UK History Newswire Archive
the Confidential Intelligence Unit is Ten Years Old
18-02-2009 16:12
The Confidential Intelligence Unit was formally set up by ACPO in 1999, as part of the National Public Order Intelligence Unit, it existed informally as part of Special Branch long before that, as detailed below.Note for admins: yes this comes from mainstream newspaper, but it's not all available online.
Lamb-like approach to greedy banks means Labour slaughter
15-02-2009 03:52
The masters of the universe - those of them who had the nerve to turn up - were mired in deep gloom at Davos in the Swiss Alps last week. Come April in the Watford Gap, representatives of the G20 group of nations may well feel suicidal as the social and economic consequences of the financial disaster deepens and widens.The free market vs protectionism
15-02-2009 03:48
It’s a bit rich that politicians and big business lined up to lecture us on the virtues of racial tolerance and international solidarity during the recent wildcat strikes.
One editorial in the Financial Times newspaper last week stated, “Our self interest requires us to show solidarity beyond national borders”.
Another issue carried a letter signed by nine heads of multinational companies pleading, “There is an urgency for all politicians to ensure there is no backlash against foreign workers”.
Dresden: No place for lying about history!
14-02-2009 18:00
In Dresden, Germany, some 4,000 anti-fascists demonstrated today against an annual march of 6,500 neo-Nazis, the biggest procession of its kind Europe-wide.RIP Beverly Eckert, 9/11 Widow
14-02-2009 16:57

A Climate Deniers take on Tobacco Smoke
13-02-2009 18:18
It's no secret that many of the people and organizations funded by cigarette companies to defend "smoker's rights" and downplay the harmful effect of tobacco smoke have been involved in the energy industry-funded campaign to downplay the serious effects of climate change.A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue
09-02-2009 10:03

Zionism seeks "the restoration of tribalism in the guise of a modern, highly militaralized and aggressive state. (It) cut Jews off from (their) history and led to a fateful identity of interests with antisemitism (becoming) the only thing that united them.
Zionism justifies a Jewish ethnocracy with built-in structural inequalities. The Law of Return is for Jews alone. All laws are for Jews. On issues of land, housing, education and most everything, Jewish favoritism discriminates against Arabs.
Obama and 9/11
08-02-2009 22:53
Imagine yourself within the mind of Barack Obama, the first African American president of the United States of America. You are a man who knows how 'the system' works. This knowledge has been accrued at hard struggle, and by a remarkable and unique ability to adapt to any environment because you spent a lifetime as an exotic specimen in every environment, from Kansas to Kenya -- both African and American, Muslim and Christian, black and white. But you always displayed your native nobility -- tribal nobility on your father's side; nobility of spirit on your mother's -- and you were, with rare exceptions, accepted on your own terms. You were born under the sign of Leo, the lion, the natural leader; and your intelligence was honed with great discipline, under the influence of strong women.Obama and the Empire
08-02-2009 15:03
I've said all along that whatever good changes might occur in regard to non-foreign policy issues, such as what's already taken place concerning the environment and abortion, the Obama administration will not produce any significantly worthwhile change in US foreign policy; little done in this area will reduce the level of misery that the American Empire regularly brings down upon humanity. And to the extent that Barack Obama is willing to clearly reveal what he believes about anything controversial, he appears to believe in the empire.Who is an Expert on the Stimulus Package?
07-02-2009 17:09
The sheer size and complexity of the proposed stimulus package makes quality journalism about it difficult. Striving for some scientific perspective on the problem, journalists have asked many economists what they think about the package. Having earlier questioned the legal system's reliance on some economic experts, I'd like to offer some skeptical thoughts about their role in the stimulus debate.We need a crusade of popular social democracy
07-02-2009 16:15
My Lords, I, too, congratulate my dear and noble friend Lord Eatwell on initiating this debate and I also congratulate him on his speech. I start, as he did, with a quote."From time to time in human history there occur events of a truly seismic significance, events that mark a turning point between one epoch and the next, when one orthodoxy is overthrown and another takes its place ... There is a sense that we are now living through just such a time: barely a decade into the new millennium, barely 20 years since the end of the Cold War and barely 30 years since the triumph of neo-liberalism-that particular brand of free-market fundamentalism, extreme capitalism and excessive greed which became the economic orthodoxy of our time ... The global crisis ... has called into question the prevailing neo-liberal economic orthodoxy of the past 30 years-the orthodoxy that has underpinned the national and global regulatory frameworks that have so spectacularly failed to prevent the economic mayhem which has now been visited upon us".
Those words, said in the past week, came from a Labour Prime Minister-not ours, I regret, but Kevin Rudd, the Australian Prime Minister.
Interview with veteran and peace activist Allen Nelson
04-02-2009 11:09
Allen Nelson, Vietnam war veteran and peace activist from the U.S., shares his extraordinary experience in war, his personal transformation, his work for peace in and outside Japan, and his hopes for the future at a time when U.S. militarism shows no sign of slowing down.'Campaign to Save Tara' umbrella group should cease trading
03-02-2009 17:21
Campaign to Save Tara was founded in January 2007, as an umbrella group for all Tara Campaigners. It was legally wound up by a vote of its members in December 2007, after a Standards in Public Office investigation. However, recent actions show that certain former members are still trading and accepting donations under the CST name.Why the police riot? - part 3
02-02-2009 01:32

This is part 3 of a series, for parts 1 and 2 see:

Who killed Colin Roach?
01-02-2009 19:38

Obama, King and Kennedy: Empire and the “End” of Racism
25-01-2009 18:31

Obama will do the same in Afghanistan, and, perhaps, Iran.
President Obama: War Criminal in Waiting
25-01-2009 17:05

Dialect - Changes in journalism since the 1960s and 1970s
23-01-2009 07:43

History of Israeli Terror Killings & Gaza Aggression Timeline
23-01-2009 00:30