UK Iraq Newswire Archive
Manchester anti-arms trade activities
13-05-2010 08:58
Target Brimar are calling for solidarity with the EDO Decommissioners in Manchester. On Monday 17th May at 12.30 pm we'll be leafleting outside Barclays on Mosley Street in Manchester City Centre; please join us.Decommissioners trial postponed until June 7th
11-05-2010 20:41
plus upcoming Smashing events...Smash EDO - Target Barclays Picket 11am Saturday
07-05-2010 21:05
see - Bad Music Demo at EDO/ITT Today 4pm
05-05-2010 11:36
see posters subverted in East Oxford
04-05-2010 23:59
![Andrew Smith poster stickered](/icon/2010/05/450500.jpg)
Shut Down The G4S Chambers
03-05-2010 19:56
G4S have recently won a "British Safety Council International Award" in relation to the Concentration Camp in Oakington. The company will be presented with the award on Friday 21 May during a black tie banquet at the Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London.We urge workers to disrupt this spectacle.
We will be there to help destroy it.
The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election
28-04-2010 23:16
On April 15, news media broadcast the first of three live, 90-minute “prime ministerial debates” between Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg, the leaders, respectively, of the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties. By the end of the second debate on April 22, the word ‘Iraq’ had been mentioned a total of five times over the course of the three hours of discussion.Smash EDO Update - Support the Decommissioners and more
28-04-2010 10:11
see soldier in collateral murder video speaks out against war
28-04-2010 08:40
soldier who saved kids in wikiLeaks massacre video condemns warTony Blair, very close to being indicted for war crimes in Malaysia
24-04-2010 18:22
![Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair testifying at the Iraq Inquiry, January 2010](/icon/2010/04/449691.jpg)
This was no ordinary protest. Tony Blair has been accused of war crimes in a legal initiative led by the country's former Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
Upon entering the main convention hall, Tony Blair was very close to being served with an indictment for war crimes.
While the unfolding events have been acknowledged by the Malaysian press, Tony Blair's visit to Malaysia has passed virtually unnoticed in the United Kingdom. In fact, outside of Malaysia, the issue has not received press coverage.
Deafening silence and complicity of the British media? One would expect that people in Britain would want to know what happened to Tony Blair in Kuala Lumpur.
Manchester Class Struggle Forum, national liberation and internationalism
19-04-2010 16:48
The third Manchester Class Struggle Forum will host a discussion on national liberation and internationalism, with a lead off from the World Revolution group.Photos of the 7th Sharrow Lantern Carnival
11-04-2010 21:26
7 million Iraqis below poverty line
11-04-2010 15:43
The Iraqi government is also going to be ending the ration system to millions of people to be inline with reforms to accomodate their loan aggreements.General Election Hustings: AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ & PALESTINE - WHERE DO YOU STAND?
08-04-2010 11:14
Details in briefDate: Wednesday 14th April 2010
Time: Meeting to start 7.45 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House,12 Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BA.
Assassination of Reuters staff in Iraq. A US war crime.
07-04-2010 19:33
![Namir Noor Eldeen and Saeed Chmagh](/icon/2010/04/448726.jpg)
Easter in Parliament Square
06-04-2010 22:53
Is Iran a Threat to Global Security? US is Waging War against the Wrong Country
05-04-2010 13:24
Chagos Islanders Need Our Solidarity
02-04-2010 20:11
![Charlezia - an Islander...but will she ever see home again](/icon/2010/04/448536.jpg)
Support the Decommissioners - on Trial - May 17th
24-03-2010 13:11
Postponed from last autumn, the trial of the six people charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage at the ITT/EDO MBM offices in Brighton in January 2009 now begins on May 17th.
On 17th January 2009, as the bombs rained down on Gaza, the six defendants entered the EDO factory. They threw computers and filing cabinets out of the first floor window and took hammers to machinery used for weapons production. Their aim was to disable the war machine and to take action against those who profit from the aerial bombardment of Gaza. The offices were out of action for a month.
Depleted Uranium: A War Crime Within a War Crime
23-03-2010 08:32
The U.S. has illegally conducted four nuclear wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and twice in Iraq since 1991, calling DU "conventional" weapons when in fact they are nuclear weapons.
DU is the Trojan Horse of nuclear war – it keeps giving and keeps killing. There is no way to clean it up, and no way to turn it off because it continues to decay into other radioactive isotopes in over 20 steps.