UK History Newswire Archive
Urgent: Stop the U.S./S Korean Attack - Know the Facts and take action
28-11-2010 15:11
"Tuesday, Nov 30 is the date that more than 2 million workers in the U.S. will loose all extended jobless funding or unemployment benefits. They will be left totally destitute. So we were working with some of the workers loosing benefits on that day. So one proposal was to refocus with signs and flyers this action to include more prominently the U.S. threats against DPRK, the cost of sending nuclear powered aircraft carriers, destroyers, jet aircraft half way around the world while continuing to cut the most basic necessities here at home."Heterosexual couple refused civil partnership
23-11-2010 15:49
Peter Tatchell 23 November at 15:20 Reply • Report
Heterosexual couple refused civil partnership
Battle for straight equality continues
Next phase: legal action in the courts
‘Equal Love’ campaign opposes exclusion of straight couples
Bristol, UK - 23 November 2010
The Case of the Angola 3 --A review of the new film “In The Land of the Free...”
23-11-2010 10:20

Mounting evidence of British war crimes in Iraq
17-11-2010 13:38
Further allegations of war crimes committed by British troops in Iraq emerged in the High Court in London last week.Gay marriage bid in Northampton
15-11-2010 11:11
Gay marriage bid in NorthamptonNew attempt to end sexual orientation discrimination
‘Equal Love’ campaign seeks gay marriages & straight civil partnerships
Racism, Religion, and the American and UK Armed Forces Decision to use DU
10-11-2010 13:11
Racism, Religion, and the American and UK Armed Forces Decision to use Uranium Munitions in their Wars in Iraq, the Balkans, and AfghanistanWhile there has been much debate about the wars in Iraq, the Balkans, and
Afghanistan, the most important aspect of those conflicts, the clearly
racist, and religiously motivated decision by the American and UK armed
forces to use depleted uranium, and non-depleted uranium munitions which
have irradiated those 3 mostly Muslim, or large minority Muslim places with
enough inhalable radioactive material to kill millions of people, is rarely
mentioned in the major media, which ought to regard the nuclear wars that
the American and UK armed forces have fought over the last 19 years, as the
biggest scandal of modern times, because there is concrete scientific proof
that those wars could kill more civilians than the Holocaust, as I will now
Heterosexual couple denied equality
10-11-2010 11:40
Heterosexual couple denied equalityCivil partnership ban defied, but licence refused
‘Equal Love’ campaign opposes exclusion of straight couples
Film Screening: 9/11 Press For Truth
09-11-2010 15:25

This Saturday, November 13th from 4pm onwards at Passing Clouds, Dalston.
Heterosexual equality bid backed by OutRage!
08-11-2010 11:02
Heterosexual equality bid backed by OutRage!Straight couple defy civil partnership ban
Exclusion of opposite-sex couples challenged
Anarchist and Working class bookfair in Newcastle, Sat 6th Nov
03-11-2010 13:08
Sat Nov 6th 2010 - The Worlds First Ever(!) Anarchist and Working Class Bookfairin Newcastle coincides with the BBC Radio 3 FREE THINKING festival this weekend.
Gay marriage bid rejected
02-11-2010 17:42
Lesbian couple will now take legal actionGay marriage ban violates Human Rights Act, they say
‘Equal Love’ campaign seeks gay marriages & straight civil partnerships
London, UK – 2 November 2010
Psywar screening tonight in East London
31-10-2010 10:55

Revelations of “systemic” torture by British military
30-10-2010 23:30
The Guardian newspaper has obtained access to training manuals that detail the interrogation techniques used by British military personnel in Iraq. In an exclusive report published Monday, the newspaper quotes from the documents, which are described as an “Introduction to Interrogation and Tactical Questioning”.Lib Dem Ministers Complicit in Torture
30-10-2010 22:53

London: 12th UFFC Annual march against custody deaths and abuses
30-10-2010 21:53

Clive Bloom at Cowley
30-10-2010 00:57

Former BP Geologist Confirms 2005 Global Oil Peak
29-10-2010 20:07
We have just published a new report at the Institute for Policy Research & Development (IPRD) which finds that world oil production peaked between 2005 and 2008, and is currently in inexorable decline. Authored by the renowned 40-year veteran petroleum geologist Dr. Colin J. Campbell, who has worked and consulted for leading oil companies such as British Petroleum (BP), Shell and Exxon, the report warns that the "first half of the Oil Age" is over, and the "second half" - characterized by a gradual but increasing decline in production, has now arrived.
The Third Revolution? Worker and peasant resistance to the Bolshevik government
29-10-2010 10:54

'Equal Love' campaign launched
28-10-2010 21:47
'Equal Love' campaign launchedGay marriage & straight civil partnerships, OutRage! urges
Legal bid to end sexual orientation discrimination