UK Policing Newswire Archive
"Dale Farm travellers' site eviction starts " BBC
19-10-2011 06:32
Kicking off according to BBCDale Farm appeal rejected, eviction expected soon
17-10-2011 16:18
The Court of Appeal has just rejected the residents' right to a judicial review, which means that Basildon Council will be able to come on to conduct an eviction from now onwards. We need activists to come down for active resistance and support roles as soon as possible.Harwood not on trial for another 8 months
17-10-2011 09:50
Greece: Freedom for imprisoned anarchists - demonstration
16-10-2011 12:59

Just been watching the BBC...FAIL
16-10-2011 10:13
They were doing a roundup in St. JamesJust giving some outside feedback. Sorry its brutally honest, but better that than mincing words. Sort it out!
Undercover police agent publicly outed at conference
15-10-2011 18:41

UG#570 - The Fundamental Wrongness of 'Rights' (Law as Fiction)
15-10-2011 09:36

Second Open Letter to those concerned with the progress of our enemies
14-10-2011 01:59

Reports from Occupations, Part 1: Portland
13-10-2011 13:04

Sentencing From Student and Anti Cuts Protests As Of 10/10/11
12-10-2011 07:42
Boston Police Brutally Assault Occupy Boston
12-10-2011 00:08

Birmingham Guild Reinstate the Vice President Education Mobilisation!!!
11-10-2011 13:00
Edd Bauer was arrested on Friday the 16th of September after unfurling a banner at the liberal democrat conference saying “Traitors Not Welcome, Hate Clegg Love NCAFC”. He has been constantly fighting to defend education through grass roots campaigning which he pledged to do in his manifestoOn Tuesday 27th of September Edd Bauer was suspended as the vice president of education “indefinitely”. Stop Fees and Cuts Birmingham are calling for Edd’s reinstatement to his position with immediate effect and are calling for national mobilisation.
MI5 recruiting telephone spies in West Midlands
11-10-2011 11:20
MI5 will be eavesdropping on the telephone conversations of Arabic speaking people in the West Midlands during the OlympicsThe role of the police in the occupations
11-10-2011 10:40

Ceilidh Benefit Night For Antifascist Prisoners
10-10-2011 13:03
A benefit organised by supporters in London. Info about the case at Sounds like it'll be a great night.Antifascist Prisoners Leaflet
10-10-2011 09:49

German capital slowed down by several strikes of sabotage
10-10-2011 08:00
This morning we slowed down the German capital and its function as a global player in the export of armaments!Acts of sabotage at several important cables of the “Deutsche Bahn AG” force Berlin into a break mode. Communication systems are disturbed. Many regional and long-distance trains are late or not running at all.
Policing public order - the manual
07-10-2011 16:14

Local police forces are now little armies. Why?
07-10-2011 07:31