UK Policing Newswire Archive
Concerns over the safety of missing Sussex whistleblower
08-08-2015 18:58
East Sussex Social Services Concerns over the safety of missing Elderly Abuse Victim East Sussex Social Services missing since 22 MayDavid “JOE” Neilson
Establishment Judge heads UK abuse enquiry
14-07-2015 04:54

Mass Sleepout in Solidarity with Newport's Homeless People
26-06-2015 06:52
Police are harrassing, bullying and arresting Newport's homeless people even more than usual, telling them that they will be clearing them out of Newport. They are using the 1884 Vagrancy Act and imposing impossible bail conditions. This stinks of a clean-up ready for the opening of a new shopping centre in November. A mass sleepout has been organised so that we can help these exceptionally vulnerable people.Defend Chelsea Manning & all whistleblowers!
25-06-2015 09:57

Defend Chelsea Manning & all whistleblowers!
Saturday 27 June, meet 12.15pm outside Baker St (march starts at 1pm)
Queer Strike, Payday, Compassion in Care, whistleblowers from Yarl’s Wood detention centre, women from the Julian Assange Vigil and many more...All Welcome
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev execution verdict - demo at US embassy this Friday
25-06-2015 08:28
Once again the US 'justice' system has shamed the word by sentencing to death Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Join us this Friday outside the US embassy to let the American authorities know we don't want their brand of justice in the modern world.Armed Forces Day North Wales: Report & Pics
21-06-2015 13:59

The Armed Forces Day 'family fun' extravaganza in Colwyn Bay's Parc Eirias went ahead on Saturday in intermittent drizzle and behind a prominent banner near the main gate stating what you'd have thought would be bleedin' obvious, but apparently to many punters wasn't: 'WAR IS NOT FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT'. As you'd expect of any attempt to disguise the brutal reality of war as fun and games, the event was at best conflicted and contradictory, at worst downright dishonest. With the stated aim of "recognising and honouring our armed forces and veterans" AFD is designed to leave no space open to question the legality or morality of the wars they've been off fighting in recent years, to ask whether warfare offers any real solutions for the problems we face, nor indeed to consider whether our various wars of aggression might conceivably be an aggravating factor in these problems.
In the end it was down to a handful of protesters to pitch up and create this space, right by the main entrance, and to break the illusion that everything in the military garden is rosy.
This event was held a week before official Armed Forces Day on 27 June. There's time to organise a presence at an AFD event in your area and it's well worth doing, however small. Even one person standing vigil at the gate can have a big impact.
"Fuck Tory Scum!"
18-05-2015 22:05

09-05-2015 18:50

Banners for Anarchist Prisoner Emma Sheppard and Others
08-05-2015 11:33

Dear Tree: Letters to a Tree, George Green, Wanstead, NoM11, London
08-05-2015 11:20

School of Hate
06-05-2015 15:18
In England’s Deep South, Surrey Police harass mentally ill people at the behest of ignorant bigots.The BBC, Ricky Dearman And Mind Control Agenda
26-04-2015 18:27

Yorkshire Ripper Cover-up / Never Ending Story
15-04-2015 15:27
Ever since Peter Sutcliffe's trial, he has received much more publicity in the British media than any other serial killer. Why?Supporting The Whistleblowers @OccupyDemocracy Protest at the Ecuadorian Embassy
05-04-2015 13:48

New Letter from Anarchist Prisoner Emma Sheppard
04-04-2015 19:29
Prisons do not work for anyone – except those who profit from them.Audio: 'Mass Surveillance, Liberty and Activism' with ORG Director Jim Killock
26-03-2015 00:40

Why we boycott the Sun Newspaper. Don't buy it, don't read it!
22-03-2015 19:37

(corrected) Dining With Vultures: Bristol Anarchists & the UK Media
17-03-2015 19:26
-corrected version, March 2015-(Thanks to the Anarchist Black Cross of Bristol for their clarification. From the original; "fortitude to those targeted by Operation Pandora and their close ones, the dignified rebels holding strong in the Belarussian gulags, Emma Sheppard, all those across the world facing down repression head on and all those forced underground.")
Protest undercover police
13-03-2015 20:00
Mark “Marco” Jacobs was unmasked as an undercover police officer in 2011.