UK Policing Newswire Archive
BBC lie about events surrounding Ian Tomlinson's death
18-06-2012 21:17

Day of Action in Solidarity with prisoner John Bowden
16-06-2012 15:23

Late report on Jubilee Prison Demo
16-06-2012 15:20

undercover cops - more shit emerges
13-06-2012 23:02
I'm sure this is not the last we'll hear of Mark Stone/Kennedy (undercover cop that infiltrated eco-resistance movement, using entrapment and sexual relationships) and his ilk.Brighton solidarity for Marie Mason and Eric McDavid
10-06-2012 17:42

Sussex police unleash their new weapon: 'crowd psychology'
08-06-2012 19:53

Activists to distribute Alternative Report at G4S AGM
07-06-2012 09:07

A demonstration will take place outside the meeting at the London Stock Exchange from 12:30pm. More info:

Abolish the IPCC' Campaign your support wanted
05-06-2012 13:32


Citizens on Patrol Sussex
04-06-2012 12:52
If I becomer Sussex’s Police & Crime Commissioner said David Joe NeilsonI will set up CITIZENS ON PATROL SUSSEX
A Poem for the Diamond Jubilee
02-06-2012 19:55
Elizabeth is Head of the Church, of the State and of the Army,Contemplation of her powers is enough to drive you barmy.
As Commander in Chief of the Forces she can start and end a war,
But God forbid the latter – the top brass and she want more.
Brighton anti fascist actions prove a valuable lesson
02-06-2012 19:35

Ex-police spy Mark Kennedy's current business activities
01-06-2012 13:59
Mark Kennedy, who was exposed as a police infiltrator of various movementsin the UK and beyond in October 2010, is still, after the collapse of his
police career, actively seeking to operate as a private consultant. He
appears to be based in the US, although this is not certain.
Police & Crime Commissioner For Sussex
31-05-2012 17:04
Beaten up & disabled by far right thug - 5 witnesses but police refuse to charge
21-05-2012 01:03

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
Authoritiarian capitalism bears its teeth - Blockupy Frankfurt as it happened
20-05-2012 06:40
Critical Legal Thinkings operatives have been in Frankfurt to blog the astonishing police crackdown that has been going on. Read our liveblog of the events, and see our photos and links at our website.Policing the Crisis Today - New pamphlet
16-05-2012 09:27
We had 'Pop sociology', well now we've got punk criminology! This could be an early contender for the pamphlet of the year award?“Policing the Crisis Today”, 44 pages, printed in A5 and A4 sizes
Published by Cl@ss War Classix; Mayday 2012, £1, ISSN 2042-048X
Captain Paul Watson Arrested In Frankfurt, Germany on Warrant Issued by Costa Rica
14-05-2012 14:34

New Police Strategy in New York – Sexual Assault Against Peaceful Protestors
14-05-2012 13:30

A few weeks ago I was with a few companions from Occupy Wall Street in Union Square when an old friend — I’ll call her Eileen — passed through, her hand in a cast.
“What happened to you?” I asked.
“Oh, this?” she held it up. “I was in Liberty Park on the 17th [the Six Month Anniversary of the Occupation]. When the cops were pushing us out the park, one of them yanked at my breast.”
“Again?” someone said.
We had all been hearing stories like this. In fact, there had been continual reports of police officers groping women during the nightly evictions from Union Square itself over the previous two weeks.
“Yeah so I screamed at the guy, I said, ‘you grabbed my boob! what are you, some kind of fucking pervert?’ So they took me behind the lines and broke my wrists.”
Disrupting the Community at the Bank of England
14-05-2012 07:38
May 12 saw a global day of action in over 380 cities. Occupy London started the day with a teach-out on the steps of St Paul’s. A buzz was in the air, spirits were high, and the sunshine bright, as James Meadway from the New Economics Foundation, NHS activist Dr. Jackie Turner, Ragnhild Freng Dale from Occupy London, Lisa Egan from Disabled People Against Cuts, John Cooper QC (Counsel for Occupy London v. Corporation of London), Sirio Canos Donnay (15M Indignados and Occupy London), and Costas Douzinas from Birkbeck University, gave talks organised by Tent City University. The crowd was 500-700 people strong, and included both old and new faces, who sat down to listen to what was said. John Cooper QC remarked that “if the sun is shining in London, it means that God is on your side”, an apt remark considering Occupy London’s complex history with the Church of England.
12M at Bank of England Pics
13-05-2012 14:55

People reached the Royal Exchange at about 4pm. There was a Metropolitan police presence at all points along the route, some attempts to contain the demonstration and what at times appeared to be unreasonable force, including batons being drawn.
Later the police moved in against the assembly and made numerous violent arrests - pics to follow.