UK Policing Newswire Archive
Eyewitness account from Edmonton 'riot'
08-08-2011 17:14

The police were clearly psyched up and frustrated that they couldn’t break more heads. One man, who happened to be both young and black, but in the area to monitor policing for the network for police monitoring, was arrested for obstructing police after he refused to give a name and address. In the back of the police van he was then repeatedly punched in the face leaving him with cuts, bruises and a bleeding lip.
If this is a typical example of how the police treat local black and working class youths – and there is every reason to think that it is – then it isn’t difficult to understand the anger and rage that exists.
UK Antifascist Prisoners – Latest info
08-08-2011 14:27

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Ian Hislop In Bed With MI5 and A Super-Injunction
08-08-2011 10:57
Ian Hislop has criticized Julian Assange because he claims to be concerned about Assange's alleged treatment of women and his possible connection with an anti Semite. When confronted with evidence of anti-woman, anti Jew hate material published by MI5 agent provocateur, David Myatt, Hislop put a 'super-injunction' on the truth and refused to publish. Hislop wouldn't even publish a letter which mentioned Myatt's name.Seven Years of Captivity
07-08-2011 22:21
A heartrending poem from Babar Ahmad, the longest serving British prisoner held in the UK without charge.Easy Way To Attack The Corporations
02-08-2011 22:00

Jonnie Marbles Sent to Jail: Stop the Punitive Sentencing of Protesters Now
02-08-2011 16:59

Jonnie Marbles (aka Jonnie May-Bowles), 26, who attempted to throw a foam pie at Rupert Murdoch at the House of Commons culture committee on July 19th, had pleaded guilty to common assault and was today sentenced to six weeks imprisonment of which he will serve three, and ordered to pay a fine of £250 plus £15 ‘victim surcharge’. Murdoch had not wanted to press charges, but the court proceeded anyway.
District Judge Daphne Wickham, who sentenced Jonnie, is the same person who let Sgt Delroy Smellie off the hook for assaulting Nicola Fisher at the G20 protest in 2009, despite YouTube footage of the officer striking at Fisher with his hand and a baton.
Daphne Wickham - jailed May-Bowles, let off Smellie
02-08-2011 15:38
THE woman who today jailed pie thrower May-Bowles is the same one who let off Sgt Delroy Smellie last year. In her mind, it is clearly much more serious to attack someone with foam than with a police baton.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Report Your Local Anarchist
31-07-2011 10:23

I doubt many people have heard of Project Griffin. It is a joint initiative between the City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police, set up in 2004 and based at the City Police's HQ, which has spread its network to police forces around the country and seeks to "advise and familiarise managers, security officers and employees of large public and private sector organisations across the capital on security, counter-terrorism and crime prevention issues".
Political Policing during Royal Wedding in Edinburgh
30-07-2011 14:55
Lothian and Borders police are today conducting a systematic programme of harassment aimed at people who have been politically active in Edinburgh.
Climate activists' convictions quashed
22-07-2011 18:55
The convictions of 20 climate activists were quashed by the Court of Appeal on Wednesday. The 20 had been convicted of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass at Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station, in December last year. However, revelations about the withholding of evidence gathered by undercover police officer Mark Kennedy led to the Director of Public Prosecutions requesting an independent review into the safety of the prosecutions. Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, said the convictions had been a miscarriage of justice.
On the newswire: Climate activists’ convictions quashed | HM Court of Appeal: Lord Chief Justice Appeal Judgement on Ratcliffe20 | NottinghamshirePolice extremely disappointed shame | Ratcliffe power station protesters cleared on appe
Previous features: Guilty verdict in Ratcliffe trial | Ratcliffe Trial: Week 2 | Ratcliffe Trial: Prosecution Opens | Ratcliffe Conspiracy Trial Begins | Mass Arrest of 114 Climate Activists in Raid
Activists’ statement
We are 20 of the 114 people who were preemptively arrested near E.ON’s Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal power station over two years ago. During our trial last year we argued that our plan to safely shut down the power station was necessary in order to protect the ever escalating numbers of people dying as a result of climate change. We later found out our trial was rigged by the police and CPS to get convictions.
Through placing undercover officers in our movement, using mass preemptive arrest and rigging our trial, the state has deliberately attempted to silence dissenting voices. This quelling of dissent, now repeated in the young people facing prison for protesting against the attacks on public services, is fundamentally undemocratic. It is yet another example of those in power protecting their own interests. Whether it’s E.ON Energy or News International, the government and police have a track record of colluding with big business. We need to look at the root causes of climate change, and ask why the profits of corporations such as E.ON are being prioritised over future generations, and the millions already on the front line of our changing climate. Taking action on climate change is not an act of moral righteousness, its about protecting our future. History is full of examples of ordinary people acting to defend their rights and those of others, and we need a strong movement of people doing just that. Winning this appeal is just one small victory in the fight against the systemically political nature of policing. We stand in solidarity with all those have suffered injustice from the state or face repression for daring to take political action.
Climate activists' convictions quashed
21-07-2011 21:55
On 20 July convictions against 20 climate activists were quashed by the UK Court of Appeal after it was revealed that key evidence was deliberately withheld from their trial.
On 20 July convictions against 20 climate activists were quashed by the UK Court of Appeal after it was revealed that key evidence was deliberately withheld from their trial. The activists made this statement: "We are 20 of the 114 people who were preemptively arrested near E.ON’s Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal power station over two years ago. During our trial last year we argued that our plan to safely shut down the power station was necessary in order to protect the ever escalating numbers of people dying as a result of climate change. We later found out our trial was rigged by the police and CPS to get convictions. Through placing undercover officers in our movement, using mass preemptive arrest and rigging our trial, the state has deliberately attempted to silence dissenting voices. This quelling of dissent, now repeated in the young people facing prison for protesting against the attacks on public services, is fundamentally undemocratic. It is yet another example of those in power protecting their own interests. Whether it’s E.ON Energy or News International, the government and police have a track record of colluding with big business. We need to look at the root causes of climate change, and ask why the profits of corporations such as E.ON are being prioritised over future generations, and the millions already on the front line of our changing climate. Taking action on climate change is not an act of moral righteousness, its about protecting our future. History is full of examples of ordinary people acting to defend their rights and those of others, and we need a strong movement of people doing just that. Winning this appeal is just one small victory in the fight against the systemically political nature of policing. We stand in solidarity with all those have suffered injustice from the state or face repression for daring to take political action." In his judgment the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, said that the convictions had been a miscarriage of justice. The full judgment can be found here: For more information see:
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Breaking news: Police less than honest
19-07-2011 20:53

Attacked, kettled, hassled by cops at Demo ?
05-07-2011 22:19
Counter Demo 13th July Westminster Central HallThis is a FITwatch Call-out.
04-07-2011 22:25

#J30 strike: stop search and arrest pics
30-06-2011 21:55
Here's just a few of the snaps from today's london stop and searches and arrests. For sure the cops were really going for people with aggressive interventions and some rowdy push and shove when nothing at all had even happened, nothing. Best bit though was the solidarity shown by people at Charing Cross when they went for the young lads in the main march. Sure someone will have it on video - great solidarity. And a great day - biggest strike for years - c'mon people don't let the Daily Mail and co win the spin war.
+ Police PR (re-trumpeted by some shit tv stations) were also doing their best to say that everyone they were targeting were 'outsiders' not connected with the march. Huh. So like now if you're young or wearing a kafiya or wearing black you can't be concerned with the cuts and marching in solidarity with the strike!?
See also:
List of some of the tweets about stop and search and arrests:
Early searches:
We're all in this together...
Snatch Squads and other "police tactics"
30-06-2011 19:55
Late reporting from Whitehall and surroundings.
Arrived in Trafalgar Square in the early afternoon, then marched on Whitehall towards Parliament Square. Police were busy directing people where they wanted them to be. Barriers stood in the middle all along Whitehall and police seemed intent in making the march go only on one side of them.
Once in Parliament square, I ended up on the green outside Westminster Abbey. A sound system was on one corner and on another one, a banner with the words “Workers Assembly”. Next to it was a speaker that seemed to welcome anyone who wanted to speak. I could see lots of people with the same model of t-shirt: “Real Democracy Now”, the main demand of what seems to be known as “The Spanish Revolution”. A real assembly seemed to be happening right there. People raised their hands and waved them from time to time (a sign of agreement with what is said at that moment).
On the way back to Trafalgar Square, I saw a small group in the distance, between the Square itself and the McDonalds restaurant, that seemed to be kettled, or in the process of being kettled. Heard reports of snatch squads and seemingly random arrest. People had seen police with “snatch cards” on their hands.
Noticed a police line being formed on one of the side streets. They allowed people to get through the line but at a given point, they stopped allowing anyone through. Before I could figure what was going on, a noise of running came from a few yards back. Three very big guys, bully thugs style, were running very close together. They were carrying a smaller guy between the three of them, clearly against his will. I then realised that the guy being carried in this way had his hands tied up behind his back. He did not have handcuffs, but one of those plastic bands used to hold cables together. His hands were placed in a very ackward and obviously painful position.
Now, these big guys in plain normal clothing carrying this other guy “were” allowed through this police cordon. Then the cordon eased off to allow a van in. After some talking and lots of note-taking by the thuggy guys and uniformed police officers, the guy with his hands on his back was put into the police van.
The incident just described is what is known as “snatch squad arrest”, where police in plain clothes choose one person from the crowd and quickly, by surprise and without any warning or even any word, they immobilise him/her and they quickly take him/her into police custody. I saw another person being taken into a police van in this very same way up in Trafalgar Square too.
Saw another, smaller march also in Trafalgar Square. People dancing to a samba band and with banners about Congo and Sudan marched towards Whitehall. They were escorted and surrounded by police, various big vehicles and other hired workers. Some of the workers picked up traffic cones in front of the march, from one of the big vehicles, leaving them there as the march passed next to them. Other workers put a white tape between the cones, in a way that made the march enclosed by police and by white tape too. Then a last worker removed the tape and put the cones on a last vehicle moving slowly behind the march.
When this small march went on to Whitehall, police had made sure the Strike march was out of the way from the smaller march. So both marches were never mixed up.
trafalgar sq occupation - arrests & eviction
30-06-2011 10:55
the 9th peaceful anti-cuts occupation in trafalgar square began last night. during the evening there were six arrests and plenty of intimidation. this morning couple of dozen protestors were evicted by a police operation involving 150 officers. they were also told a section 60 is in force today J30.
click on image for larger version. all images are 'some rights reserved' - free for credited non-commercial use, otherwise contact author for permission
at 6.30 yesterday evening, the anti-cuts occupation began in trafalgar square, with around 20 activists setting up a small marquee, and a ring of tents at the bottom of the steps near the olympic clock display.
as they have peacefully occupied this area on eight previous occasions, and as they had checked with the GLA that the square was not being used until friday morning, by which time they had pledged to peacefully leave, they did not expect any problems.
however, after a couple of hours, the heritage wardens, who had been filming them, were joined by police, and one of the protestors was targetted to be read the bye-laws. it was explained first by a heritage warden that he was in breach of the bye-laws and if he refused to leave he would have to submit his name and address for possible action against him. the police then added that if he didn't submit his details he would be arrested and taken to the station until he did so.
two grey suited GLA personnel seemed to be in charge of the operation, one of them continuously talking, perhaps to legal advisors, on the phone, and liaising with his wardens and the police.
the occupation group had a concensus meeting and agreed a principle of non-co-operation while leaving individuals to make their own decisions if targetted. the first arrest duly took place, and the activists was walked to the van and taken to charing cross station. there, he soon gave his details, and was allowed to leave, returning to the camp immediately.
after a while the heritage wardens approached another person and the same ritual was enacted. this time, the activist refused to walk with police and was then dragged to the next waiting van. he too returned after giving his details.
the third arrest was made all the more comical, pointless and surreal, due to the fact that the activists wore his 'v for vendetta' anonymous mask throughout the whole proceedings. the arrest was filmed, and appears to be unlawful because the police did not read him his rights, nor explain to him why he was being arrested, despite repeated requests on camera. apparently he kept his mask on throughout the encounter, eventually giving up his details and being allowed back to the square, mask intact.
the whole process occurred three more times, with the targets chosen perhaps arbitrarily or perhaps because wardens recognised them as regulars from previous occupations. also by about 11pm, a loose ring of 30 police were surrounding the camp at a distance in the square, and around half a dozen police vans littered the pavements, including a large prisoner transporter. a little before midnight they were also joined by a van of tsg riot police, and it looked like an eviction might be under consideration.
without explanation though, the police then withdrew, leaving just a few observing the occupation, and the night passed peacefully.
at around 7am this morning, they camp was again addressed by police, who told them that the area was needed to begin setting up for tomorrow's 'canada day' celebrations and that they were therefore required to leave, and would be evicted if necessary.
slowly the camp organised itself, and by 8.30 they were near the end of a concensus meeting at which they had made the decision to peacefully leave, when they were completely surrounded by more than 100 police, and they then packed up and were escorted out of the square.
the 'anonymous' mask wearer was told to remove his face covering this morning, informed that there was a section 60 in force throughout the day. are the police expecting to cause trouble with the public sector unions i wonder?
Poltical repression Italian style: students placed under house curfew
26-05-2011 10:44