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Anyone interested in nuclear disarmament read this cable #08PARIS245

A Nuke Free World | 09.12.2010 21:36 | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Terror War

Particularly note the tone of the cluster munitions section: they do not want to stop using them
"Unfortunately, once cluster munitions are declared to be unacceptable, it is hard to argue that we still need to use them for awhile."


¶12. (S) U/S Rood emphasized that the international community was making progress in addressing cluster munitions concerns in the UN-authorized Convention on Conventional Weaposn (CCW) process. The USG was concerned about Norway’s efforts to go outside this multilateral track via the “Oslo Process.” We believe this is both impractical and unconstructive and would prefer that other countries not participate in this outside mechanism. Leslie responded that the UK was participating in both the CCW and the Oslo Process as a “tactical maneuver” designed to keep activity within the bounds of their “redlines” and at the same time, keep the CCW alive. The UK wants to keep the “smart” type of cluster munitions and would not agree to phase out anything without a transitional period. At the same time, the UK is concerned about the impact of the Oslo Process on the aftermath of a conflict (foreseeing “astronomical bills” handed out to those who used cluster munitions in the past). Carre said that France could not afford to ignore the Oslo Process given the political power of the NGOs on this issue, but like the UK they hope to affect the debate as a participant. Cluster munitions have also attracted the attention of FM Kouchner and the French government is under “heavy domestic pressure” to take action. Unfortunately, once cluster munitions are declared to be unacceptable, it is hard to argue that we still need to use them for awhile.

A Nuke Free World