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UK History Newswire Archive

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13.09.08 'Free the Cuban five' demo images

13-09-2008 23:44

UK, London. 'Free the Cuban five' demo, Trafalgar Square. 2008
Images from the demonstration organised by the National Committee to free the 'Cuban Five', on the north pavement of Trafalgar square, London, on 13.09.08.
The 'Cuban Five' are five Cuban nationals, imprisoned in 2001 on much-disputed allegations of spying against the USA. Many Cubans and their supporters believe they were actually gathering intelligence about possible terrorist acts against Cuba.

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Letter of goodbye to Van Walsum

13-09-2008 22:58

The ingenuous franqueza and the assumption relief of political conscience of the ex- personal representative of the Secretary General of Nations United for the Western Séhara, Peter Van Walsum

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Cl@ss War bookstall at Richmond Sunday 28th september

13-09-2008 22:17

Selling labour movement, anarchist, autonomist, Marxist books and associated magazines/postcards

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9/11, The global Peace Strike, the Peace Plan and Dr Aafia Siddiqui in pictures.

13-09-2008 12:30

The World Peace Strike.
Seven years after the destruction of the World Trade Center complex in the United States, peace campaigners gather in London to mark the event with a series of protests exploring how the event has come to dominate every area of modern-day life here in the UK.

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Showroom Picket 12th September 2008

12-09-2008 10:47

These are a selection of images taken outside the Showroom cinema during the picket taking place on Friday the 12th of September.

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The western Sahara: The verb saharaui conjugated in the present

06-09-2008 11:48

The length and complex problem of the decolonization
They say that contentious on the western Sahara it has lasted 33 years

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Bring out your Dead!

03-09-2008 15:06

you would be an old & senile lady scared to go out if you had lived .
Everyone on the left understands the significance of the 2nd Spanish Republic. All too often we look at how she fell a victim of a fascist coup d'etat and the ensuing prelude to the 2nd world war. We remember the first blanket & dive bombings more clearly than we remember the achievements of a revolutionary period whose birth and death passed before we were born.

Now super Judge Garzon has called for the files on the 30,000 disappeared from churches and regional offices - to assess whether any of the murderers still alive may be brought to justice.

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Dear Lady Warnock: about this word 'bollocks'...

01-09-2008 12:54

Do I have the right to say Bollocks in public?

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The Last Pharaoh” will be the biggest challenge to Obama

24-08-2008 20:56

The Last Pharaoh: Mubarak and the Uncertain Future of Egypt in the Mid East
This is why whatever unfo lds on the Egyptian landscape; will be a story of monumental proportions.

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Rwanda: obscuring the truth about the genocide

23-08-2008 13:18

Far from being radical, the attacks on France for its role in the 1994 war
are designed to whitewash Western intervention more broadly.
Barrie Collins,, 13.08.2008

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Blockades: Acts of War

23-08-2008 12:55

From July 21 - 31, Joint Task Force (mostly US, but also UK, France, Brazil and Italy) "Operation Brimstone" large scale war games were conducted off the US East coast in the North Atlantic. Its purpose may have been to prepare for a naval blockade of Iran. From what's known a naval deployment may be planned, and a blockade may ensue. The situation remains tense and worrisome.

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Armenia's Struggle for Independence

23-08-2008 12:29

Each country must find its own way, shaped by its immediate situation, and seen against the backdrop of its own specific cultural and political history. In the case of Armenia, it is evident that any perspective for real economic progress must be based on cooperation with its neighbors in the context of a regional development perspective. This means negotiating political solutions to the continuing conflicts with Azerbaijan and Turkey, in order to reestablish normal economic and trade relations. To achieve this, requires a capable leadership dedicated to the future of its nation and its people, as well as support from the international community. Armenians are seeking such leadership.

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Mid-Summer Alert—Update

22-08-2008 22:17

Very Strange Timing for Little Georgia to Attack the Big Bear

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Thessaloniki political prisoner and stitch-up victim Simon Chapman convicted?

22-08-2008 06:58

Four years on from his reported acquittal, British activist Simon Chapman has allegedly been sentenced in absentia to over five years in prison for taking part in protests against the Thessaloniki EU summit in Greece in 2003. He was the target of a high-profile activist defence campaign after widespread coverage of police corruption in the case - videos show riot police planting a bag of Molotov cocktails on him which formed the basis of the case against him.

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Westminster bollocks a.k.a a crock of shite

21-08-2008 18:53

Do I have the right to say bollocks on English soil in front of Parliament or not?

Charity Sweet XXX

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Sat 23rd: International Day of Resistance Against Enslavement

19-08-2008 11:44

This Saturday 23RD AUGUST*
*International Day of Resistance Against Enslavement*
A day of talks, seminars, film showings & discussion, entitled:
Time: *2 pm – 7 pm*
Venue: 166 Benhill Road, Camberwell, London SE5 7LL
Organised by the *Recovered Histories London Regional Network (RH-LRN)*

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Class War bookstall in Tynemouth 17th August

16-08-2008 21:50

Sunday 10-4pm, a regional bookfair in North Shields, on the way to Whitley Bay, is taking place. There will be an anarchist and communist bookstall, covering many historical issues, including Labour movement e.g. Durham Miners Association and IWW.

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VIDEO - Transatlantic Energy Cartels and the Rise of the Car - climate camp talk

16-08-2008 20:36

Standard Oil octupus
Energy cartels and the rise of the car - History of oil companies working together to control the energy market, how public transport has been dismantled and the energy and transport markets have been rigged in the UK and USA to force the population to be car dependent – Monday 3rd August 2008.

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Caesar’s-Messiah’s Vicar Calls for Peace (Again) in Georgia?

15-08-2008 15:32

Caesar’s-Messiah’s Vicar Calls for Peace (Again) in Georgia?

Seamus Breathnach 15/08/2008 06:51

Unfortunately, the Pope and his enormous empire is quite capable of suing the whole world. Through Opus Dei, he already owns most of the Supreme Courts and , in some countries, he even has a Special Place drafted into their Constitution. This was so for the Republic of Ireland and East Timor; and , if you looked closely enough at a couple of dozen other Catholic countries , you would find the same anti-secular bias, even when such countries brag about 'every citizen being equal before the law'. Catholicism makes tin-pot dictatorships out of the most well-meaning countries. One has only to mention Spain, Portugal and Austria to see what they did to these countries in the past, or to Spain, Italy or Germany before , during and after WW11. The personality of the Christian, when you have taken away the Janus-mask of White Pope (who does the PR from the Vatican) and the Black Pope , who does the biz abroad, is one of deception, forgery, incalculable violence and aggression ,not just to women and children in 'State-run Catholic schools', but in the broadest theaters of universal civil and international war.

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Information Links & Sources for the (short) war in South Ossetia

08-08-2008 16:01

"the first former USSR state inter-state war over the right to statehood"
On any one day there is war somewhere on this planet. Either with a big double U or a little one. But some will be interested in information sources and news resources on the current conflict in South Ossetia because it is the first time Russian troops have engaged since the collapse of the USSR.

First link really should be to the people who invited them to engage not those who provoked them.
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