UK History Newswire Archive
Afghan War Leaks Expose Costly Folly
26-07-2010 21:48
The brutality and fecklessness of the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan have been laid bare in an indisputable way just days before the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on whether to throw $33.5 billion more into the Afghan quagmire, when that money is badly needed at home.Calling All Future-Eaters
19-07-2010 18:46
The human species during its brief time on Earth has exhibited a remarkable capacity to kill itself off. The Cro-Magnons dispatched the gentler Neanderthals. The conquistadors, with the help of smallpox, decimated the native populations in the Americas. Modern industrial warfare in the 20th century took at least 100 million lives, most of them civilians. And now we sit passive and dumb as corporations and the leaders of industrialized nations ensure that climate change will accelerate to levels that could mean the extinction of our species. Homo sapiens, as the biologist Tim Flannery points out, are the "future-eaters."
Songs about nuclear annihilation from the 40's to the 80's
16-07-2010 18:51
I made this mix with songs about nuclear weapons from the 40's through the 80's. Please download, listen, and pass the word.
UK Sought Rendition of British Nationals to Guantánamo; Tony Blair Directly Involved
16-07-2010 14:17
With what the Guardian described yesterday as the "almost unprecedented" release of "security service reports of interviews with detainees in Guantánamo Bay and other overseas detention centres," the coalition government failed in its attempt to persuade the High Court to bring a temporary halt to a civil claim for damages filed by six former Guantánamo prisoners, unleashing, instead, a torrent of previously classified and deeply disturbing documents.
New Schools Network; The John Adam St Gang
13-07-2010 13:26
New Schools Network claim to be an independent group, however they are most certainly not independent of the John Adam St Gang.What we describe as the 'John Adam St Gang' are those insitutions located roughly between The Strand, Embankment, Craven Street and Lancaster Place.
7/7, Terror and Torture: Protecting the Deep State
08-07-2010 23:07
Five years on from the London tube bombings, we remain no closer to a full, complete and impartial understanding of the terrible events of that day. Today, the coalition government has demonstrated that it has largely fallen in line with the steps of its predecessor.
Desperate anarcist call for GM lobbying
08-07-2010 14:10
The EU are due to decide tomorrow on the relaxation of legislation which currently slows up new Genetically Modified seed approval. 16 new varieties are currently being held up by minor technicalities like safety checks, and more will follow if the rules change. Yes I know emailing ministers is a dirty filthy thing to do...Congo Independence Fifty Years - After Patrice Lumumba..
01-07-2010 09:39

By Abayomi Azikiwe - Editor, Pan-African News Wire
Five decades after the independence of the former Belgian Congo, the genuine emancipation of this central African state is yet to be realized. Nonetheless, the survival of this state--which has been under assault since 1960 when Patrice Lumumba took charge of the country as Prime Minister representing the Congolese National Movement (MNC)--is a testament of the resilience and fortitude of the people. -

4 events in Nottingham - anti-fascism in 1930s Spain and rededication of Interna
30-06-2010 10:22

Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former CDI Employee
27-06-2010 21:57

Friday, June 25th KFA pickets at South Korean and US Embassies
22-06-2010 08:28
Dear Peace and Progressive Organisations,The History Society of the DPRK makes the important point that the massacres, war crimes and genocides practiced by barbaric US imperialism and the satellite "UN Forces". against the Korean people between 1950-1953, put the atrocities of the Hitler Nazi clique into the shade.
CAD 3193 Charity Sweet says that this court is corrupt.
19-06-2010 20:16
griffith williams lj - who are u?Filipinos: LEST WE FORGET!
19-06-2010 02:04

there was this family, the Marcoses, comprised of Ferdinand (now deceased),
Imelda (still gallivanting and traipsing the light fantastic in Manila and
occasionally overseas), and 3 children, including
Ferdinand "Bongbong" Jr who's now running, under Presidential candidate
Manny Villar, in the SAME Senatorial slate as political activists Liza
Maza (Gabriela Women's Party) and Satur Ocampo (Bayan Muna - People First).
Pupils Aged Five Should be Taught all About Sex: Watchdog’s Instruction to Schoo
18-06-2010 16:41
now call me paranoid...Saville Inquiry continues cover-up of Bloody Sunday massacre
18-06-2010 13:59

Even after the passage of 38 years, the truth—that the murder of 14 unarmed civil rights protesters was carried out under orders from the Conservative government of Edward Heath and the army top brass—is denied.
lets face the music and dance - call off the dogs please - i have a child
17-06-2010 21:11
will the good cops of the met please stand up and stop this silly bollocksWikileak Case Echoes Pentagon Papers
16-06-2010 22:53
Almost four decades after Defense Department insider Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers – thus exposing the lies that led the United States into the Vietnam War – another courageous “national security leaker” has stepped forward and now is facing retaliation similar to what the U.S. government tried to inflict on Ellsberg.Military watershed: Longest war in U.S. and Afghan history
10-06-2010 18:44

sorting out our own problems :: freiden utopian
05-06-2010 18:12