UK Policing Newswire Archive
Why do people hate the police?
05-05-2011 10:17
Question on website called which is read by serving police and y bpolice specials. Do you have anything to contribute?Note signup is free, anonmous email addresses are ok.
Cop Advisors Admit Anti-Cuts Protests Can Win!
03-05-2011 20:53
Policy Exchange UK published a You Tube video of a symposium in which policing experts and former police infiltrators offer frank assessments of government responses to the threat they face from anti-cuts protests. These experts advise that the protests can succeed, and their primary advice to the government is to "kettle the political debate as efficiently as the Met kettles rioters". What strategies can protestors adopt to make sure that doesn't happen?New Evidence Shows that Icelandic Police Lied about Mark Kennedy
03-05-2011 13:00

Stokes Croft warms up again! - thurs night/fri morn
29-04-2011 00:36
One week on from the infamous 'Battle of Stokes Croft' history appears to be repeating itself as local residents gather to let the police know just what they think of state sanctioned occupation techniques from a police force which currently receives little empathy and no respect from those it is supposed to serve.Kettled in Brighton
24-04-2011 23:14

Black Blocs: Masking up saves incarceration
07-04-2011 03:01
Without being overtly judgemental, the 16 faces police released on April 2nd (who they say are involved in criminal damage, scuffles with police on March 26th) are not 'sterotypical black blocers' - ie those who dress the part. No doubt it's great they joined our cause, but it goes to show that wearing BLACK trousers, hoodies AND covering faces with a bandana, scarf or balaclava avoids further questions by police about your identity. Not to mention keeping it on at all times and only 'dressing down' away from any action.New Police Tactics March 26th
27-03-2011 20:28

A rare moment - cop vans retreating
27-03-2011 15:22
Crowd charges cop vans on Shaftesbury Avenue, though there are more hands pointing cameras than chucking stuff.
March 26th: Tactical Briefing: Cops, Anarchists, Flashpoints
25-03-2011 00:34
Freedom newspaers useful guide to official preparations for March 26th ant-cuts demoWill Sukey Keep Us Safe? … Leaked Minutes Reveal Cosy Chats With Met
22-03-2011 10:09
On the face of it, Sukey (1), the mobile phone application launched to much fanfare in the mainstream press, seems like a good idea. Sukey is designed as a: “a multi-platform news, communications and logistical support system designed to ensure safety for protesters during demonstrations”.Police intimidation of Liberal Democrat conference protest
15-03-2011 11:59

Policing and barriers at the Liberal Democrat Conference in Sheffield #ldconf
14-03-2011 20:19

Sheffield Protest at libdem conference 2 of 2
12-03-2011 17:52

Repetition and Difference: Today's Demo in Manchester (March 5th)
05-03-2011 20:20
I’ve noticed that there wasn’t a report up on Indymedia about today’s March Against the Cuts organised by the Manchester Coalition against the Cuts so i thought I’d quickly write some thoughts up. Apologies if it’s not a very to the point report, I thought I’d have a crack at some “gonzo” journalism.Mark Kennedy encountered in London
18-02-2011 17:47
Ex undercover policeman Mark Kennedy is now back in the UK.The statement below has been verified by Fitwatch and the same statement will appear on their website shortly.
Interview with college students on education cuts and resistance
24-01-2011 10:27
Interview with a college student activist from Leeds, and testimony from others around the country, on the impact of government cuts, and the resistance to them.Full article | 1 addition | 19 comments
Advocating Domestic Extremism - Cops on Indymedia - An Exposé
23-01-2011 19:53

On April 27th, 2010, a comment appeared on the Indymedia UK newswire entitled Don't use SPEAK as a model. The comment, on an article entitled New animal lab at Leicester; New nationwide campaign to start urged readers to respond to the campaign by "Model{ling} the campaign on a successful AR campaign such as Hillgrove cats or Darnley(sic) Oaks etc". Readers familiar with those campaigns will be aware that the campaigns are alleged to have included violent actions against individuals, including a a letter bomb in the Hillgrove Cats campaign, and the removal of Gladys Hammond from her grave.
Full list of Gateway 303 and 202 posts to IMC UK
23-01-2011 19:30

Farewell to NETCU
23-01-2011 11:07
Corporate Watch published last week an article outlining a history of NETCU / NPOIU and other related units. It is long but it gives a pretty detailed overview of them, including their history and what they have been up to. The body of the text is below. To get the references in it see the original article at

Abuse of women by undercover police must stop now! Women's blockade on Monday
22-01-2011 17:26
Women in the UK should not have to worry about being sexually abused by policemen. It is as simple as that.In response, we call for women to come together for a blockade of Scotland Yard, in protest at political policing and in solidarity with all women who have been exploited by men they thought they could trust.