UK History Newswire Archive
Gay ALF Activist Roger Troen Dies at 77
13-05-2008 17:41
Can't Kill The Spirit: Gay ALF Activist Roger Troen Dies at 77Sunday, May 11, 2008
The Oregonian
RFK MUST DIE: The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy
10-05-2008 14:45

May Day in Chicago, 2008
09-05-2008 14:43
Amidst the nationwide flurry of this year’s May Day events—from New York to the West Coast and many points between—not the least was the day-long series of events in Chicago, the city where May Day began.The winds of Fascism blowing across Europe
09-05-2008 06:06
In the wake of the spread of uniformity and the gospel of order and security, one might wonder if all these Center Right governments are in cahoots? It would seem so. Is this the real face of the European Union? It seems so. Is this part of the World-Government-New-World-Order process? Looks like it.“Hunger riots”, it's the struggle of the proletariat!
06-05-2008 18:34

New Pamphlet : "Salvador Puig Antich and the MIL (Movimiento Iberico de Liberaci
04-05-2008 14:53
Salvador Puig Antich was a revolutionary murdered by the state in Barcelona in the last years of the Franco regime. This volume looks at the struggle of the MIL, both in the context of the times, and the light of current attempts to 'rehabilitate' him as a martyr for capitalist 'democracy'.Election Fraud in the news again . . . . but its those that aint that are worst
03-05-2008 15:26
From the accepted profession of old western cold war operators in the 1950s (- see most accepted history, plus "COUP", the old 1960s textbook on the subject ) rigging elections has gotten a bad name, as "dictators" legitimise themselves with what others claim are stitched up polls . . . . but surely, if the experiences of those old operators is accepted ( where did they get to, eh ?) - its the criminal semi-coups - selecting the susceptible, easy-to-blackmail, or "pre-spun" people from EACH party thats the problem the world should worry about most - on the basis of how much the influencers of their opinions - or those they might appoint - could shake bungs out of the assortment of slushfunds, "commissions", etc in todays world of shutting down fraud enquiries "in the national interest", or complicity for the sake of the "defence of the realm" - it aint that much of a surprise that people might think they could get away with it, at least long enough to leave a few other people to take the rap. . . . or suffer the effects of the escape of poison from the drains of the new "supersafe" citycentre testing lab . . . . etcVideo of May Fayre in Mayfair, London.
02-05-2008 12:53
Mayday celebrations have a very long history of social disobedience countered by State repression.Video:

New Pamphlet : "Rebellious Spirit : Maria Occhipinti and the Ragusa Anti-Draft R
02-05-2008 09:37
Out now, a collection of articles on the Ragusa anti-draft revolt of 1945: "Rebellious Spirit : Maria Occhipinti and the Ragusa Anti-Draft Revolt of 1945". As well as the revolt and its aftermath (including an extract from Occhipinti's story of being imprisoned afterwards) it includes writings by and about some of its leading figures, Maria Occhipinti and Franco Leggio. Find out about a time when "Stop the War" meant "Start the Revolution".Main japanese opposition party questions 9/11 in parliament - January and April
30-04-2008 04:25

Military or Market-Driven Empire Building: 1950-2008
29-04-2008 21:28
From the middle of the 19th century but especially after the Second World War, two models of empire building competed on a world scale: One predominantly based on military conquests, involving direct invasions, proxy invading armies and subsidized separatist military forces; and the other predominantly based on large-scale, long-term economic penetration via a combination of investments, loans, credits and trade in which ‘market’ power and the superiority (greater productivity) in the means of production led to the construction of a virtual empire.UoB Friends of Palestine first Event!
29-04-2008 21:12

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habeus corpus - round 2 - challenging bail, prison license, docks and bollocks
23-04-2008 18:57
Justice Owen ordered an answer be given as to why Babs was in Holloway and you guys called your mate, the Governor, down at Holloway to release Babs, then you decided that there was nothing to talk about as Babs was released?Bollocks!
British government lied about 2007 Persian Gulf naval incident
22-04-2008 15:38
Secret Ministry of Defence documents released to the Times newspaper reveal that the British government lied about the circumstances surrounding the capture of 15 sailors and marines from HMS Cornwall in the Persian Gulf by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IRG) in March 2007.Peer-reviewed paper on the structural failure of the 3 skyscrapers on 9/11
19-04-2008 21:41

One rebuff that has been used by many people who oppose the theory that the twin towers and the 47 story World Trade Centre 7 might not have collapsed due to the impact of the two jets and the subsequent fires is that nothing challenging the official story has been published in a peer reviewed journal, for example Noam Chomsky has said:
I am not persuaded by the assumption that much documentation and other evidence has been uncovered. To determine that, we'd have to investigate the alleged evidence. Take, say, the physical evidence. There are ways to assess that: submit it to specialists -- of whom there are thousands -- who have the requisite background in civil-mechanical engineering, materials science, building construction, etc., for review and analysis; and one cannot gain the required knowledge by surfing the internet. In fact, that's been done, by the professional association of civil engineers. Or, take the course pursued by anyone who thinks they have made a genuine discovery: submit it to a serious journal for peer review and publication. To my knowledge, there isn't a single submission.
And of course this point has has also been raised on Indymedia before and now there has finally has been a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal, The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2008, 2, 35-40, a PDF of the article is attached and a text version follows.
See also the World Trade Centre Building 7 section of the 2006 Sheffield Indymedia feature on 11th September 2001 and the interview with Architect Richard Gage and Professor Steven Jones conducted by Chris Burnett, one of the founders of Indymedia in February 2008.
San Isidro. In their own words.
18-04-2008 14:26

For details on how to show practical solidarity to those who have been beaten, tortured and imprisoned click here:

Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp Evicted
18-04-2008 08:08
thursday 17th AprilShortly before 1 o clock today there was a peaceful eviction of the Rath Lugh Camp. Four Protectors who were on site were told by Gardai that they had to be out by 1 o clock and to gather up their belongings and leave. This was not done in an aggressive manner and was complied with by the Protectors.
Anarchism in Venezuela, past and present
17-04-2008 22:55

Zimbabwe and the Power of Propaganda: Ousting a President via Civil Society
16-04-2008 11:44
As the case of 'democratic' interference in Venezuela has been well documented, this article will provide a critical – although by no means exhaustive – investigation into the complex issues raised by the current political interventions by foreign organizations into Zimbabwe’s political affairs. Initially, this article will examine how ostensibly progressive mainstream media have acted as imperial flak machines to legitimize ongoing inference in Zimbabwe. Subsequently, it will demonstrate how Western governments’ carried out an overt cultural war to successfully manipulate Zimbabwean civil society, and will then conclude by recommending how concerned citizens might best further the protection of human rights in Zimbabwe and elsewhere.Full article | 1 addition | 13 comments
Putting people into London's empties
15-04-2008 14:02