UK History Newswire Archive
The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 - free film at the Cowley Club
01-06-2012 07:46

Occupy UK: Who Owns Britain? with Sunday Times Rich List journo Kevin Cahill
26-05-2012 12:52

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
Oppression and Fashion
24-05-2012 12:46
Abour the mainstream fetish of consumerism and fashionThe Wobblies - Free film - Wednesday at the Cowley Club, Brighton
15-05-2012 07:50

Anti-Authoritarianism Today and Yesterday
11-05-2012 19:35
Meeting on the forthcoming celebration in August of the founding of the Anti-Authoritarian InternationalCatholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal Set To Resign
04-05-2012 20:59
A Communiqué from ITCCS International Brussels and Dublin:The Roman Catholic Church faces permanent disruption and banishment in at least five countries if it does not comply with ten “non-negotiable measures” by September 15, 2012, according to a global coalition of survivors of church rape and torture.
Close Newcastle Animal Lab National March
04-05-2012 02:59

22 thousand animals are tested upon every year and Newcastle university is one of the last remaining universities to perform testing on primates.
Its time to say NO to animal testing.
Remembering the Falklands
03-05-2012 10:18

Non Violent Civil Disobedience in the 21st Century
26-04-2012 10:44
In recent years, the activities of UKUncut, the Occupy Movement, the student movement and the forthcoming Olympics protests can be counted as a resurgence of non-violent civil disobedience, as a means of highlighting social issues in the UK. Today’s article examines the key criticisms levelled at proponents of non violent civil disobedience and puts forward the case that their asking is the path to success rather than the obstacle.Noam Chomsky on America's Declining Empire, #Occupy and the Arab Spring
25-04-2012 21:04

ProtectTheWilderness Updates, Gathering, Information!
23-04-2012 21:55

We're all taking a few days to rest and reorganise right now, so I'll quickly outline the events, what happened and where it's going from here.
Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
A ramble round Daily Mail tax exile Lord Rothermere's Ferne Park in Wiltshire
23-04-2012 00:59

How many remember this? April 20, 1914: The Ludlow Massacre
20-04-2012 23:35
The Ludlow Massacre was an attack by the Colorado National Guard on a tent colony of 1200 striking coal miners and their families at Ludlow, Colorado on April 20, 1914.The Ludlow Massacre was a watershed moment in American labor relations. Historian Howard Zinn has described the Ludlow Massacre as "the culminating act of perhaps the most violent struggle between corporate power and laboring men in American history". Congress responded to public outcry by directing the House Committee on Mines and Mining to investigate the incident. Its report, published in 1915, was influential in promoting child labor laws and an eight-hour work day.
Northcliffe bosses rewrite history on 80th birthday of Bristol Evening Post
20-04-2012 21:10

At five:discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
Radical Anthropology Talks
13-04-2012 15:06

Obama Justice Department indicts ex-CIA agent for exposing torture
08-04-2012 19:25
Thursday’s indictment of John Kiriakou for exposing CIA torture of detainees confirms yet again that the Obama administration is continuing and deepening the crimes carried out by the Bush White House. Kiriakou, a CIA agent for 14 years, is being prosecuted for speaking to two journalists about the waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah.Bormann & Dulles: were the Nazis really defeated in 1945?
07-04-2012 08:38

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
ITALY The Fascist diplomat does not lose his job
06-04-2012 11:39

Gunter Grass Addresses Israel's Nuclear Threat
05-04-2012 10:46
Writer, poet, playwright, sculptor, artist, and Nobel laureate Grass is regarded as Germany's most celebrated author. Awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy said his "frolicsome black fables portray the forgotten face of history." It credited his first novel, "The Tin Drum," with restoring honor to German literature "after decades of linguistic and moral destruction." It "comes to grips with the enormous task of reviewing contemporary history by recalling the disavowed and the forgotten: the victims, losers and lies that people wanted to forget because they had once believed in them." Published in 1959, "The Tin Drum" became one of the most admired and revealing allegories of guilt and complicity. He once said he "believe(d) it....a good thing that a writer does not sit on the side of the victors." He also called Germany a psychologically damaged society.1954's inaugural Bilderberg meeting held in SS Field Marshal Model's wartime HQ
04-04-2012 23:44