UK History Newswire Archive
Bristol Anarchist Bookfair - 26th April
23-04-2014 16:01

The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair returns for it's 6th bash-back on Saturday 26 April, with enough ideas, debates and books to spark a conflagration. So come on down and add your fuel to the fire.
UG#680 - Unlawful Killing (Secrets of the UK and US Establishments)
23-04-2014 13:37

Real World War I Free School Sunday 18 May, London
20-04-2014 14:50

Sunday 18 May at No. 88 Fleet Street (entrance in St. Brides Avenue), London EC4 1DH (Blackfriars or Chancery Lane Tube)
UG#679 - The New Pearl Harbor 3 (The Exploding Towers)
20-04-2014 11:43

Programme out now for Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2014
07-04-2014 16:31

Pushing Toward The Final War
30-03-2014 17:36
Does Obama realize that he is leading the US and its puppet states to war with Russia and China, or is Obama being manipulated into this disaster by his neoconservative speech writers and government officials? World War 1 (and World War 2) was the result of the ambitions and mistakes of a very small number of people. Only one head of state was actually involved–the President of France. In The genesis Of The World War, Harry Elmer Barnes shows that World War 1 was the product of 4 or 5 people. Three stand out: Raymond Poincare`, President of France, Sergei Sazonov, Russian Foreign Minister, and Alexander Izvolski, Russian Ambassador to France.UG#678 - The New Pearl Harbor 2 (Amerithrax, The Pentagon and Shanksville)
29-03-2014 13:48

NATO's Rape of Yugoslavia
25-03-2014 23:17
March 24, 1999 will go down in history as a day of infamy. US-led NATO raped Yugoslavia. Doing so was its second major combat operation. It was lawless aggression. No Security Council resolution authorized it. NATO's Operation Allied Force lasted 78 days. Washington called it Operation Noble Anvil. Evil best describes it. On June 10, operations ended. From March 1991 through mid-June 1999, Balkan wars raged. Yugoslavia "balkanized" into seven countries. They include Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia.Is Anti-Fascism returning to Europe?
19-03-2014 11:26
Review of an anti-fascist event in London.Why is Poland a Nazi Client State?
15-03-2014 15:48
When the fever curve of the European regime crisis peaked this week with North American military provocations in Poland, it was a remarkable sign to all who care about the dying empire and its deluded followers. At the same time, France announced its campaign to proliferate atomic reactors of the MOX type which leave bomb-grade waste, North American military provocations in East Asia were stomping up a black hole of propaganda detracting the region just as much as the European propaganda war against Ukraine did there, and the state of Israel committed suicide by sacrificing the last remnants of Theodore Herzl´s „Separate Houses“ Doctrine to an assumed primacy of the casern over the temple. What happened in Poland was the high water mark of a worldwide imperialist death surge by which the collapse-prone system is desperately attempting to include all these who have declared independence of it into its demise. Seen from Britain, where this analysis is published with a bow to the grave of Karl Marx, it also is the explanation why the „Little Hitler of London“ has proven to be even more stupid than the German Motorists Association.Killing Hope
09-03-2014 10:14

Ukraine: US, EU, Look in the Mirror !
06-03-2014 21:50
Ukraine: Don't Blame President Putin - US, EU, Look in the Mirror. ......... "If you can keep your head, when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you ..." ("If", Rudyard Kipling, 1865-1936.) The delusional and mind stretching hypocrisy of Western leaders and spokespeople regarding the outcome of external meddling in the Ukraine increasingly mirrors King George 111 whose: "life and reign were marked by a series of military conflicts involving his kingdoms, much of the rest of Europe, and places farther afield in Africa, the Americas and Asia ..."Brighton Anniversary Miners Benefit
06-03-2014 12:46
8/03/14 Friends Meeting House in Brighton..Miners,Music.etc...1pm...The Weather Underground - Documentary Showing, London
03-03-2014 19:31

Hereford Heckler #23 now out...
28-02-2014 14:07
Issue 23 of the Hereford Heckler has hit the streets!Open Letter to President of Venezuela
23-02-2014 11:33

Weekend Edition February 21-23, 2014
Open Letter to President of Venezuela
Soon, the Battle for Venezuela
They are already sewing your funeral gown, Venezuela. They are now ready to welcome you back to that world of the lobotomized, destroyed nations that are fully submissive to Western political and economic interests – Indonesia, Philippines, Paraguay, Uganda, Kenya, Qatar, Bahrain, and almost the entire Eastern Europe. There are so many places like that – it is impossible to list them all.
The new US-Russia Cold War
18-02-2014 13:39
Meet the new (cold) war, same as the old (cold) war. Same same, but different. One day, it's the myriad implications of Washington's "pivoting" to Asia - as in the containment of China. The next day, it's the perennial attempt to box Russia in. Never a dull moment in the New Great Game in Eurasia. On Russia, the denigration of all things Sochi - attributable to the inherent stupidity of Western corporate media "standards" - was just a subplot of the main show, which always gets personal; the relentless demonization of Russian President Vladimir Putin. [1]UG#676 - What We're Not Being Told 2 (Plutopia,Kett's Rebellion,Bullingdon Club)
01-02-2014 16:43

Imperial conquest: America’s “long war” against humanity
30-01-2014 18:18