UK History Newswire Archive
What do you think? Are you truly all alone on this?
15-02-2007 20:05
/ / IDEA: Let’s get our show up and running, by allowing openpublic investigations To be conducted internationally, with
open line challenges, so we can publicly isolate each and
every bushmobster personally responsible for 911, and then,
all of everything else still left outstanding murdering
ourselves. Whatdoyahsay?? \ \
Wuterich "shoot first and ask questions later"
12-02-2007 22:13
Wuterich "shoot [defenseless innocent women and children]first and ask questions [from the corporate zionist pro-kill
anyone for a stolen nickel propagandists like demon enemy
AIPAC Hannity, George Norry, or, censors his calls for neocon
war criminals traitor Art Bell] later"
US Holocaust Commission and Holocaust denial
10-02-2007 14:52
The US recently successfully put a Resolution to UN General Assembly RIGHTLY condemning Holocaust Denial. However the Resolution ignored huge non-Jewish Holocausts e.g. the US-driven Iraqi Holocaust and thus was Holocaust Ignoring, something even WORSE than Holocaust Denial because it is Passive Holocaust Denial that admits of no refutation – who does one refute something that has not even been asserted?Why Did Two Children Murder Catholic Priest
10-02-2007 03:33
Lost in the mist of censorshipThe Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
08-02-2007 14:01
Ilan Pappe is an Israeli historian and senior lecturer at Haifa University. He's also Academic Director of the Research Institute for Peace at Givat Haviva and Chair of the Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian Studies. Pappe is an expert on Israel and Zionism and the Palestinians' Right of Return to their homeland, is considered "an honourable academic with integrity and conscience," and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Council for Palestinian Restitution and Repatriation (CPRR), an organization declaring that "every Palestinian has a legitimate, individual right to return to his or her original home and to absolute restitution of his or her property."Top Ten Richest Royals
06-02-2007 00:51

Noam Chomsky in Dublin 2006
05-02-2007 18:07

Chagos Islanders' High Court Appeal Hearing against UK Govt starts TODAY
05-02-2007 13:05
The case for the appeal by the UK government of the High Court victory by the Chagossians last May against the UK about their right to return to their Chagos Island home commences today (Monday February 5th) at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, Central London, starting at 10.30am.FLASHBACK: A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties
05-02-2007 00:52

A Clash of Civilisations?
04-02-2007 22:09

Attached is a "guerilla" recording from the London Sound Posse of a debate between Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London vs Daniel Pipes, the neocon held on 20 January 2007. The MP3's include contributions from Salma Yaqoob, Douglas Murray and the audience. Following it is an extract from a Guardian article, Muslims are now getting the same treatment Jews had a century ago, which is based on the presentation by Maleiha Malik at the conference.
9/11: The Case Isn't Closed
04-02-2007 20:09
Following is an article by Sander Hicks from AlterNet which has the following note from the AlterNet editor as an introduction.
The role of the alternative press is to offer perspectives that the commercial media won't touch. Having run a number of articles critical of the "9/11 Truth Movement" by Matt Taibbi, Joshua Holland, Matthew Rothschild and others, we asked Sander Hicks, a prominent voice within the movement, to share his perspective. For more of Sanders' views, see his book "The Big Wedding: 9/11, The Whistle-Blowers, and the Cover-Up."
The article on AlterNet, predictably, has a lot of comments…
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On This Day 1972: Bloody Sunday, Derry, N. Ireland
31-01-2007 01:29

9/11 in Context: The Strategy of Tension Gone Global
27-01-2007 23:21

Attached is an mp3 of an interview with Tod Fletcher, covering the protests at the G8 in Genoa in 2001, 9/11, the 'strategy of tension' (Gladio) and it's morphing into the 'war on terror', which was brodcast by Guns and Butter on 24th January 2007.
John Taylor Caldwell 1911-2007
23-01-2007 15:57
The Kate Sharpley Library are sad to report the death of John Taylor Caldwell, veteran Glasgow anarchist and comrade and biographer of Guy Aldred.[hacked] Business Letter To Pakistan Military
23-01-2007 04:23

Jan 11: Guantanamo Bay 5th Anniversary 'Celebrations’
10-01-2007 16:11
Guantanamo Bay 5th Anniversary 'Celebrations’
Why has Birmingham's HIATT corporation supplied the shackles used during the abuse of 10 British residents and 400 other prisoners in Guantanamo Bay?
Close Guantánamo: Demonstration on the 5th anniversary
09-01-2007 23:14

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Campsfield 13th anniversary
25-11-2006 18:56

Kebele's 11th anniversary & benefit party
18-11-2006 00:29

It’s Kebele’s 11th anniversary, we now own the place outright, we’re revamping everything, and we’re even fixing the roof. So in true Kebele style, we are having a party – and you are all invited.
11th anniversary of Ken Saro-Wiwa murder marked in London
11-11-2006 18:52