harbor-type" event which has deflected responsibility for the 650,000 Iraqi casualties and more than 3 million refugees. These are the victims of American occupation not civil war.
beirut, baghdad, zahedan: is there a connection between these bombing incidents?
15-02-2007 09:23
It is curious that the blast in Zahedan follows two separate bombing incidents.Three women sentenced to death for carrying out Resistance attacks
15-02-2007 00:47
In a dispatch posted at 3:33pm Makkah time Saturday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam (Islammemo) reported that the puppet "Iraqi Supreme Criminal Court" has ordered the execution of three Iraqi women on charges of involvement in Resistance attacks in Baghdad. The puppet "court" called such Resistance activity "terrorism."Thousands in Germany, Italy are told they will be Deploying in mid-2007
14-02-2007 22:49
Some 8,500 soldiers from 43 units in Germany and Italy have received official word that they will be deploying to either Iraq or Afghanistan later this year, U.S. Army Europe officials announced Monday.