UK History Newswire Archive
Imperial anatomy of Al-Qaeda:CIA’s drug-running terrorists & the “Arc of Crisis”
08-09-2010 08:33

Michael Parenti: Deep Ideology and Conspiracy
06-09-2010 12:27

UG#515 - War on Iran, Again? (And is Wikileaks a "modified limited hangout"?)
04-09-2010 03:34

The state the Pope's in: How does the Vatican keep getting away with it?
03-09-2010 11:47

"Getting away with murder". PROTEST THE POPE
01-09-2010 23:16
For Rwandans, the pope's apology must be unbearableIf sexual abuse in Ireland warrants his contrition, what contempt is shown by the Vatican's silence over its role in genocide
“Sacred” Ground Zero
31-08-2010 18:26

Mother Teresa Protest by Empire State Building owner.
30-08-2010 04:10
The owner of the Empire State Building, Anthony Milkin refused to honor Mother Teresa by switching on it's lights for her birthday celebration. Mr. Malkin pointed out that "Billions of dollars she raised is unaccounted for and that she took money from many awful regimes in Central America". Abuses at her clinics have been documented by reliable sources and are the subject of two books including the "Missionary Position". WELL DONE ANTHONY.Reprinted from Protest the Pope, Facebook page
23-08-2010 16:49
In order to have an understanding of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, It's important to have a sense of its history.Israel will attack Iran: Will Israel attack Iran?!
21-08-2010 09:44

19th August 1953 - Anglo-American military coup in Iran: "Operation Ajax"
19-08-2010 10:05

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Remembering Liverpool’s “Bloody Sunday”
14-08-2010 18:56
On Friday 13th August, members of the Liverpool Solidarity Federation distributed leaflets by St George’s Hall to raise peoples’ awareness of a pivotal moment in working class history. The Liverpool Transport Strike and the battle of August 13th, 1911 – our “Bloody Sunday.”Africa and Development
12-08-2010 10:49
There's plenty of discussion on how we should lift African countries out of poverty and debt. Yet it's rarely asked what the root causes of Africa's staggering poverty, and what is the role of white Westerners in it?BP: The unfinished crimes and plunder of Anglo-American imperialism
10-08-2010 08:10

Little did the masters of British imperialism realize that one of the most dazzling El Dorado’s in the long and tortured history of British imperialism would soon be born? Geo-politically it would have reverberations well beyond the region of the Persian Gulf. It was one of the most decisive steps in the march of imperial globalization, the speed-up the concentration of capital and the resulting imperialist rivalries.
Flashback: The Lies Of Hiroshima Are The Lies Of Today
08-08-2010 21:10

War on Iraq: 5 US presidents, 5 UK prime ministers, 30 years of duplicity, and c
06-08-2010 21:37

Successful Hiroshima & Nagasaki Remembered event addressed by Lord Mayor
06-08-2010 15:19

Additionally Green Blade sung inspiring songs for peace and against war.
Why World War 2 ended with Mushroom Clouds - Hiroshima and Nagasaki, August 1945
06-08-2010 06:49

The atom bomb enabled the Americans to force Tokyo to surrender unconditionally, to keep the Soviets out of the Far East and - last but not least - to force Washington’s will on the Kremlin in Europe also. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were obliterated for these reasons, and many American historians realize this only too well.
Dissident Island Radio - 3 years old tomorrow!
05-08-2010 13:51

The Afghanistan documents and the struggle against war
29-07-2010 08:05
The public release of the 92,000 secret documents on the Afghanistan war by WikiLeaks, together with the reaction of the media and the official establishment, has immense political implications for the antiwar struggle in the US and internationally.