UK Policing Newswire Archive
Police misconduct: Green Black Cross launches appeals for information.
13-12-2010 18:45
Witness police brutality/misconduct in the student demos? Visit the website and get in touch...
The MET's published photos. Advice for those identified.
13-12-2010 16:28

If you or one of your mates is one of them, you’ll be worried and unsure about what to do. Before you do anything, read this first.
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Personal accounts of time inside the student protest kettles
13-12-2010 11:31

As the ConDems and their corporate journos froth at the moth, calling for yet more repression of protesters, little corporate reportage is given of events as experienced by the protesters themselves. Accounts from inside the kettles are being published on many different sites. On this site, we have already seen accounts posted to Indymedia by A level student Rosie Bergonzi kettled in Parliament square on December 9th, along with the reposted article The Fight For Parliament and the informative Capitalism is dying, let it burn. This thread is an attempt to draw in more eye witness accounts from inside and outside the kettles during the recent student protests.
Capitalism is dying, let it burn – Report From the Front Line of the London Mob
12-12-2010 18:43

Having successfully escaped my college before they attempted to imprison us again, following the events of the 24th, when our tyrant deputy head locked the gates, resulting in many of us just climbing over them anyway, I began my journey to Malet Street.
Demonstration for Alfie Meadows - Tuesday 14th December London
12-12-2010 12:30
Friends of Alfie MeadowsTuesday 14th December
1pm. New Scotland yard,
8-10 Broadway,
London SW1H 0BG
London Tuition Fees Demonstration (09/12/2010) - Part 2
11-12-2010 18:41

I arrived in Parlaiment Square at approximately 2:30pm, by which time there were already several thousand other people there.
Student Fightback - another great anti-cop tactic brings rewards
09-12-2010 23:45

18 Arrests Brighton TopShop Tax Dodge Demo
04-12-2010 22:24
Sat 4 Dec: 8 Superglued in 'Tax Dodger' Christmas Window Display + Brighton TopShop branch closed all day!Eight protestors arrested for superglueing themselves inside shop windows demonstrating against Sir Philip Green's tax evasion. Other protestors kettled for hours in freezing conditions leading to additional arrests and forced to give details. Part of UK Against the Cuts 'National Day of Action Against Tax Avoiders'
Lewisham: Town hall riot?
02-12-2010 12:48

Secondly, the militant nature of the demo meant that it was the first time the riot police were called to defend a town hall meeting that was about to vote to implement Tory cuts. It was our own Millbank Tower moment, and it almost worked.
Fitwatch call for resistance to data gathering and breach of the peace advice
02-12-2010 00:55
During the protests yesterday the police went into a data gathering frenzy. From FIT teams searching and photographing occupying students in Oxford, to police arresting and processing 139 protesters for ‘breaching the peace’ in London, gathering intelligence has clearly been a key objective of police operations.Full article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Met Police begin profiling student protests
01-12-2010 12:29

Yesterday’s student demonstration in London ended in a mass arrest of 144 people, being described by protesters and legal groups as an exercise in information gathering by Metropolitan Police.
After being surrounded by moving ‘kettles’ throughout the day, Police forced protesters back to Trafalgar square where at 6.20pm a Kettle was formed around the remaining people followed by their mass arrest for breach of the peace.
Ashley, who was inside the demo last night, said “The police took me from the kettle with another person to be searched and questioned in front of cameras. They told us that if we gave our details we would be released but after giving my name, address and date of birth I was arrested.”
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A Brief History of Kettling
29-11-2010 19:14

The process of kettling involves lines of police forcefully corralling people together into a space then surrounding the whole group on all sides preventing them from leaving the cordoned-in area. Any attempt by people to leave the cordon would result in physically being attacked by police (usually with batons, often with riot shields, boots and fists) in order to preserve the kettle. Detention in this manner would last several hours. After people have become bored, tired and cold they would be released in a controlled fashion, usually one person at a time, after being searched, photographed and had their names and addresses taken.
Creative Workshop No.1 How To Make a Kettle Busting Reinforced Banner
28-11-2010 13:02

As used successfully by our Italian cousins!
The EDL, Preston & The Police
28-11-2010 09:33
The EDL caused the usual ruckus in Preston and Nuneaton yesterday whilst this week the police claim they are not a right wing extremist group.A brief history of “kettling” and why The Police Riot.
28-11-2010 05:13
Following the events of the least few weeks we need to take time to re read:How To Break The Kettle: An Illustrated Scientific Guide
28-11-2010 00:34

A brief history of "kettling"
27-11-2010 20:56

first they came for FITwatch, then
27-11-2010 15:49
Cops making proposals to be able more easily to shut down sites they don't like, without oversight.