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UK Policing Newswire Archive

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Vandalism and the Protesters’ Response at Occupy Oakland (+ PICS)

03-11-2011 10:15

Get thousands of people out in protest and you can pretty much guarantee that some of them will cause trouble. This was the case at Occupy Oakland today as some protesters broke the windows of big banks and threw rocks. But, the majority of the protesters seem to have gotten the picture that peaceful protest is the way and have made a point to steer the Occupy Oakland events in the right direction and make sure the acts of a few are not seen as the style of the protest as a whole.

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Nepal :Police crackdown on the peaceful assembly of Tibetan exiles

03-11-2011 05:42

Our source who was present in the spot during the attack of police on peaceful Tibetan said Tibetan exiles held a memorial service at Jawalakhel Settlement on the outskirts of Kathmandu. Before that there was a notable presence of intelligence officials on that area. Police surrounded the venue for the religious service and blocked the entrance before the service started.

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Pigs who attacked car with baseball bats allowed to stay pigs

02-11-2011 13:40

Six on-duty Scotland Yard coppers attacked a suspected stolen car with baseball bats. The entire thing was caught on video. Today the resulting investigation found them guilty of discreditable conduct. Time for some cold hard justice, right?

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Manchester Mule: Mass sleep out to oppose new squatting laws

01-11-2011 09:59

Around 20 people slept outside the BBC on Oxford Road, Manchester last night to oppose new legislation that would criminalise squatting. An amendment to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill which has its first reading in the House of Commons today, Tuesday 1 November, will make it a criminal rather than civil offence to trespass in an empty residential property.

Campaigners also visited the constituency offices of Lib Dem MPs Mark Hunter (Cheadle Hulme) and Andrew Stunnel (Hazel Grove), leaving messages explaining the effects of homelessness on squatting.

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Squatting Demo Shut Down by Police

01-11-2011 06:10

Police have arrested at least a dozen people who were sleeping on the streets outside parliament in protest against the potential criminalisation of squatting. In a last minute amendment to their Legal Aid and Sentence Bill, the government will today be voting on Clause 26, which will make squatting in residential properties illegal. Hundreds of people met at different locations in London last night to express opposition to the Clause, and finally congregated at Parliament Square, where they were “kettled” and arrested en mass for trying to sleep on the streets.

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Trial date set and bail conditions removed

31-10-2011 14:29

The three defendants in the Lib Dem Banner Drop case appeared in court this morning for a committal hearing to set a court date and hear arguments to remove bail conditions.

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"Wake up and smell the cordite" Norways far-right Anders Breivik EDL link update

29-10-2011 22:36

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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New wave of anarchist direct action in Russia

29-10-2011 15:43

more news from the growing social war in the territory of the Russian state

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Know Your Rights training session

28-10-2011 17:15

Are you going to the demonstration in London on 9th November, or other protests?
Do you know your rights, and the powers that police use at demonstrations?

If not, or if you think you need your memory refreshed, come along to this event.
The session will be given by mmbers of the Green and Black team who have trained in legal observing, and have experience of protests and the law.

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“Animal welfare is not a priority” says Chief Constable Martin Richards

28-10-2011 16:41

Sussex Police have made it clear that animal welfare is not a priority

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Dale Farm: Report from the front line

27-10-2011 16:59

Wednesday 02 November 2011, 19:30
The Space Project 37-38 Mabgate Green, Leeds
Activists and Residents from Dale Farm report back from the front line in the antifascist struggle.

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LSX Occupation: What is this Machine?

27-10-2011 16:09

The Machine: What the hell is this?
This is a little late considering the London Occupation of Paternoster Square happened about 2 weeks ago; however the image of the machine in the picture, wheeled in by the Met during the demo, keeps nagging me. What the hell is it?

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"Injustice" Film at Ratstar, Thurs Oct 27th, 7pm

24-10-2011 20:55

"one of the most powerful fims ever made in this country"
On occasion of the 13th March against Deaths in Custody next Saturday October 29 (Trafalgar Square 12:30 pm) called for by the United Friends & Families Campaign (UFFC), a screening of the powerful and moving documentary about its origins.

Co-director Ken Fero will come for a Q&A after the film.

Thurs Oct 27th, 7pm @ rAtstar,

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Occupy Melbourne violently attacked by Police (for Queen's visit)

24-10-2011 11:44

Attack on Occupy Melbourne: Police Tactics from above
After six days of peaceful occupation of the city square, and five days before the Queen is due to visit Melbourne, Lord Mayor Robert Doyle warned that if the protestors didn't leave today they would be forcibly removed. The eviction was carried out by 400 police including riot police and dogs. Horses and capsicum spray were also used to attack the crowd at various times. (Repost from IMC Melbourne)

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UG#572 - Monopoly and Money (Contradictions of Capitalism)

21-10-2011 14:42

If competition is such a good thing, why is it not tolerated in areas of government or law? Or in the money system, which functions as a highly profitable private business? And what about cartel agreements which align the interests of multi-national corporations firmly against the interests of consumers? Are corporations really competing to bring better products to market more cheaply, or are they competing for control of government to grant them privileges?

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1 protester in Athens dead, pulpit whores blaming the revolutionairies

20-10-2011 16:28

1 'protester' dead of heart stoppage, a syndicalist (PAME-KKE stalinist) builder from Athens. He was guarding the parliament building to try to stop people attacking it! He died of heart failure. No signs of physical injury, unlike many others who attacked and were attacked in attempts to attack, and to defend, the parliament building. Still the stalinist KKE was determined to let the troika vote, and their actions were and will continue to be bloody.

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any info on big change - that Dale Farm eviction led by cops?

19-10-2011 23:40

(as far as I'm aware) all previous evictions of sites and protest camps have been by sheriff's officers, bailiffs and climbers, and you only get handed to the police once you're down/off whatever; the cops assist in certain roles, but that's very different from this eviction.

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Dale Farm, the reality of Green Belt in Basildon.

19-10-2011 21:51

Dale Farm and industrial Basildon.
This image shows at the bottom the traveller Dale Farm site which has not been extended beyond the perimeter that you see here. The site is pretty much the same now as it was back then, although recent images do appear to show some depopulation. You can also see at the top, large-scale development including a retail park, sports playing field's, and in the top right hand corner, a large industrial park containing factories, businesses and some large international corporations. The rent paid by these businesses and corporations is way and above enough to help find the travellers a place to go. The dividing line between these developments is the A127, a very busy arterial road that runs from London right through to Southend on Sea. It is one of the busiest arterial roads in England.